CSE3301/CSC3010 3rd year project
Semester 1, 2001 Probabilistic sports prediction using machine learning Lecturer : Dr. David Dowe, School of CS SE, Faculty of IT, Monash University, Australia This page is mainly up to date but maybe a little out of date. Stay tuned.
Please see here: www.csse.monash.edu.au/~sid/admin/csc3000-project-topics2001-1.html#Dowe instead. Class List, 2001. University's and Faculty's policies on cheating. Notes concerning CSE3301/CSC3010 project report and approximate schedule. Recommended reading
Probabilistic footy-tipping competition: http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~footy: tipper rankings and computer auto tippers.
Additional reading
D L Dowe, G E Farr, A J Hurst and K L Lentin, "Information-theoretic football tipping", Technical Report #96/297, Dept Computer Science, Monash University, Melbourne, 11pp, 1996.
Possible additional reading
D L Dowe and N Krusel: A decision tree model of bushfire activity, (Technical report 93/190) Dept Computer Science, Monash University, Melbourne, 7pp, 1993.
Student WWW sites
Ryan Baird and Laurie Brown's probabilistic NRL tipping page.
Paul Ewert's NRL WWW site.
Jason Gray's Mountain Bike World Cup WWW site.
Roland Huber and Andrew Choo's Formula 1 WWW site.
Hui Wing Chit (Sam)'s NBA project.
Leo Keith's probabilistic tipping competition for Italian soccer.
Terry Lam's NBA Probabilistic Tipping site.
Meeting times and venues
Wednesdays 1:00 - 2:00pm; and venues (CAREFUL, please note that the venue is liable to change).
Consultation times and venue for discussion, etc.
Monday 5:00 - 6:00pm;
Clayton Bldg 26 (CS), Room 103 or Room 102.
CSE3301/CSC3010 3rd year project topics
CSE3301/CSC3010 3rd year project topics, and
Dr David Dowe's Probabilistic sports prediction using machine learning.

Monash Library
Monash Library and catalogue. Honours links
Honours information, 1999 projects and some of my Hons. projects.
More on Kullback-Leibler distance, probabilistic footy-tipping and probabilistic prediction.
Postgraduate study - some options
Postgraduate Course Information.
Calendar of Minimum Message Length (MML) research meetings.
Other links of possible interest
Probabilistic prediction and Kullback-Leibler distance (in football).
(pseudo-)random number generation software in Fortran :
uniform (for multinomial), Gaussian (Normal), von Mises (circular) and Poisson.

TheHungerSite, TheRainforestSite and "do-goody"/"improving the world".