CSE2305 - Object-Oriented Software Engineering
Week 5

Topic 9: C++ Inheritance


Inheritance in C++

An example

class Name
        Name(void)   { myName = 0; }
        ~Name(void) { delete[] myName; }

        void SetName(char* n)
                myName = new char[strlen(n)+1];
                strcpy(myName, n);

        void Print(void) { cout << myName << endl; }

        char* myName;

class Contact: public Name
        Contact(void) { myAddress = 0; }
        ~Contact(void) { delete[] myAddress; }

        void SetAddress(char* c)
                myAddress = new char[strlen(c)+1];

        void Print(void)
                cout << myAddress << endl;

        char* myAddress;

int main(void)
        Contact c;

        c.SetName("Kath Day-Night");
        c.SetAddress("137 Lakeside Drive");


What a derived class¤¤ inherits

What a derived class¤¤ doesn't inherit

What a derived class¤¤ can add

What happens when a derived-class¤ object is created and destroyed

  1. Space is allocated (on the stack or the heap) for the full object (that is, enough space to store the data members¤¤ inherited from the base class¤¤ plus the data members¤¤ defined in the derived class¤¤ itself)
  2. The base class¤¤'s constructor¤ is called to initialize the data members¤¤ inherited from the base class¤¤
  3. The derived class¤¤'s constructor¤ is then called to initialize the data members¤¤ added in the derived class¤¤
  4. The derived-class¤ object is then usable
  5. When the object is destroyed (goes out of scope or is deleted) the derived class¤¤'s destructor¤ is called on the object first
  6. Then the base class¤¤'s destructor¤ is called on the object
  7. Finally the allocated space for the full object is reclaimed

    Suggestion: Don't take my word for it!

    How could you write a set of classes that demonstrate this sequence of calls? Write a simple program to put the lecture notes to the test.


Public vs private inheritance¤

Another example

class Setter
        void Set(char*& variable, char* value)
                variable = new char[strlen(value)+1];

class Name: private Setter
        Name(void)  { myName = 0; }
        ~Name(void) { delete[] myName; }

        void SetName(char* n)
        { Set(myName,n); }

        void Print(void)
        { cout << myName << endl; }

        char* myName;

class Contact: public Name
        Contact(void)  { myAddress = 0; }
        ~Contact(void) { delete[] myAddress; }

        void SetAddress(char* c)
        { Set(myAddress,c); }   // ERROR! WHY?

        void Print(void)
                cout << myAddress << endl;

        char* myAddress;

int main(void)
        Contact c;

        c.SetName("John McClane");
        c.SetAddress("137th floor, Nakatome Towers");


Protected access

Initializer lists¤


This material is part of the CSE2305 - Object-Oriented Software Engineering course.
Copyright © Alan Dorin, Jon McCormack & Damian Conway, 1998–2006. All rights reserved.