Making links and breaking codes:
A public lecture to celebrate the centenary of mathematician Bill Tutte

7pm Tuesday 5th December 2017
South 1 lecture theatre, 43 Rainforest Walk, Monash Clayton

Professor Graham Farr
Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University

William (Bill) Tutte (1917-2002) became a research mathematician while still an undergraduate at Cambridge in the late 1930s, broke the toughest Nazi codes while at Bletchley Park in the Second World War, and became one of the greatest mathematicians of the 20th century. His wartime work sparked the secret construction of Colossus, one of the first-ever computers, and saved countless lives. After the war, he led the development of the mathematics of networks, known as Graph Theory. His work was usually inspired by pure curiosity or entertaining puzzles, but has been applied in domains as diverse as electrical circuits, statistical physics and information visualisation. This talk tells the story of Tutte's life, mathematics and code-breaking to a broad audience.

Attendance is free and open to anyone. No booking is required. Also see:

This lecture forms part of a worldwide programme of events to mark the centenary of Tutte's birth.