import*; // Find approximate palindromes, of cost up to k, in a given sequence. public class Screen { private static String [] shades = // light to dark grey { "#FFFFFF", "#F7F7F7", "#EEEEEE", "#DDDDDD", "#CCCCCC", "#BBBBBB", "#AAAAAA", "#999999" }; public static char[] readSeq(String fileName, String dontIgnore) // readSeq // A simple reader, you may want to use something else? // And one could consider bytes rather than chars. { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); try{ File inputFile = new File( fileName ); FileReader in = new FileReader(inputFile); int c; while((c = != -1) { if( dontIgnore.indexOf(c) < 0 ) continue; char ch = (char) c; sb.append( ch ); } } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println( "failed: " + e.getMessage() ); System.exit(1); }//catch String s = sb.toString(); char[] arr = new char[s.length()]; for( int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++ ) arr[i] = s.charAt(i); return arr; }//readSeq public static void peep(char[] s, int lo, int hi, int width) // show a string s, just the start and end if long. { if( width < 5 || hi-lo+1 <= width ) width = hi-lo+1; // show all else // width>=5 && width < hi-lo+1 width -= 3; // for the "..." for( int i = lo; i < lo+(width+1)/2; i++ ) // head System.out.print( s[i] ); if( hi-lo+1 > width ) // long, must skip some System.out.print("..."); for( int i = hi - width/2 + 1; i <= hi; i++ ) // tail System.out.print( s[i] ); }//show // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static int min3( int a, int b, int c) { return ( a < b ? ( a < c ? a : c ) : ( b < c ? b : c ) ); }//min3 public static int max3( int a, int b, int c) { return ( a > b ? ( a > c ? a : c ) : ( b > c ? b : c ) ); }//max3 public static boolean match(char c, char d) { return c == d; }//match public static boolean complement(char c, char d) // complement // for complementary palindromes, i.e. A--T and C--G; take your pick { switch(c) { case 'a': case 'A': return d =='t' || d == 'T'; case 'c': case 'C': return d =='g' || d == 'G'; case 'g': case 'G': return d =='c' || d == 'C'; case 't': case 'T': return d =='a' || d == 'A'; default: return false; } }//complement // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the naive algorithm public static void naive( char [] s ) // [0][0] [0][1] ... { int len = s.length; // [1][0] ... ... int d[][] = new int[len][len]; // [2][0] ... [i][j] int i, j, diag; for( i=0; i < len; i++ ) for( j=0; j < len; j++) d[i][j] = -1; // "clear" for( i=1; i < len; i++ ) d[i][i-1] = 0; // sub-diag' for( i=0; i < len; i++ ) d[i][i] = 0; // main-diag, ? 0 or 1 ??? for( diag=1; diag < len; diag++ ) // diag, diagonal, 1,2,3,... { for( i=0; i < len-diag; i++ ) { j = i+diag; // so diag=j-i d[i][j] = min3( d[i][j-1]+1, d[i+1][j]+1, d[i+1][j-1]+(match(s[i],s[j]) ? 0 : 1)); } } System.out.println(""); for( i=0; i < len; i++ ) // print the matrix { System.out.print(""); for( j=0; j < len; j++ ) { int dij = d[i][j]; String shade = shades[ dij <= 0 ? 0 : dij >= shades.length ? shades.length-1 : dij ]; String sij = i == j ? String.valueOf(s[i]) : dij >= 0 ? (dij <= 9 ? "_" : "")+Integer.toString(dij) : " "; System.out.print( " 0 ? (" BGCOLOR=\"" + shade) : "") + "\">" + sij + "" ); }//for j System.out.println("\n"); }//for i System.out.println("
\n"); }//naive // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the almost-always fast algorithm // Finding Approximate Palindromes in Strings Quickly and Simply // // Lloyd ALLISON, // School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, // Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia 3800. // // Technical Report 2004/162, 23 Nov. 2004 // // See: // // 10 March 2005: This code is released under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE // public static void fast( char [] s, int k, int maxHeapSize, boolean spaceEfficient ) // Find approximate palindromes of cost up to `k'. { int len = s.length; int nDiags = 2*len-1; // NB. palindrome odd, even, odd, ..., odd (!) int kSlices = k == 0 ? 1 : (spaceEfficient ? 2 : k+1); // two suffice int[][] reach = new int[nDiags][kSlices]; int nMatches = 0; int heapSize = 0; // heap/priority-Q of best prospects Pndrm[] heap = new Pndrm[maxHeapSize]; // Boundary conditions for(int d=0; d < nDiags; d++ ) // NB. palindrome odd, even, odd, ... (!) { reach[d][0] = 0; // might change for odd palindromes? int i = (d+1)/2, j = d/2; // (i,j) origin of diagonal d for( ; ; ) // might have an immediate matching run? { i--; j++; // next if( i < 0 || j >= len ) break; // fallen off end? nMatches++; // continues a run? if( match(s[i],s[j]) ) reach[d][0]++; else break;// extend or done? } } // diag: 0 1 2 3 4 -- NB. odd diag number ~ even palindrome and v.v.! // / / / / / // ---------. 5 // 0 1 1 2 2|/ -- Numbers show distances along each diagonal. // / / / / | 6 // 0 0 1 1 2|/ .--->j // / / / | 7 | // 0 0 1 1|/ | // / / / | 8 -- Always an odd number of diagonals. v // / 0 0 1|/ i // / / | // / 0 0| (Although fast does not actually use a d[][] matrix.) // eg. d3 // general step int thisDiffs = 0; for(int diffs=1; diffs <= k; diffs++ ) // for 1, 2, ... differences { int lastDiffs = thisDiffs; thisDiffs = (thisDiffs+1) % kSlices; // ~ space efficiency for(int d=diffs; d < nDiags-diffs; d++ ) // diagonal number d { int oddD = d & 1; // NB. odd diagonal number = even palindrome! int rch = max3(reach[d-1][lastDiffs] + oddD, reach[d ][lastDiffs] + 1, reach[d+1][lastDiffs] + oddD); // hop if( rch > (d+1)/2 ) rch = (d+1)/2; // stay in box if( rch > (nDiags-d)/2 ) rch = (nDiags-d)/2; reach[d][thisDiffs] = rch; int i = left(d, rch), j = right(d, rch, len); // interval [i..j] for( ; ; ) { i--; j++; // next if( i < 0 || j >= len ) break; // fallen off end? nMatches++; // continues a run? if( match(s[i],s[j]) ) reach[d][thisDiffs]++; else break; // extend? }//run }//for d the diagonal number }//for diffs for(int d=k; d < nDiags-k; d++ ) // choose best prospects... { int ke = k % kSlices; // effective k ~ space efficiency int i = left(d, reach[d][ke]), j = right(d, reach[d][ke], len); int i1 = d > k ? left(d-1, reach[d-1][ke]) : i; int j1 = d > k ? right(d-1, reach[d-1][ke], len) : j; int i2 = d < nDiags-k-1 ? left(d+1, reach[d+1][ke]) : i; int j2 = d < nDiags-k-1 ? right(d+1, reach[d+1][ke], len) : j; if((i >= i1 && j < j1) || (i > i1 && j <= j1) || // ?neighbour (i >= i2 && j < j2) || (i > i2 && j <= j2)) continue; // contains? Pndrm p = new Pndrm(d, reach[d][ke]); if( heapSize < maxHeapSize ) // not yet full... { heapSize++; heap[maxHeapSize-heapSize] = p; downHeap(heap, maxHeapSize-heapSize, maxHeapSize-1); } else if([0])) // full, but smallest (1st) is beaten... { heap[0] = p; downHeap(heap, 0, maxHeapSize-1); } }//for if( heapSize < maxHeapSize ) // then shift left to a[0..] for(int i=0; i < heapSize; i++) heap[i]=heap[i+maxHeapSize-heapSize]; for( int i = heapSize - 1; i > 0; i-- ) // now sort and print prospects { Pndrm tmp = heap[i]; heap[i] = heap[0]; heap[0] = tmp; // i.e. swap downHeap(heap, 0, i-1); // and restore (smaller) heap } // printing System.out.println("

fast(s[" + String.valueOf(len) + "], k=" + String.valueOf(k) + ", maxHeapSize=" + String.valueOf(maxHeapSize) + ", spaceEfficient=" + String.valueOf(spaceEfficient) + ")

\n"); // heading System.out.println( String.valueOf(nMatches) + " comparisons = " + String.valueOf(Math.round(10.0*nMatches/(len*(k+1)))/10.0) + " * (k+1) * n
\n" ); // statistics System.out.println( "
\n" );   // candidate palindromes...
      for( int i=0; i < heapSize; i++ )
       { System.out.print("palindrome " + String.valueOf(i+1) + " = "
            + "s[" + String.valueOf(left(heap[i].d,  heap[i].r))
            + ".." + String.valueOf(right(heap[i].d, heap[i].r, len))
            +  "], diag " + String.valueOf(heap[i].d)
            + ", reach " + String.valueOf(heap[i].r) + ", " );
         peep(s, left(heap[i].d,  heap[i].r),
                 right(heap[i].d, heap[i].r, len), 20); // to help locate it
      System.out.println( "
\n" ); if(len > 130) return; // tabular form, only for short sequences System.out.println(""); for(int diffs=k; diffs > k-kSlices; diffs-- ) { int big = -1; for(int d=diffs; d < nDiags-diffs; d++ ) // find biggest reach in row { int i = (d+1)/2 - reach[d][diffs%kSlices], j = d/2 + reach[d][diffs%kSlices]; if( i >= 0 && j < len && reach[d][diffs%kSlices] > big ) big = reach[d][diffs%kSlices]; } if( big < 0 ) continue; // all diagonals off the end for diffs System.out.print( ""); for( int dummy=0; dummy < diffs; dummy++ ) System.out.print( "" ); for(int d=diffs; d < nDiags-diffs; d++ ) { int i = (d+1)/2 - reach[d][diffs%kSlices], j = d/2 + reach[d][diffs%kSlices]; String sdd = "e"; // i.e. end of diagonal (paranoid programming) int under = 0; if( i >= 0 && j < len ) // i.e. proper region { sdd = String.valueOf(reach[d][diffs%kSlices]); under = big - reach[d][diffs%kSlices]; under = under < 0 ? 0 : under >= shades.length ? shades.length - 1 : under; } System.out.print(""); } System.out.println("\n"); }//for diffs System.out.println(""); for(int d=0; d < nDiags; d++ ) // put on some "coordinates" System.out.print(""); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("
" + String.valueOf(diffs) + ": "); System.out.print( sdd ); System.out.print("
d/10: "+(d%10==0?String.valueOf(d/10):"_")+"
\n"); // end of tabular form }//fast(...) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static int left(int diag, int reach) // auxiliary { int l = (diag+1)/2 - reach; return l >= 0 ? l : 0; } public static int right(int diag, int reach, int len) { int r = diag/2 + reach; return r < len ? r : len-1; } public static class Pndrm // a pair: < diagonal#, reach > { public int d, r; public Pndrm(int diagonal, int reach) { d = diagonal; r = reach; } public boolean beats (Pndrm p2) // i.e. what do you "prefer" ? { return this.r > p2.r || (this.r == p2.r && this.d < p2.d); } }//class Pndrm private static void downHeap(Pndrm[] h, int lo, int hi) // 0 // PRE: h[lo+1..hi] is a heap. 1 2 // POST: h[lo..hi] is a heap (with same contents). 3 4 5 6 { int parent = lo, child = (lo+1)*2-1; // NB. smallest elt on top Pndrm newElt = h[parent]; while( child <= hi ) { if( child < hi && h[child].beats(h[child+1]) ) child++; // i.e. right if( h[child].beats(newElt) ) break; h[parent] = h[child]; // move child up parent = child; child = (parent+1)*2-1; // i.e. left child } // Now newElt less than both children, if any, so... h[parent] = newElt; }//downHeap // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static void main(String[] argv) // main() { System.out.println("#---, L.A., 27/7/2004, CSSE, Monash, .au ---"); int k = 3; // default for(int i=0; i < argv.length; i++) // command line params if any System.out.println("# argv[" + i + "] = " + argv[i]); String select = ""; double fraction = 0.5; String fileName = ""; try { if(argv.length > 1) k = new Integer(argv[0]).intValue(); fileName = argv[argv.length-1]; // last param is the filename } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("usage: java prog_name [k] filename\n" + "default k = 3; runs through complexity tests if k < 0"); System.exit(1); }//catch char[] arr = readSeq( fileName, "acgtuACGTUrnyRNY" ); // INPUT THE STRING // NB. you may want to change the set of characters that are not ignored. System.out.print("# " + arr.length + "bp, "); peep(arr, 0, arr.length-1, 60); System.out.println(); // for(int i=0; i < (arr.length < 65 ? arr.length : 65); i++) // show a bit // System.out.print( arr[i] ); // System.out.println( arr.length > 65 ? "..." : "" ); if( arr.length <= 50) // O(n**2) space and time ! naive( arr ); // 1. the "obvious" algorithm if( k >= 0 ) fast( arr, k, 10, true ); // 2. faster, O(k*n) else // k < 0, run through some time-complexity tests { fast( arr, 0, 3, false ); // NB. here space for( k=1; k <= 16; k*=2 ) fast( arr, k, 3, false ); // in-efficient. } System.out.println("#--- end ---"); }//main }//Screen class // L.Allison, School of Comp. Sci. and SWE (CSSE), Monash U., Australia 3800. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------