Nimrod Portal Manual


Introduction - Installation

This section will cover the installation of the Nimrod Portal. It covers installing from the binary package and installing from the source. It also covers configuration.


This section has the following sections:

Installation requirements A description on what is required to run the portal.
Installation location Information in where to install the portal.
Installation from source Instruction on how to compile binaries from the source.
Install binaries Instructions on how to run the portal.
Configure WWW install Steps required in configuring the portal.
Configure remote WWW install Steps required in configuring a remote web server, separate to the portal/Nimrod server.
Set up the Nimrod Portal database The Nimrod Portal database
MOTD and the disclaimer Information on the MOTD and the Disclaimer.
Configuring the Nimrod bank How to configure Nimrod to use the Nimrod bank and configuring resources to report their cost.
Configuring Nimrod to use user certificate authentication Enable users to validate with certificates instead of using their username and password.
Diagnosing problems What to check and turning on debugging modes.
Common problems Some common problems of the installation.

Installation location

The Nimrod Portal does not dictate the installation location. We suggest you install it into /local/nimrodportal.

The Portal does not have an installation program so we suggest you unpack the distribution directly into the install directory.

As the users will never need to explore this directory, we suggest you chmod 711 nimrodportal to discourage curious users.

Installation requirements

The Nimrod Portal has three mandatory requirements. A web server, PostGres SQL and Nimrod.

The Nimrod Portal has been tested under Apache web server on Linux, SunOS and NetBSD with out any changes to the source. As the web server is only used to launch the portal's CGI script, there should not be many problems on other systems.

These instructions assume that the web server is installed on the Nimrod server. This is the easiest way to install the Nimrod Portal, however, it is possible to have the web server separate from the Nimrod install. We suggest you follow the install instructions and install on the Nimrod server. Then examine the two example files, np.ssh.cgi.example and np.sshd.example in the sbin directory. You will need a ssh key pair without a passphrase to connect to a user without rights on the Nimrod server.
NOTE: We have observed that ssh can use a lot of load on the web server. Please ensure that you have a device called /dev/*random and that ssh is enabled to use it.

As Nimrod's database backend currently is PostGres SQL, the Portal has been developed with PostGres. However, it may work with other SQL implementations, but have not found the need as Postgres is already installed with Nimrod.

The portal assumes that postgres has been configured with a default database set for every user. So when the Nimrod Portal calls upon Nimrod, Nimrod will connect to the user's default database. Postgres normally does not have a problem as it normally uses the user's name as the default database name. But we have had some installations that have no default.

Although the portal requires Nimrod, it does not need Nimrod to install. If the portal has been correctly installed, it will constantly report errors to the user until Nimrod is installed on the server.

Installation from source

Installation from the source requires very little customisation as it does not depend on many other system libraries. In most cases, it requires a make install (or gmake install), however for compatibility, there are a few configurable options in how the users password is checked. There are also some options on which type of resources the user is allowed to add.


Please continue the installation by following the "Install binaries" section of the manual.

Install binaries

Installing from the binaries only requires some minor configuration. The $NIMRODPORTAL_INSTALL/bin directory needs to have web server group ownership. This ensures that the Nimrod Portal installation is only accessible from the web server. Depending on your web server, the group may need to be set to www, apache or www-data (as a few examples). Please check with your web server configuration.

The directory where you have installed the portal files does not need to be added to the system path. However, if you have following external packages that integrate with the portal, you will need to copy them to the ${NIMRODPORTAL_INSTALL}/bin directory.

These packages are:
  • Nimrod/O  
If you have Nimrod/O version 2.5 or greater, copy the nimrodo and the Nimcache (and gamut if setting up Nimrod/OI) executables to the nimrodportal's bin directory. Instruction on configuring Nimrod/O for the portal are located in the Set up the Nimrod Portal Database section.
  • EnFuzion  
The Nimrod Portal can use the EnFuzion enfgenerator as an alternative to the Nimrod's one. This version gives better feedback when there are errors in the user's .pln files. Copy enfgenerator to the nimrodportal's bin directory. No further configuration is required.

Now that you have the portal configured, you'll need to set up the cgi script and Java/Image directories.

Configure Web install

This section will cover the steps to setting the portal up on your https server. The Portal has no restrictions on the URLs used to access the CGI script nor on the images/npapplets directories. In fact they can be located on different servers.

It is strongly advised that the portal is installed on an https server. When the user logs in, a clear text password is sent to the portal server. Using https, this is encrypted.

Setting up the images and npapplets

The Nimrod Portal has a number of images and Java Applets that it uses. These images and applets must be available to the user's web browser that is logged into the portal. The directories images and npapplet must be copied (or symbolically linked) to the web server. We suggest that you place them on an https server (like the CGI script) in order to avoid "Some items on this page are not secured. Display them anyway?" warning messages.

A note about Nimrod Databases

The Nimrod Portal assumes that Nimrod has been installed and that the user's database name is the default. In Postgres this is normally the user's username. Each user who needs to use the Nimrod Portal has to have their Postgres database setup before hand. Please follow the Nimrod installation instuctions to do so. There is an example script in $NIMRODPORTAL_INSTALL/sbin called nimrodnewuser that can be customized for your configuration.

Configuring the CGI script

The Nimrod Portal runs mainly from a CGI script. This CGI script will need to be placed in a cgi script directory on your web server. There is an example script in the sbin directory. Below is example script with settings that may require changing in blue.

The options descriptions are:

This must point to the location of where Nimrod is installed.
This must point to the location of where postgres in installed. It must be one directory down of its bin directory. E.g. if the psql command is in /usr/bin/psql, then this option must be /usr
This must point to the location of where the nimrod portal has been installed. It must be one directory down from the bin directory.
This must be the URL to parent of the npapplet and the images directory.
This must be the URL to this CGI script. The Nimrod Portal uses this to generate the URLs.
This must be set to the path of the Globus install. Both Nimrod and the Portal use this path to use Globus resources.
This must be set to the path of the PBS bin install. Nimrod uses this path to work with PBS.
This must be set to the full path of the Condor config file. Nimrod uses this file to work with Condor.
Nimrod uses these variables to work with SGE.

There are other options that may need to be changed in non-standard installations.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This is the example file for the main cgi script used for the 
# Nimrod Portal.  It needs to be customised to your resource.

# Options used by Nimrod
# Database type
# Nimrod install
# The PSQL installation directory
# The bin directory of qsub for PBS
# The Condor config file
# The type of sun grid engine installed
# The root directory SGE

# Options used by the Portal
# This install directory of the portal.
# This is the common URL for the images and applets.  The portal will
# append /images/ or /nvapplet/ to this URL.
# This is the URL for this script.
# This is the command the Portal will execute to establish a connection
# to the SQL database.  This is done as root.  The results back must 
# be comma separated.  The portal also expects that newline will
# terminate each request.  The following example should be on one line.
# And the comma must appear exactly after the -F
                      -F, -U nimrodportal -d nimrodportal -S"

# Globus install path

#  Options below may only need to be modified if you are having 
# problems with library paths etc.

export SGE_ARCH
export SGE_ROOT

export PATH


# Check that directory structure is accessible
if [ ! -x $NIMRODPORTAL_INSTALL/bin/nimrodportal.cgi ]
    echo Content-type: text/plain
    echo -n User \'`whoami`\' with group access\(es\) \'`groups`\'
    echo is unable to execute \'$NIMRODPORTAL_INSTALL/bin/nimrodportal.cgi\'

# Launch the portal.
exec $NIMRODPORTAL_INSTALL/bin/nimrodportal.cgi 2>/dev/null

Configure remote Web install

Nimrod and the Nimrod Portal can be installed on a server separate to the web server. These instructions should only be followed if you have Nimrod installed on a separate machine to your web server. This can be done by using SSH to tunnel the WWW connection to the Nimrod Portal installed on the Nimrod Server. This method can also be used using one machine to avoid problems with SELINUX.

The location of installed programs looks like this:

Computer AComputer B
  • Web server (e.g. Apache)
  • Nimrod/G
  • Nimrod Portal

Create a Nimrod Portal user on Computer B

As Computer A needs to SSH to Computer B, we suggest you create a restricted user account on Computer B. The account must have read and executable rights to the ${NIMRODPORTAL_INSTALL} directory. This user account will have to be added to pg_ident.conf described in the Configuring postgres configuration files.

Setting up the scripts and SSH files

The Nimrod Portal comes with two example files in the sbin directory which are needed to establish the ssh connection. On the web server side (Computer A), you will need a SSH private key and the public host key for Computer B (in the file known_hosts). On Computer B, you will need the public key for the user in the file authorized_keys2 in the user's .ssh directory. The file layout looks like this:

Computer AComputer B
All files on Computer A are located in the cgi-bin directory and must be owned by the web-server user and readable by only the owner (chmod og-rwx known_hosts nimrodportal_id):
  • np.ssh.cgi
  • known_hosts
    (contains the host key for Computer B)
  • nimrodportal_id
    (SSH user private key)
  • ${NIMRODPORTAL_INSTALL}/bin/np.sshd
  • ${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys2
    (contains the public key)

Obtaining these files can be done this way:

Configuring the Web server (Computer A)

As the Nimrod Portal is installed on another computer to the web server, it is required to copy both the images and the npapplet directories to the web server. Both these directories must reside under the same directory on the web server. E.g.: and>.

You will also need to set some environment settings in the np.ssh.cgi to instruct the script where the Nimrod Portal is installed. The two setting are: SSH_DESTINATION (in the form of username@nimrod.server) and NIMRODPORTAL_INSTALL which is the location of where the Nimrod Portal is installed on the Nimrod server (Computer B).

Configuring the Nimrod Portal scripts (on Computer B)

You will need to set the environment in np.sshd. np.sshd options are identical to np.cgi as described in Configure Web install. Where NIMRODPORTAL_URL must point to the URL on the Web server where the images and npapplet directories are (e.g. and NIMRODPORTAL_BIN_URL should point to the URL of the np.ssh.cgi script (E.g.

If successful, all connections to the cgi script on the web server (Computer A) will then redirect down SSH to Computer B's Nimrod Portal install.

Set up the Nimrod Portal database

The Nimrod Portal uses a Postgres database to hold miscellaneous information used at run time (such as user logged in information). It also holds configuration items such as Administrators and plugins. This section will cover configuring the Nimrod Portal to add Administrators and to add plugins. By default there are no plugins (including Nimrod/G).

Creating the Nimrod Portal user and database

The Nimrod Portal requires a SQL username and database to store user "login" information. To create the Nimrod Portal user, type this command as the user postgres.

createuser -A -D nimrodportal

Creating the database is described below. The nimrodportal user and database must be protected from other users. Here are a few tips:

Configuring postgres configuration files

As the nimrodportal database contains user rights, it is strongly suggested that this table is protected from other users. To do this, you have to configure postgres to allow connections to the nimrodportal database from only trusted users. To do this you'll need to add lines to two postgres configuration files, pg_hba.conf and pg_ident.conf.

This line must appear in the pg_hba.conf file before any other match. That is, it must be before the "local any any" line.

local  nimrodportal   nimrodportal                        ident nimrod

As the Nimrod portal is launched via the apache user and then the super user ID is set, you may need to map both apache and the root user to map into the nimrodportal database user.

nimrod        root              nimrodportal
nimrod        apache            nimrodportal

Initialising the Database

There are three steps to setting up the Nimrod Portal database:

All of these scripts read the sbinenv.conf file to find out the location of the Postgres commands. You may need to edit this file to include the full paths of the commands.

We suggest you create a script called npinit and have something like this in it:


# Init the database

# Add the administrators
./addadmin cme
./addadmin slavisa

# Add plugins

Congratulations: You are now ready to log into the Nimrod Portal!

MOTD and the Disclaimer message


Message of the day

If the file etc/motd off the Nimrod Portal installation directory is found, it will be displayed to every user only once, on each day they log in. This can be useful to notify users of upcoming downtime.

The command resetmotd located in the sbin directory will reset all users to see the motd again. This should be run after the file is updated so that current loggedin users will see the new message.

Disclaimer message

The Nimrod Portal enforces users to agree to "Terms and conditions". Automatically, the Nimrod disclaimer is presented first, however there is also a way to add to it. Anything found in the file etc/disclaimer off the Nimrod Portal installation directory is appended to this disclaimer.

The Nimrod Portal cannot be used by a user until the user accepts.

The command resetdisclaimer located in the sbin directory will reset all users to be prompted to acknowledge again.

Configuring the Nimrod bank services


Installing the plugin

Once the bank plugin has been installed, users must have credit in the bank to perform experiments. To install the plugin, run bank_plugin in sbin directory as instructed under Set up the Nimrod Portal database.

This will cause the Nimrod Portal to try to contact the bank to determine if the user has enough credit. To configure which bank to use, you will now configure the command the Portal will use to contact the bank. This is done in the $NIMRODPORTAL_INSTALL/bin script called accessbank. The example installed will only need the hostname and path to the bank's scipt updated. (Note, you may remove the globus command and host and use your locale server as the bank server, however, user's still must have a default proxy in order to be identified by the bank)

You will also need to add yourself as a bank manager. To do this, add your Globus certificate subject to the file $NIMRODPORTAL_INSTALL/bankdata/manager. Your subject must be quoted. Once you have done this, you can modify other user's balances under your balance section in the resource management section on the Portal.

Managing user's bank balance.

Configure a remote resource to report its cost.

This must be configured by the remote administrator as it requires root access. If the resource has not been configured to report its cost and the bank plugin has been installed, the user will not be able to use that resource. If the bank plugin has not been installed, the user can set the cost in the resource management section of the portal.

The Nimrod Portal will run the command located in the file /etc/nimrodresourcecost.conf on the remote resource. If this file or the command that it refers to is not there, then no cost information will be reported.

Example of the /etc/nimrodresourcecost.conf file:

The output from the program /usr/bin/nimrodresourcecost is of expected format. For a resource that has no quota, an example script will look like:

echo CostPerHour: 20
echo UserQuotaHoursLeft: -2
echo QuotaExpDate: Never 

The only no obvious setting is UserQuotaHoursLeft being -2. -2 represents unlimited quota. It is not used directly by Nimrod, but displayed to the user for the user to decide how to use the resource.

A more complicated example may look like this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo CostPerHour: 10

/opt/rash/bin/quotasu -P g14 | /bin/awk '{if ($1 == "Service" && $2 == "Units" && $3 == "remaining") print "UserQuotaHoursLeft: " $4}'

/opt/rash/bin/nf_limits | /bin/awk 'BEGIN{doit=0}{ if (doit == 1 && $2 != "") print "QueueRatio-" $1 ": " $2}{if (doit == 1 && $1 == "---------------------------------------------------------------------------") doit = 2}{if (doit == 0 && $1 == "---------------------------------------------------------------------------") doit = 1}'

MONTH=`/bin/date '+%m'`
if [ $MONTH -le 3 ]
        echo QuotaExpDate: 31-Mar-`date '+%Y'`
        if [ $MONTH -le 6 ]
                echo QuotaExpDate: 30-Jun-`date '+%Y'`
                if [ $MONTH -le 9 ]
                        echo QuotaExpDate: 30-Sep-`date '+%Y'`

                        echo QuotaExpDate: 31-Dec-`date '+%Y'`


This example is taken from the National Facility's lc cluster at APAC. This first section of the script outputs the cost to use the resource. The next line runs a command to determine how many CPU hours the user has left in their quota. The third command outputs the cost ratio for each of the queues. (E.g. the express queue costs three times the amount of the default queue). The last section determines when the user's quota will expire. In the case of the lc cluster, every three months. This script will output this:
CostPerHour: 10
UserQuotaHoursLeft: 50.00
QueueRatio-express: 3
QueueRatio-normal: 1
QueueRatio-bonus: 0
QueueRatio-interactive: 2
QueueRatio-copyq: 1
QuotaExpDate: 31-Dec-2004

The Nimrod Portal expects these values in this format. To check if the script is working, you can always select the "Collect information" button on the "Resource Management" page.

Configuring Nimrod to use user certificate authentication

Come back later.

Diagnosing problems


Check the log

There is a system.log in the log directory off the installation directory. This log keeps information on who logged in and reasons for users unable to log in. For more information, turn on full logging (later in this section).

A few things to try

The Nimrod Portal mostly relies on Nimrod as the Nimrod Portal is more of a viewer into Nimrod rather than a stand alone application. If Nimrod does not work, the portal will not work. Here are a few commands that the Portal calls upon at different stages. Please ensure that these commands work on the command line and return without an error value. If they work, make sure your environment is correct in the np.cgi script.

Portal PageNimrod command(s)
nimrod portalapi getexperiments
An experiment
nimrod portalapi getexpinfo <expname>
nimrod portalapi getdeadline <expname>
Creating an experiment (also used in reset)
nimrod portalapi addrun <expname> <exptype>
Deleting an experiment (also used in reset)
nimrod portalapi delrun <expname>
Saving a plan file
nimrod generate <plan file>
Starting an experiment
nimrod portalapi startexp <expname>
Stopping/Pausing an experiment
nimrod portalapi stopexp <expname>
Setting a deadline in an experiment See Nimrod Manual about:
 nimrod portalapi setdeadline
Allocating a resource to an experiment
nimrod portalapi addserver <expname> <host> <resource type>
nimrod portalapi removeserver <expname> <host> <resource type>
Adding/modify a resource
nimrod resource add <resource type> <host>
nimrod portalapi setarch <resource type> <host> <arch>
nimrod portalapi setgproxy <resource type> <host> <certificate>
Removing a resource
nimrod resource remove <resource type> <host>
Checking a resource
nimrod resource check <resource type> <host>
The Nimrod Job viewer applet
nimrod enfapi <Experiment name> <EnFuzion API call>

The Portal also maintains Globus credentials. Pleas ensure that these command work at the user's prompt.

Portal PageGlobus command(s)
Resource Management Page
grid-cert-info -subject -file <Certificate file name>
grid-cert-info -enddate -file <Certificate file name>
grid-proxy-info -subject -file <Proxy certificate file name>
grid-proxy-info -timeleft -file <Proxy certificate file name>
Create Proxy
grid-proxy-init -cert <Certificate file name>
    -key <Certificate key's file name>
    -out <Destination proxy file name>
    -pwstdin -bits 1024 -hours <hours>

Turning on full logging

The Portal full log will output massive amount of log data that can be used to debug problems. Please do not keep this log running as it is not needed for day to day use.

This log file has been set up for debugging purposes and does not have a friendly interface. Please follow these instructions carefully and the portal will crash without giving any reason why if this is done wrong.

Follow these instructions after installing the portal. The log file must be created and must be world readable and writeable, so we need to create the log file first. Do:

cd log
touch runtime.log
chmod 666 runtime.log
chmod a+x .
Now we have to tell the portal to use this file. The Nimrod Portal binary file output debug information to stderr. As this is normally redirected to /dev/null in the np.cgi script, we'll need to redirect to this new file. Change the line that reads:
$NIMRODPORTAL_INSTALL/bin/nimrodportal.cgi 2>/dev/null
to redirect it to the full path of the log file. E.g.:
$NIMRODPORTAL_INSTALL/bin/nimrodportal.cgi 2>> $NIMRODPORTAL_INSTALL/log/runtime.log
Now that is done, we'll need to get the information we need from it. The best way to do this is to ready the portal just before the error and then clear the log with the command:
echo -n "" > runtime.log
Reproduce the error and copy (not move) the log file to a permanent place.

To turn off logging, change the line we modified in the np.cgi script back to what is was. We recommend this as the log file gets large very quickly.

Common problems

top errors:

Problem: The portal complains about Nimrod errors and in the output of the Nimrod error there is a message like "exited with code 127: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory".
Solution: Add the full path of the globus lib directory to /etc/ (E.g. /opt/gtk-2.4/lib) and then run ldconfig as root.

psql (pg_wrapper): No database specified:

Problem: The portal complains about Nimrod errors and in the output of the Nimrod error there is a message like "psql (pg_wrapper): No database specified".
Solution: Nimrod assumes that psql knows which database to use for a given user as this is the default on some Linux distributions. If this is not the case, please add "export PGDATABASE=$USER" to $NIMRODPORTAL_INSTALL/bin/usersetenv. This will tell psql to use the database with the same username as the user.

User 'apache' is unable to execute '$NIMRODPORTAL_INSTALL/bin/nimrodportal.cgi':

Problem: The portal complains about not having execute access to the Nimrod Portal binary.
Solution: There are two main causes of this. First, check that permissions on the $NIMRODPORTAL_INSTALL/bin directory (and all parent directories) are group owned by a group that the user apache belongs to.

Second, you might have SELINUX installed. SELINUX will stop the web server from accessing any files it does not have SELINUX permission for. Adding the Nimrod Portal install to SELINUX will not fix the problem as eventually, the process will need access to user accounts, Globus install and any other system files used. If you do not need the security given by SELINUX, you can disable it, or otherwise, you can follow the instructions above Configure remote Web install.
