Analyzing the simulation output =============================== .. _section-output-files: Inchman output files -------------------- All output files are stored in the current working directory (see :ref:`section-inchman`). If Inchman is invoked from the :ref:`section-editor` or using the :ref:`wrapper script `, the following files will be created in the working directory: * ``stdout.txt.`` The standard log file for the given job. The first place to look for errors. * ``stderr.txt.`` The standard error file for the given job. * ``job_.h5`` The :ref:`HDF5 File `. * ```` The Open-CL code for the kernels used by the Gillespie solver (only present if the model contains reactions). * ```` The Open-CL code for the inhomogeneous diffusion kernels (only present if the inhomogeneous solver is selected) * ```` The Open-CL code for the homogeneous diffusion kernels (only present if the homogeneous solver is selected) * ```` The Open-CL code for the kernels used by the deterministic solver (only present if the deterministic solver is selected) The HDF5 File ------------- The simulation output is stored in the corresponding HDF5 file (see :ref:`section-HDF5`). The files can be read out by the standard HDF5 tools. Inchman also comes with a variety of Python helpers that can be used to extract all information from the Inchman output file and analyse it using Numpy. Using Python for Analysis ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Python in combination with Numpy is the recommended way to analyse Inchman output. All input-output functionality is provided by the model ```` which can be loaded by :: import Reading in the state arrays """"""""""""""""""""""""""" The state array can be read in using the function ``, deterministic=False)``:: >>> n, times, species, nruns ='job_0', deterministic=False) If the deterministic solver was used, you have to set the ``deterministic`` keyword to ``True``. In this case, the state array will be of type ``FLOAT`` instead of ``INT``. The variable ``nruns`` now contains the number of runs. The array ``species`` gives the species that were defined in the model: >>> species array(['A'], dtype='>> times array([ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]) .. warning:: Note that the output dumps are sorted lexically, i.e. the output at time ``10`` comes before the dump at time ``2``. That means that you might have to order the time stamps numerically first, for example through >>> tind = numpy.argsort(times) Finally, the five-dimensional state array ``n`` gives the number count for each run (first index), each output number (second index), each species (third index) at each subvolume (fourth and fifth indices): >>> import numpy >>> numpy.shape(n) (10, 6, 1, 512, 512) For example, to display species 'A' for run number '3' at time '4' you can use: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot >>> matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(n[3,4,0,:,:]) >>> Reading in the field arrays """"""""""""""""""""""""""" If the model contains :ref:`field parameters `, the fields can be read using ``read_field(filename, fieldname)``: >>> tracefield ='/home/matthias/xibalba/temp/results/job_0.h5', 'traceField') >>> numpy.shape(tracefield) (10, 6, 512, 512) The first index denotes the run, the second index denotes the time stamp and the last two indices give the subvolume. .. _analysis-individuals: Simulations involving Individuals """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" If the simulations involves :ref:`individuals`, the position and ID of every individual can be read out using the function ``, species)``: >>> n ='/home/matthias/xibalba/temp/results/job_0', 'A') The result is a dictionary, where the keys denote the output dump number: >>> n.keys() dict_keys(['Dump_1', 'Dump_0', 'Dump_3', 'Dump_2', 'Dump_5', 'Dump_4']) The elements are 64 bit unsigned integers which contain the cell position in the lower 32 bits and the individual id in the higher 32 bits: >>> n['Dump_1'] array([108512348822306, 245749438833965, 413115724425990, ..., 346741299916537, 179899000336154, 231030586001694], dtype=uint64) The module ``gpgmp.individuals`` provides a function to separate the position/id pairs: >>> import gpgmp.individuals >>> pos, ids = gpgmp.individuals.split_keys(n['Dump_1']) >>> pos array([ 88866, 91437, 92934, ..., 175865, 175898, 182558], dtype=uint64) .. note:: If the user is only interested in the number of individuals per subvolume, she can read in the state array just normally as described above.