CoReLG CHANGELOG Version 0.1: first version Version 0.2: - changed global variable "sqrt" to "Sqroot" - changed "isom" to "corelg.isom" Version 1.0: - status changed to "accepted" - changed "SqrtFieldEltCoefficients" to "CoefficientsOfSqrtFieldElt" - changed "CartanSubalgebras" to "CartanSubalgebrasOfRealForm" - modified the manual Version 1.01: - corrected minor things in the manual - added MathJax to html manual Version 1.02: - works now also for matrix Lie algebras (replaced some "Flat" by "Concatenation", see corelg.myflat) Version 1.1: - moved website to - replaced command "LOADED_PACKAGES" - added realtheta.g (CarrierAlgsOfNilpOrbsInZGrading etc) Version 1.20: - just changed version number :) Version 1.50: - corrected two names of real forms in the IdRealForm functionality - new version of RealWeyl (for the connected component of the real forms of complex adjoint) - made CarrierAlgsForNilpOrbsInZ(m)Grading - IdRealForms now also for direct sums of simple real forms