FIT5900: Introduction to Multimedia Programming


Project Information

Modelling Seashells

Graphics with OpenGL:

The Basics:

Documentation on the graphics routines/library is available:

Your code which contains calls to graphics routines will need to have the following includes:

To link to the graphics library in your code add the following to your makefile:

E.g. A simple compile looks like this...

g++ -I/usr/include/GL somefile.c somefile2.c -lGL -lglut -lGLU

(But use a makefile, not a command-line compile like this! Of course you might also need to link to some other libraries such as the maths library - just put these in before the links to the graphics libraries.)

The graphics code can be downloaded now (save the file as a text file)!


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Last updated:March 2, 2001 6:33 PM Maintained by: