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Glookbib search for: zz0517

%T America's Cup
%D 1994
%K sail, sailing, yacht, yachting, race, boat, America's, Americas, cup, AC95,
   sport, fun, funn, www, HREF, http, zz0517
%X [www]['17] (#35: 26/5-27/6 2017).
   Was [www][7/'01],
       [AC 1995].

%A R. W. Floyd
%T Algorithm 245: Treesort
%V 7
%N 12
%P 701
%D 1964
%K jrnl, CACM, c1964, c196x, c19xx, zz0517, sort, sorting, binary, heap,
%X theta(N) time
   -- [doi:10.1145/355588.365103]['17].

%A L. Babai
%T Graph isomorphism in quasipolynomial time
%J arXiv
%D 2015
%O Proc. 48th Annual ACM SIGACT Symp. on Theory of Comp. (STOC),
   pp.684-697, 2016
%K TR, conf, STOC, c2015, c201x, c20xx, zz0116, zz0517, maths, graph, string,
   isomorphism, algorithm, graphs, group, coset intersection, quasipolynomial,
   complexity, Luks, local certificate, unaffected stabilizers, Helfgott
%X "We show that the Graph Isomorphism (GI) problem & the related problems of
   String Isomorphism (under group action) (SI) & Coset Intersection (CI) can be
   solved in quasipolynomial (exp((log n)O(1))) time. The best prev. bound for
   GI was exp(O(sqrt(n log n) where n is the # of vertices (Luks, 1983); for the
   other two problems, the bound was similar, exp(O~(sqrt n)), where n is the
   size of the permutation domain (Babai, 1983). The alg. builds on Luks's SI
   framework & attacks the barrier configurations for Ls's alg. by group
   theoretic 'local certificates' & combinatorial canonical partitioning
   techniques. We show that in a well-defined sense, Johnson graphs are the only
   obstructions to effective canonical partitioning"
   -- 1512.03547@[arXiv]['15].
   (Excitement in 2015, will it stand scrutiny?)
   (Also see STOC 2016 [doi:10.1145/2897518.2897542]['16].)
   ("...  On Jan 4 I announced that Harald Helfgott pointed out an error in the
   analysis of my Graph Isomorphism test. The error invalidated my previous
   claim of quasipolynomial efficiency. ... On Jan 7 I discovered a replacement
   for the recursive call in the 'Split-or-Johnson' routine that had caused the
   problem. With this modification, I claim that the Graph Isomorphism test
   runs in quasipolynomial time (now really) ..."
   -- LB@[www][9/1/2017].)
   [Also search for: maths graph isomorphism].

%A K. Iwama
%A J. Teruyama
%T Improved average complexity for comparison-based sorting
%J arXiv
%D 2017
%K TR, c2017, c201x, c20xx, zz0517, sort, sorting, MergeInsertion, algorithm
%X "... studies the avg complexity on the # of comparisons for sorting algs.
   Its info.-theoretic lower bound is (n lg n - 1.4427n+O(log n)). For many
   efficient algs, the first (n lg n) term is easy to achieve & our focus is on
   the (-ve) const. factor of the linear term. The current best value is -1.3999
   for the MergeInsertion sort. Our new value is -1.4106, narrowing the gap by
   some 25%. An important building block of our alg. is 'two-elt insertion,'
   which inserts two #s A & B, A < B, into a sorted seq. T. This insertion
   alg. is still sufficiently simple for rigorous math. analysis & works well
   for a certain range of the length of T for which the simple binary insertion
   does not, thus allowing us to take a complementary approach with the binary
   -- [arXiv]['17].

%A S. Jo
%A S. Joannou
%A D. Okanohara
%A R. Raman
%A S. Rao Satti
%T Compressed bit vectors based on variable-to-fixed encodings
%V 60
%N 5
%P 761-775
%D 2017
%K jrnl, COMPJ, c2017, c201x, c20xx, zz0517, bit vector, compressed, sparse,
   rank, select
%X "We consider practical implementations of compressed bitvectors, which
   support rank & select operations on a given bit-string, while storing the
   bit-string in compressed form. ... flexible and promising soln to the problem
   of supporting rank & select on moderately compressible bit-strings, such as
   those encountered in real-world applications."
   -- [doi:10.1093/comjnl/bxw103]['17].

%A S. Edelkamp
%A A. Elmasry
%A J. Katajainen
%T Heap construction - 50 years later
%V 60
%N 5
%P 657-674
%D 2017
%K jrnl, COMPJ, c2017, c201x, c20xx, zz0517, algorithm, data structure, binary,
   heap, sort, sorting, heapify
%X "... constructing a binary heap in an array using only a small amount of
   additional space. Let N denote the size of the input, M the capacity of the
   cache, & B the width of the cache lines of the underlying computer, all
   measured as numbers of elts. We show that there exists an in-place
   heap-construction alg. that runs in theta(N) worst-case time & performs at
   most 1.625N+o(N) elt comparisons, 1.5N+o(N) elt moves, N/B+O(N/M·lgN) cache
   misses, & 1.375N+o(N) branch mispredictions. The same bound for the # of elt
   comparisons was derived & conjectured to be optimal by Gonnet & Munro;
   however, their alg. requires theta(N) pointers. For a tuning parameter S, the
   idea is to divide the input into a top tree of size theta(N/S) s.t. each of
   its leaves root a bottom tree of size theta(S). When S=theta(lgN/lglgN), we
   can convert the bottom trees into heaps one by one by packing the extra space
   needed in a few words, & subsequently use Floyd's sift-down procedure to
   adjust the heap order at the upper levels. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1093/comjnl/bxw085]['17].
   [Also search for: Williams heap] and [also search for: Floyd heap].

%A R. Subramanian
%A L. Allison
%A P. J. Stuckey
%A M. Garcia de la Banda
%A D. Abramson
%A A. M. Lesk
%A A. S. Konagurthu
%T Statistical compression of protein folding patterns for inference of
   recurrent substructural themes
%J Data Compression Conf. (DCC)
%W Snowbird, Utah, USA
%P 340-349
%D 2017
%K conf, DCC, MolBio, c2017, c201x, c20xx, zz0517, protein, tertiary, 3D,
   super secondary, structure, motif, motifs, pattern, blocks, library,
   discovery, description, aic, MDL, minimum message length, MML,
   LAllison, AMLesk, ArunK
%X "Computational analyses of the growing corpus of three-dimensional (3D)
   structures of proteins have revealed a limited set of recurrent substructural
   themes, termed super-secondary structures. Knowledge of super-secondary
   structures is important for the study of protein evolution and for the
   modeling of proteins with unknown structures. Characterizing a comprehensive
   dictionary of these super-secondary structures has been an unanswered
   computational challenge in protein structural studies. This paper presents an
   unsupervised method for learning such a comprehensive dictionary using the
   statistical framework of lossless compression on a database comprised of
   concise geometric representations of protein 3D folding patterns. The best
   dictionary is defined as the one that yields the most compression of the
   database. Here we describe the inference methodology and the statistical
   models used to estimate the encoding lengths. An interactive website for this
   dictionary is available ..."
   -- [more]
   &  [doi:10.1109/DCC.2017.46]['17].
   (Also see [protein].)

%A P. J. Yang
%A M. LaMarca
%A C. Kaminski
%A D. I. Chu
%A D. L. Hu
%T Hydrodynamics of defecation
%J Soft Matter
%V ?
%D 2017
%K jrnl, c2017, c201x, c20xx, zz0517, biol, biology, poo, NASA challenge
%X "... we investigate the defecation of mammals from cats to elephants using
   the dimensions of large intestines & feces, videography at Zoo Atlanta,
   cone-on-plate rheological measurements of feces & mucus, & a math. model of
   defecation. The diameter of feces is comparable to that of the rectum, but
   the length is double that of the rectum, indicating that not only the r. but
   also the colon is a storage facility for feces. Despite the length of r.
   ranging from 4 to 40cm, mammals from cats to elephants defecate within a
   nearly constant duration of 12+/-7 sec. (N=23). We rationalize this
   surprising trend by the model, which shows that feces slide along the large
   intestine by a layer of mucus, similar to a sled sliding through a chute.
   Larger animals have not only more feces but also thicker mucus layers, which
   facilitate their ejection. Our model accounts for the shorter & longer
   d.times assoc. with diarrhea & constipation, respectively. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1039/C6SM02795D]['17].
   (Runner up in the NASA poo challenge [www]['17].
   And also see [bbc][1/5/2017].)
   [Also search for: urination ignobel]. Is this a bid for another prize?

%A P. Stephan
%A R. Veugelers
%A J. Wang
%T Reviewers are blinkered by bibliometrics
%J Nature
%V 544
%N 7651
%P 411-412
%D 2017
%K news, views, c2017, c201x, c20xx, zz0517, bibliometrics, journal, impact,
   JIF, JIFs, science, university, academic, scientific research, grant, grants,
   ARC, ERC, NSF, NIH, quality, Leiden manifesto, risk, innovation, novelty,
   publishing, referees, refereeing, peer review, reviewer, REF, papers,
   publish or perish, misuse
%X "There is a disconnect between the research that reviewers purport to admire
   and the research that they actually support. As participants on multiple
   review panels and scientific councils, we have heard many lament
   researchers' reluctance to take risks. Yet we've seen the same panels eschew
   risk and rely on bibliometric indicators for assessments, despite widespread
   agreement that they are imperfect measures ... analysed citations in more
   than 660,000 research articles published in 2001 to see how risky research
   tracks with JIFs and citation counts. Our proxy for risky research is whether
   a paper cites new combinations of journals in its reference list, taking into
   account the likelihood of such combinations. ...  Universities: [should]
   adopt as standard practice a requirement that committees actually read
   candidates' research [[radical!]], as is done in the REF exercise. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1038/544411a]['17].
   [Also search for: publish perish]  and  [also search for: peer review].

%A H. P. de Vladar
%A E. Szathmary
%T Beyond Hamilton's rule
%J Science
%V 356
%N 6337
%P 485-486
%D 2017
%K news, views, c2017, c201x, c20xx, zz0517, human, animal, behaviour,
   Hamilton's rule, HR, Hamilton, relatedness, kin, society, altruism,
%X "Why do worker bees give up their own reproduction in favor of other
   offspring of the queen? Does this make sense from a Darwinian point of view,
   which prescribes maximization of reproductive success? ... Most experts in
   evolution agree that the first detailed, and essentially correct,
   explanation for altruistic behavior was given by Hamilton in 1964. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1126/science.aam6322]['17]  (12 refs).
   [Also search for: Hamilton rule].

%A E. Gibney
%T The quest to crystallize time
%J Nature
%V 543
%N 7644
%P 164-166
%D 2017
%K news, c2017, c201x, c20xx, zz0517, physics, Wilczek, time cystal, timeCrystal
%X "Bizarre forms of matter called time crystals were supposed to be physically
   impossible. Now they’re not. ... Time crystals are hypothetical structures
   that pulse without requiring any energy - like a ticking clock that never
   needs winding. The pattern repeats in time in much the same way that the
   atoms of a crystal repeat in space. The idea was so challenging that when
   Nobel prizewinning physicist Frank Wilczek proposed the provocative concept
   in 2012, other researchers quickly proved there was no way to create time
   crystals.  But there was a loophole ..."
   -- [doi:10.1038/543164a]['17].
   [Also search for: timeCrystal].

%A J. Zhang
%A et al ...
%A C. Monroe
%T Observation of a discrete time crystal
%J Nature
%V 543
%N 7644
%P 217-220
%D 2017
%K news, c2017, c201x, c20xx, zz0517, physics, Wilczek, discrete, time cystal,
%X "Spontaneous symmetry breaking ... An example is the breaking of spatial
   translational symmetry, which underlies the formation of crystals & the
   phase transition from liquid to solid. Using the analogy of crystals in
   space, the breaking of t. s. in time & the emergence of a 'time crystal' was
   recently proposed but was later shown to be forbidden in thermal equilibrium.
   However, non-equilibrium Floquet systems, which are subject to a periodic
   drive, can exhibit persistent time correlations at an emergent subharmonic
   freq. This new phase of matter has been dubbed a 'discrete time crystal'. ...
   present the experimental observation of a discrete time crystal, in an
   interacting spin chain of trapped atomic ions. We apply a periodic
   Hamiltonian to the system under many-body localization condns, & observe a
   subharmonic temporal response that is robust to external perturbations. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1038/nature21413]['17].
   [Also search for: timeCrystal].

%A S. Choi
%A et al ...
%A M. D. Lukin
%T Observation of discrete time-crystalline order in a disordered dipolar
   many-body system
%J Nature
%V 543
%N 7644
%P 221-225
%D 2017
%K news, c2017, c201x, c20xx, zz0517, physics, Wilczek, discrete, time cystal,
%X "... advances in the controlled manipulation of isolated many-body systems
   have enabled detailed studies of non-equilibrium phases in strongly
   interacting quantum matter ... report the experimental observation of such
   discrete time-crystalline order in a driven, disordered ensemble of about one
   million dipolar spin impurities in diamond at room temperature. We observe
   long-lived temporal correlations, experimentally identify the phase boundary
   & find that the temporal order is protected by strong interactions. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1038/nature21426]['15].
   [Also search for: timeCrystal].

%A O. Dardha
%A D. Gorla
%A D. Varacca
%T Semantic subtyping for objects and classes
%V 60
%N 5
%P 636-656
%D 2017
%K jrnl, COMPJ, c2017, c201x, c20xx, zz0517, type, types, typing, check,
   checking, programming languages, OOP, object, class
%X "... propose an integration of structural subtyping with boolean connectives
   & semantic subtyping to define a Java-like prog. lang. that exploits the
   benefits of both techniques. Semantic subtyping is an approach for defining
   subtyping relation based on set-theoretic models, rather than syntactic
   rules. ... While semantic subtyping is naturally linked to the structural
   one, we show how our framework can also accommodate the nominal subtyping.
   Several [egs] show the expressivity & the practical advantages ..."
   -- [doi:10.1093/comjnl/bxw080]['17].

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