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Glookbib search for: zz1020

%A S. Arora
%T Polynomial time approximation schemes for Euclidean traveling salesman and
   other geometric problems
%V 45
%N 5
%P ?-?
%D 1998
%K jrnl, JACM, c1998, c199x, c19xx, zz1020, Euclidean traveling salesman, ETSP,
   TSP, geometric, metric, problem, approximation algorithm,
   Minimum Steiner Tree, kTSP
%X "... a polynomial time approximation scheme for Euclidean TSP in fixed
   dimensions. For every fixed c>1 & given any n nodes in R^2, a randomized
   version of the scheme finds a (1+1/c)-approx. to the optimum ...tour in
   O(n(log n)^{O(c)}) time. When the nodes are in R^d, the running time incr. to
   O(n(log n)^{(O(sqrt(c)))^{d-1}}). For every fixed c, d the running time is
   n.poly(log(n)), that is nearly linear in n. The alg. can be derandomized, but
   this increases the running time by a factor O(n^d). The prev. best approx.
   alg. for the problem (due to Christofides) achieves a 3/2-aprox. in
   polynomial time. We also give similar approx. schemes for some other NP-hard
   Euclidean problems: Minimum Steiner Tree, k-TSP, & k-MST. (The running times
   of the alg. for k-TSP & k-MST involve an additional multiplicative factor k.)
   The prev. best approx. algs. for all these problems achieved a const.-factor
   approx.. We also give efficient approx. schemes for Euclidean Min-Cost
   Matching, a problem that can be solved exactly in polynomial time.  All our
   algs. also work, with almost no modification, when distance is measured using
   any geometric norm (such as L_p for p>=1 or other Minkowski norms). They also
   have simple parallel (i.e., NC) implementations."
   -- [doi:10.1145/290179.290180]['20].
   Also see TSP@[wikip]['20].

%A Karl Hasselstrom
%T Fast Division of Large Integers. A Comparison of Algorithms,
   Master's Thesis
%I Comp. Sci., Royal Inst. of Tech., Stockholm
%D 2003
%K c2003, c200x, c20xx, zz1020, fast, integer division algorithm, arithmetic,
%X -- [www]['20],
   Also see
   [Also search for: integer arithmetic algorithm].

%A D. Harvey
%T An exponent one-fifth algorithm for deterministic integer factorisation
%J arXiv
%D 2020
%K TR, c2020, c202x, c20xx, zz1020, prime number, factorisation, factorization,
   factoring, composite, integer, algorithm
%X "Hittmeir recently presented a deterministic alg. that provably computes the
   prime factorisation of a +ve integer N in N^{2/9+o(1)} bit operations. Prior
   to this breakthrough, the best known complexity bound for this problem was
   N^{1/4+o(1)}, a result going back to the 1970s. ... we push H's techniques
   further, obtaining a rigorous, deterministic factoring alg. with complexity
   -- 2010.05450@[arXiv]['20].
   [Also search for: integer factorisation].

%A D. Sumanaweera
%A L. Allison
%A A. S. Konagurthu
%T Bridging the gaps in statistical models of protein alignment
%J arXiv
%D 2020
%K TR, MolBio, c2020, c202x, c20xx, zz1020, MML, protein alignment, sequence,
   DPA, stats, model, gap, indel, indels, substitution, scoring, matrix,
   proteins, PAM, BLOSUM, PFASUM, MMLSUM, HMM, minimum message length, MDL,
   information, Dinithi, LAllison, ArunK
%X "... demonstrates how a complete statistical model quantifying the evolution
   of pairs of aligned proteins can be constructed from a time-parameterised
   substitution matrix and a time-parameterised 3-state alignment machine. All
   parameters of such a model can be inferred from any benchmark data-set of
   aligned protein seqs.. This allows us to examine nine well-known sub.matrices
   on six benchmarks curated using various structural alignment methods; any
   matrix that does not explicitly model a 'time'-dependent Markov process is
   converted to a corr. base-matrix that does. [&] a new optimal matrix is
   inferred for each of the six benchmarks. Using Minimum Message Length (MML)
   inference, all 15 matrices are compared in terms of measuring the Shannon
   information content of each benchmark. This has resulted in a new & clear
   overall best performed time-dependent Markov matrix, MMLSUM, & its assoc.
   3-state m/c, whose properties we have analysed in this work. For std use, the
   MMLSUM series of (log-odds) scoring matrices derived from the above Markov
   matrix, are available at "
   -- 2010.00855@[arXiv]['20].

%T Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1933–2020)
%J Nature
%V 586,
%P 355-355
%D 2020
%K Bader Ginsburg, Ruth, RBG, zz1020, notorious, obit, obituary, USA,
   Supreme Court, judge, law, legal, jurisprudence
%X "US Supreme Court justice, champion of equity, environment, democracy. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1038/d41586-020-02857-6]['20].

%A L. Mlodinow
%T Stephen Hawking: A memoir of friendship and physics
%I AllenLane
%P 240
%D 2020
%K Hawking, Stephen, c2020, c202x, c20xx, zz1020, Physics, biog, biography,
%X 1st ed 2020; pb us$22; isbn:0241438098; uk us isbn13:978-0241438091
   [Also search for: Stephen Hawking obit].

%T Jorma J. Rissanen (20/10/1932 - 9/5/2020)
%D 1938-2020
%K Rissanen, Jorma, MDL, obit, obituary, biog, zz1020
%X -- [www]['20].
   [Also search for: MDL].

%A B. S Weinstein
%A D. Ciszek
%T The reserve-capacity hypothesis: evolutionary origins and modern implications
   of the trade-off between tumor-suppression and tissue-repair
%J Exp. Gerontology
%V 37
%N 5
%P 615-627
%D 2002
%K jrnl, MolBio, c2002, c200x, c20xx, zz1020, reserve capacity hypothesis,
   telomere, telomeres, telomerase, Greider, mice, mouse, lab, laboratory, long,
   risk, risks, age, ageing, PMID11909679, antagonistic pleiotropy
%X "Antagonistic pleiotropy, the evol. theory of senescence, posits that age
   related somatic decline is the inevitable late-life by-product of adaptations
   that increase fitness in early life. That concept, coupled with recent
   findings in oncology & gerontology, provides the foundation for an
   integrative theory of vertebrate senescence that reconciles aspects of the
   'accumulated damage', 'metabolic rate', and 'oxidative stress' models. We
   hypothesize that (1) in vertebrates, a telomeric fail-safe inhibits tumor
   formation by limiting cellular proliferation. (2) The same system results in
   the progressive degradation of tissue function with age. ...  We observe that
   captive-rodent breeding protocols, designed to increase reproductive output,
   simultaneously exert strong sel'n against reproductive senescence & virtually
   eliminate sel'n that would otherwise favor tumor suppression. This appears to
   have greatly elongated the telomeres of lab.mice. With their telomeric
   failsafe effectively disabled, these animals are unreliable models of normal
   senescence & tumor formation. Safety tests employing these animals likely
   overestimate cancer risks & underestimate tissue damage & consequent
   accelerated senescence."
   -- [doi:10.1016/s0531-5565(02)00012-8 ]['20].
   Also see T@[wikip]['20].

%A B. Boras
%A et al ...
%A C. Allerton
%T Discovery of a novel inhibitor of Coronavirus 3CL protease as a
   clinical candidate for the potential treatment of COVID-19
%J bioRxiv
%D 2020
%K TR, MolBio, c2020, c202x, c20xx, zz1020, PF-07304814, PF07304814,
   PF-00835231, PF00835231, Mpro, 3CLpro, Pfizer, protease, inhibitor,
   phosphate, covid19, SARS-CoV-2, SARSCov2, therapy
%X "...  The designed phosphate prodrug PF-07304814 is metabolized to
   PF-00835321 which is a potent inhibitor in vitro of the coronavirus family
   3CLpro, with selectivity over human host protease targets. Furthermore,
   PF-00835231 exhibits potent in vitro antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2
   as a single agent and it is additive/synergistic in combination with
   remdesivir. We present the ADME, safety, and in vitro antiviral activity
   data to warrant clinical evaluation."
   -- [bioRxiv]['20].
   [Also search for: MolBio 3CLpro inhibitor].

%A J. Kaiser
%T Found: genes that sway the course of the coronavirus
%J Science
%V 370
%N 6514
%P 275-276
%D 2020
%K news, views, MolBio, c2020, c202x, c20xx, zz1020, covid-19, covid19, SARS2,
   genes, severity, IFNAR2, OAS, DPP9, TYK2, baricitinib, CCR2, SLC6Z20, FOXP4,
%X "... a UK group studying more than 2200 COVID-19 patients has pinned down
   common gene variants that are linked to the most severe cases of the disease,
   and that point to existing drugs that could be repurposed to help ..."
   -- [doi:10.1126/science.370.6514.275]['20],

%A J. Hoffstein
%A J. Pipher
%A J. H. Silverman
%T NTRU: A ring based public key cryptosystem
%J Alg. Number Theory (ANTS III), Portland, OR
%D 1998
%V 1423
%P 267-288
%K conf, c1998, c199x, c19xx, zz1020, public key encryption, cryptography,
   NTRU, NTRUEncrypt, short, shortest vector problem, SVP, lattice based,
   polynomial ring, factoring
%X "We describe NTRU ..."
   -- [www]['20].
   Also see, "... relies on the presumed difficulty of factoring certain
   polynomials in a truncated polynomial ring into a quotient of two polynomials
   having very small coefficients. ... alg. problem of lattice red'n in certain
   lattices. ..."
   -- NTRU@[wikip]['20].
   [Also search for: lattice based cryptography].

%A C. A. Chapman
%A et al
%T Games academics play and their consequences: How authorship, h-index and
   journal impact factors are shaping the future of academia
%J Proc. Royal Soc. B: Biol. Scis.
%V 286
%N 1916
%P #20192047
%D 2019
%K jrnl, c2019, c201x, c20xx, zz1020, journals, JIF, DORA, impact, gaming, scam,
   academia, faculty, research, quality, university management, peer review,
   ARC, ERA, NSERC, citation cartel, KPI, KPIs, Hindex, publications,
   authorship, gamed, gaming, abuse, ethics, zzEthics
%X "... We first examine how authorship, h-index of individuals & [JIF] factors
   are being used & abused. Second, we speculate on the consequences of the
   continued use of these metrics with the hope of sparking discussions that
   will help our fields move in a +ve dir'n. We would like to see changes in the
   incentive systems, rewarding quality research & guaranteeing transparency.
   Senior faculty should establish the ethical stds, mentoring practices &
   institutional evaluation criteria to create the needed changes."
   -- [doi:10.1098/rspb.2019.2047]['20].
   [Also search for: university management].

%A R. Aldrich
%T GCHQ: Centenary Edition
%I HarperCollins
%P 720
%D 2020
%K book, text, c2020, c202x, c20xx, zz1020, GCHQ, UK, cryptography, MI5,
   spies, intelligence organisation, code breaking, Bletchley Park
%X 2020; pb us$22; uk us isbn: 0008351805; uk us isbn13:978-0008351809.
   "... GCHQ is the largest & most secretive intelligence organisation in the
   UK, and has existed for 100 years - but we still know next to nothing
   about it. ..."

%A N. N. Trakakis
%T Wayne's world: How universities are crushing academics
%D 2020
%K news, view, research, c2020, c202x, c20xx, zz1020, university management,
   academia, toxic, Grimm, Imperial College London, ICL, ARC, Australia, ERA,
   grants, rankings, leadership, deans, deanitis, Faculty, KPI, KPIs
%X "... The rise and effects of this pathology have been well documented by
   Australian academic John Smyth in his book, The Toxic University. He points,
   for example, to a 2011 study of staff in 16 Australian universities, which
   found that academics feel berated and denigrated, rather than inspired and
   supported, by their research leadership. The malaise, according to Smyth,
   lies largely in the reduction of higher education to a business enterprise,
   driving university leaders to place their faith in 'gaming the market of
   academic casino capitalism' - just consider the ERA scheme. ..."
   -- [www][29/9/2020].
   [Also search for: university management].

%A B. Devore-McDonald
%A E. D. Berger
%T Mossad: Defeating software plagiarism detection
%J arXiv
%D 2020
%K TR, c2020, c202x, c20xx, zz1020, computer programming, plagiarism, detect,
   detector, detection, student, university, homework, cheat, cheating
%X "... Mossad, that defeats popular s/w plagiarism detection tools. Mossad
   comprises a framework that couples techniques inspired by gen.prog. with
   domain-specific knowledge to effectively undermine plagiarism detectors.
   ... effective at defeating four plagiarism detectors, inc. Moss & JPlag.
   Mossad is both fast & effective: it can, in minutes, generate modified
   versions of programs that are likely to escape detection. More insidiously,
   because of its non-det. approach, Mossad can, from a single program,
   generate dozens of variants ..."
   -- 2010.01700@[arXiv]['20].

%T Prime number theorem
%D 1896
%K c1896, c189x, c18xx, zz1020, prime number theorem, PrimeNumberTheorem, PNT,
   primes, numbers, distribution, Hadamard, de la Vallee Poussin, Riemann zeta
%X "... proved independently by Jacques Hadamard & Charles Jean de la Vallee
   Poussin in 1896 using ideas introduced by Bernhard Riemann (in particular,
   the Riemann zeta function) ... pi(N) ~ N/log(N) where pi(N) is the
   prime-counting fn ... for large enough N, the probability that a random
   int. not greater than N is prime is very close to 1/log(N).  [So] a random
   int. with at most 2n digits (for large enough n) is about half as likely to
   be prime as a random int. with at most n digits. ..."   [[NB. N=2^n.]]
   -- PNT@[wikip]['20].
   [Also search for: prime number distribution].

%A S. Khot
%T Hardness of approximating the shortest vector problem in lattices
%V 52
%N 5
%D 2005
%K jrnl, JACM, c2005, c200x, c20xx, zz1020, short, shortest vector problem, SVP,
   lattice, closest, CVP
%X "Let p > 1 be any fixed real. We show that assuming NP not subset RP, there
   is no polynomial time algorithm that approximates the Shortest Vector Problem
   (SVP) in l_p norm within a constant factor. ...
   -- [doi:10.1145/1089023.1089027]['20].
   Also see
   [Also search for: shortest vector lattice].

%A C. Koch
%T What is consciousness?
%J Nature
%V 558
%P S8-S12
%D 2018
%K news, views, essay, c2018, c201x, c20xx, zz1020, mind, consciousness, NCC,
   neuronal correlates of consciousness, brain, cerebellum, Tononi
%X "Consciousness is everything you experience. It is the tune stuck in your
   head ... What is it about a highly excitable piece of brain matter that gives
   rise to consciousness? Once we can understand that, we hope to get closer to
   solving the more fundamental problem. We seek, in particular, the neuronal
   correlates of consciousness (NCC), defined as the minimal neuronal mechanisms
   jointly sufficient for any specific conscious experience. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1038/d41586-018-05097-x]['20].
   [Also search for: Consciousness].

%A J. Leskovec
%A A. Krevl
%T SNAP datasets: Stanford large network dataset collection
%D 2014
%K TR, c2014, c201x, c20xx, zz1020, network repository, networkRepository,
   networks, graphs, data, dataset, datasets, SNAP
%X -- [www]['20].
   [Also search for: networkRepository].

%A R. A. Rossi
%A N. K. Ahmed
%T An interactive data repository with visual analytics
%J SIGKDD Explor.
%V 17
%N 2
%P 37-41
%D 2016
%K TR, c2016, c201x, c20xx, zz1020, Network repository, NetworkRepository,
   networks, database, graphs, data, dataset, datasets, GraphViz, collection
%X -- [www]['20].
   [Also search for: NetworkRepository].

%A C. Monroe
%A J. Kim
%T Scaling the ion trap quantum processor
%J Science
%V 339
%N 6124
%P 1164-1169
%D 2013
%K jrnl, c2013, c201x, c20xx, zz1020, IonQ, quantum computer, computing,
   trap, trapped, ion
%X "Trapped atomic ions are standards for processing, serving as q.
   memories, hosts of q.gates in q.computers and simulators, and nodes of
   q.comm'n n/wks.  Q.bits ...
   -- [doi:10.1126/science.1231298]['20].
   Also see IonQ@[wikip]['20].
   [Also search for: quantum computer].

%A M. Van Raamsdonk
%T Spacetime from bits
%J Science
%V 370
%N 6513
%P 198-202
%D 2020
%K jrnl, physics, c2020, c202x, c20xx, zz1020, cosmology, space, time, bits,
   spacetime, conformal field theory, quantum, entanglement, gravity,
%X "... Here, I demonstrate that this nongravitational system can be replaced
   with an arbitrarily large collection of noninteracting systems ('bits')
   placed in a highly entangled state. This construction makes manifest the
   idea that spacetime geometry emerges from entanglement between the
   fundamental degrees of freedom of quantum gravity and that removing this
   entanglement is tantamount to disintegrating spacetime. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1126/science.aay9560]['20].  (That's cleared it up.-)
   [Also search for: Raamsdonk physics].

%A P. van Emde Boas
%T Another NP-complete partition problem and the complexity of computing
   shortest vectors in a lattice
%R MI/UVA 81-04
%I Univ-Amsterdam
%D 1981
%K TR, NP, NPC, complete, CSci, computing, theory, vanEmdeBoas, van EmdeBoas,
   c1981, c198x, c19xx, zz1020, shortest vector problem, SVP, lattice, lattices,
   short vectors, SVP
%X -- [www]['20]
   Also see
   [Also search for: shortest vector lattice].

%A K. P. Madore
%A et al
%T Memory failure predicted by attention lapsing and media multitasking
%J Nature
%D 2020
%K c2020, c202x, c20xx, zz1020, mobile digital media, online, screens, memory,
   lapses, attention, concentration, remembering, multitasking
%X "... Here we examine whether spontaneous attention lapses - in the moment,
   across individuals & as a fn of everyday media multitasking - negatively
   correlate with remembering ... we show that tonic lapses in attention in the
   moment before remembering, assayed by posterior alpha power & pupil diameter,
   were correlated with reductions in neural signals of goal coding & memory,
   along with behavioural forgetting. ... Attention lapses partially account for
   why we remember or forget in the moment, & why some individuals remember
   better than others. Heavier media multitasking is assoc. with a propensity to
   have attention lapses & forget."  [online 28 Oct 2020]
   -- [doi:10.1038/s41586-020-2870-z]['20].

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