research project

My main research interest lies in the determination of atomic-scale structure in inorganic materials, with emphasis on nanoscale crystals, crystalline defects and aperiodic phases (incommensurate crystalline phases, quasicrystals, but also curved graphitic structures). 

n addition to the fact that structure is a fundamental starting point to the science and engineering of materials and minerals, understanding the mechanisms of solid-state nucleation and growth is my main motivation for determining atomistic structure.

To achieve this I use a variety of techniques available in the great versatile tool that is transmission electron microscopy (TEM), in particular atomic resolution imaging techniques such as high-angle annular dark field (HAADF) scanning (S)TEM and high-resolution TEM in conventional and aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopes. If necessary I also use scanning electron microscopy (SEM). All these (and more!) are available at the wonderful Monash Centre for Electron Microscopy.

The current projects described below constitute my main
research activities; I am also involved in other studies requiring TEM.

Atomistics of Nucleation and Growth of Solid-State Precipitates in Light Alloys

Light alloys such as aluminium and magnesium alloys are important engineering materials. They also constitute very nice model systems for the study of solid-solid phase transformations, such as the nucleation and growth of a crystalline phase from another crystalline phase. We use high-resolution STEM to experimentally determine the structure of crystal precipitate phases and defects, and, through collaboration with computational materials experts, construct atomistic models for the mechanisms of phase transformations.

Specific Areas of Interest:theta-prime
            HAADF-STEM image

Selected Relevant Publications:
  • Zezhong Zhang, Rosalie, Medhekar and Bourgeois. Acta Mater. 174 (2019) 116.
  • Zezhong Zhang, Bourgeois, Rosalie, Medhekar. Acta Mater. 132 (2017) 525.
  • Yong Zhang, Zezhong Zhang, Medhekar and Bourgeois. Acta Mater. 141 (2017) 341.
  • Y. Chen, ..., Medhekar and Bourgeois. Acta Mater. 125 (2017) 340.
  • Bourgeois, Medhekar et al. PRL 111 (2013), 046102.
  • Bourgeois, Zhang, Li and Medhekar. Acta Mater. 105 (2016) 284.
  • Bourgeois et al. Acta Mater. 60 (2012) 633; Acta Mater. 59 (2011) 7043; Phil. Mag. Lett. 90 (2010) 819.
  • Rosalie et al., Acta Mater. 69 (2014) 224; Acta Mater. 60 (2012) 6033; Acta Mater. 59 (2011) 7168.
Please check the publication page for more details


Current Project Members:
  • Qingbo Jia (Ph.D.), co-supervised with X. Wu, M. Weyland and P. Rometsch
  • Xiaofen Tan (Ph.D.), co-supervised with P. Nakashima
  • Shiqi Liu (Ph.D.), co-supervised with J.F. Nie
  • Yunhe Zheng (Ph.D.), co-supervised with J.F. Nie

  • Zezhong Zhang (Ph.D. 2018; Research Fellow 2018)
  • Yong Zhang (Ph.D. 2019)
  • Dr Yiqiang (Kelvin) Chen (Research Fellow 2016-2017)
  • Dr Hui (Issac) Zhang (Research Fellow 2017-2018)
  • Julian Rosalie (Ph.D., 2006)
  • Sally Goh (Ph.D.)
  • Jasmine Shih (Ph.D.)
  • Shen Wu (4th year Materials Science & Engineering, 2018)
  • Hannah Pollock (4th year Materials Science & Engineering, 2018)
  • Amalia Tsalanidis (4th year Materials Science & Engineering, 2015)
  • Yiming Fu (4th year Materials Enginering, 2014)
  • Ke Deng (4th year Materials Enginering, 2011)
  • Houssam Benmansour (4th year Materials Enginering, 2009)
  • Amy He (4th year Materials Enginering, 2012)
  • Yao Qiu (4th year Materials Enginering, 2012-13)
  • Zezhong Zhang (4th year Materials Enginering, 2013)
  • Onkit Chai (4th year Materials Enginering, 2013)
  • Nasyriq Zainudin (4th year Materials Enginering, 2013)
  • Aurélie Lancien (overseas graduate, 2009)
  • Gwenaël Bougaran (overseas graduate, 2007)
  • Tim Wong (vacation student, 2005-6)

Curved Graphitic Structures

Specific Areas of Interest:BCN

Selected Relevant Publications:
  • Bourgeois et al. Cryst. Growth & Design 11 (2011) 3141.
  • Bourgeois et al. PRB 61 (2000) 7686.
Please check the publication page for more details



Structure of Modulated and Aperiodic Phases



Other Projects

         Quantitative Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction (led by A/Prof. Philip Nakashima)
         Students:     Xiaofen Tan (Ph.D.)
                            Mrigi Munjal (IITB-Monash undergraduate internship student)

         Alumni:       Tianyu Liu (Ph.D. 2019)

Nanostructure Stabilisation of energy materials (led by Prof. Sankara Tatiparti, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, co-supervised with A/Prof. Nikhil Medhekar)

Student: Alhad Parashtekar (Ph.D.)

Porous Silicon for Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) Applications

Alumni: Kamran Khajehpour (Ph.D., 2014), co-supervised with Dr Tim Williams and Prof. Sam Adeloju