----------------------------------------------- Changes in v2.2.0 compared to v2.1.1 ----------------------------------------------- dprice (63): BUG FIX/regression with int*8 and int*1 definitions in sphNG data read less verbose warning if no gas particles (warns for first file only) BUG FIX with sink particle read in phantom small dumps catches problems with vector labelling in data reads updated jules data read to handle his latest format added CMRmap colour scheme: A colormap for effective black and white rendering of colour scale images implemented splash to grid in 2D added splash to gadget option to convert files to basic gadget code format build dependency fixed (thanks to Shazrene Mohamed) confusing/obsolete linkerror diagnostic stuff removed from Makefile kernel swapping implemented (using SPLASH_KERNEL environment variable): applies to ALL interpolation routines openMP bugs fixed with kernel swapping stuff bug fix with memory allocation in splash to grid if npixels exceeds int4 limit bug fix with openMP in splash to grid + kernel swapping kernel swapping implemented as menu option in r) menu; also choice saved to splash.defaults, overrides SPLASH_KERNEL setting new kernel module added interactive mode prints help screen automatically on first call implemented floating/inset and customisable colour bar options vastly improved the menu interface for adding/editing shapes/annotation better error handling with ctrl-t in interactive mode if hit array limits for text shapes added new prompt_list module for list-based menus; shapes menu now implemented using this animation sequences menu uses new list prompting module: much less confusing unused variable warning fixed compiler warnings fixed updated version info uses print_shapeinfo to pretty-print shapes during plotting .anim files no longer used, animation sequence options now just saved to splash.defaults; much less confusing better question about buffered data added kernel function for M5 quartic squashed to 2h line break before interactive help (looks nicer) get_columns no longer prints number of columns (less verbosity) ascii data read prints column assignment info only for first file read consistent definition of lastplot done in page_setup; printing of plot limits less verbose for multiple steps-per-page Makefile uses FC, FFLAGS instead of F90C, F90FLAGS; also version number checked for gfortran compatibility compile error in gfortran 4.7 fixed compiler warning fixed footnote fixed minor bug with string indexing fixed bug fix with weird limit-changing behaviour with a) on surface density/toomre Q plots BUG FIX with splash to ascii if coordinate transform set (now works) integrated kernel table setup does not print anything changecoords and changeveccoords routines moved to geomutils module bug fix with velocities in cylindrical coords + calc quantities if radius is relative to tracked particle splash to ascii uses origin settings if cyl/sph coords are used commented out cruft removed bug fix with allowed range of columns in render prompts if extra quantities present much faster r-z and non-cartesian rendering bug fix with gadget HDF5 read with dark matter only + no gas automatically turns on plotting of dark matter particles if no gas particles read; dependencies rejigged to enable this (set_coordlabels moved; also does not reread coord labels when resetting coord system) minor changes to comments bug fix: GSPLASH_DARKMATTER_HSOFT now works with gadget hdf5 read bug fix with axes colours in residual error plots titles continue on next page if ntitles > nacross*ndown added gresho vortex exact solution bug fix with axes being redrawn with multiple steps per page (looks odd in eps) maxshapes increased to 32 rendering in non-cartesian coords uses normalised interpolation if 3rd dimension is not a length docs updated for 2.2.0 v2.2.0