/* POV-Ray - 3.5 Scene Description File written by Ortep-3 for Windows (Version 2.02) Copyright (C) 1997-2008 Louis J. Farrugia Department of Chemistry, Glasgow University (all rights reserved) Input file : z:\home\andy\work\manuscripts\talks\pubcentric\img\nbstructures\nb6.pdb Creation date : Thursday, 1 March 2012 Creation time : 10:45:45 */ #version 3.5 ; #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" #include "metals.inc" #declare Bond_Texture = texture { pigment {color Wheat } finish { Metal } } #declare Equator_Texture = texture { pigment {color White } finish { Shiny } } #declare Cutout_Texture = texture { pigment {color SteelBlue } finish { Shiny } } #declare Texture_O = texture { pigment {color Red } finish { Shiny } } #declare Texture_Nb = texture { pigment {color Gray75 } finish { Shiny } } #declare Bond_Radius = 0.043; #declare Text_Colour = White; #declare Text_Scale = 0.21; #declare Text_Width = 0.01; #declare Text_Font = "cyrvetic.ttf"; #declare Bond_Truncate = 0; #declare View_Distance = 29.99; global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 ambient_light rgb < 1, 1, 1 > } camera { location < 0.0 , 0.0 , View_Distance > angle 20.0 up < 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 > right <-1.33, 0.0 , 0.0 > look_at < 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 > } background { color White } light_source { < 0.0, 0.0, 100.0 > color red 2.0 green 2.0 blue 2.0 } light_source { < 0.0, 100.0, 0.0 > color red 2.0 green 2.0 blue 2.0 } union { /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 1 O19 at 0.0153 0.5207 0.1011 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < -1.7484, 0.4334, -3.0594 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 2 O12 at -0.0955 0.5123 -0.1716 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < 0.6269, 0.3618, -2.2180 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 3 O3 at -0.2216 0.5390 -0.4355 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < 3.0870, 0.3115, -1.7014 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 4 Nb25 at 0.0019 0.4077 -0.0319 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_Nb } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < -1.0176, 0.2124, -1.7700 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 5 O17 at -0.1657 0.3137 0.0080 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < -0.8169, -1.4555, -1.7399 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 6 O13 at 0.1753 0.4578 -0.1445 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < -0.8319, 1.9267, -1.1840 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 7 O9 at -0.2776 0.3187 -0.2475 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < 1.4729, -1.5233, -1.0647 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 8 Nb21 at -0.1320 0.4176 -0.3412 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_Nb } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < 1.7569, 0.1576, -0.9753 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 9 O14 at -0.3675 0.1146 -0.0585 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < 0.0324, -3.5254, -0.6410 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 10 O18 at 0.1054 0.2530 0.0280 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < -2.2414, 0.1039, -0.6331 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 11 O5 at 0.0606 0.4609 -0.3954 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < 1.4327, 1.8191, -0.5218 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 12 Nb23 at -0.2171 0.1837 -0.1240 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_Nb } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < 0.0264, -2.0147, -0.4418 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 13 O10 at -0.0087 0.2584 -0.2192 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 14 Nb22 at 0.1996 0.3331 -0.3144 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_Nb } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < -0.0262, 2.0147, 0.4412 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 15 O6 at 0.3500 0.4021 -0.3799 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < -0.0324, 3.5251, 0.6411 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 16 O15 at -0.0780 0.0559 -0.0430 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < -1.4328, -1.8183, 0.5215 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 17 O2 at -0.1229 0.2637 -0.4664 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < 2.2414, -0.1042, 0.6332 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 18 Nb24 at 0.1145 0.0991 -0.0972 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_Nb } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < -1.7568, -0.1580, 0.9755 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 19 O11 at 0.2602 0.1980 -0.1909 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < -1.4733, 1.5236, 1.0652 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 20 O7 at -0.1928 0.0589 -0.2939 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < 0.8320, -1.9270, 1.1842 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 21 O16 at 0.2041 -0.0223 -0.0029 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < -3.0870, -0.3118, 1.7016 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 22 O4 at 0.1482 0.2030 -0.4464 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < 0.8170, 1.4551, 1.7401 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 23 Nb20 at -0.0194 0.1091 -0.4065 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_Nb } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < 1.0179, -0.2123, 1.7695 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 24 O8 at 0.0780 0.0045 -0.2668 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < -0.6266, -0.3618, 2.2175 > } /* Thermal ellipsoid for atom # 25 O1 at -0.0327 -0.0040 -0.5395 Eigenvalues 0.0300 0.0301 0.0301 RMS displacements 0.1732 0.1734 0.1734 ORTEP ellipsoid style 705 */ /* NO EQUATOR QUADRICS FOR THIS ATOM - DEGENERATE EIGENVALUES */ object { object { quadric { < 33.3333, 33.3333, 33.3333 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 >, -2.3661 } texture { Texture_O } scale < 0.8561, 0.8561, 0.8561 > } translate < 1.7480, -0.4331, 3.0599 > } /* Bond between O19 at -1.7484 0.4334 -3.0594 and Nb25 at -1.0176 0.2124 -1.7700 Distance = 1.750 A */ cylinder {< -1.7484, 0.4334, -3.0594 > < -1.0176, 0.2124, -1.7700 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O12 at 0.6269 0.3618 -2.2180 and Nb25 at -1.0176 0.2124 -1.7700 Distance = 1.999 A */ cylinder {< 0.6269, 0.3618, -2.2180 > < -1.0176, 0.2124, -1.7700 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O12 at 0.6269 0.3618 -2.2180 and Nb21 at 1.7569 0.1576 -0.9753 Distance = 1.976 A */ cylinder {< 0.6269, 0.3618, -2.2180 > < 1.7569, 0.1576, -0.9753 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O3 at 3.0870 0.3115 -1.7014 and Nb21 at 1.7569 0.1576 -0.9753 Distance = 1.779 A */ cylinder {< 3.0870, 0.3115, -1.7014 > < 1.7569, 0.1576, -0.9753 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between Nb25 at -1.0176 0.2124 -1.7700 and O17 at -0.8169 -1.4555 -1.7399 Distance = 1.963 A */ cylinder {< -1.0176, 0.2124, -1.7700 > < -0.8169, -1.4555, -1.7399 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between Nb25 at -1.0176 0.2124 -1.7700 and O13 at -0.8319 1.9267 -1.1840 Distance = 2.127 A */ cylinder {< -1.0176, 0.2124, -1.7700 > < -0.8319, 1.9267, -1.1840 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between Nb25 at -1.0176 0.2124 -1.7700 and O18 at -2.2414 0.1039 -0.6331 Distance = 1.955 A */ cylinder {< -1.0176, 0.2124, -1.7700 > < -2.2414, 0.1039, -0.6331 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between Nb25 at -1.0176 0.2124 -1.7700 and O10 at 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Distance = 2.398 A */ cylinder {< -1.0176, 0.2124, -1.7700 > < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O17 at -0.8169 -1.4555 -1.7399 and Nb23 at 0.0264 -2.0147 -0.4418 Distance = 1.923 A */ cylinder {< -0.8169, -1.4555, -1.7399 > < 0.0264, -2.0147, -0.4418 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O13 at -0.8319 1.9267 -1.1840 and Nb22 at -0.0262 2.0147 0.4412 Distance = 2.121 A */ cylinder {< -0.8319, 1.9267, -1.1840 > < -0.0262, 2.0147, 0.4412 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O9 at 1.4729 -1.5233 -1.0647 and Nb21 at 1.7569 0.1576 -0.9753 Distance = 1.994 A */ cylinder {< 1.4729, -1.5233, -1.0647 > < 1.7569, 0.1576, -0.9753 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O9 at 1.4729 -1.5233 -1.0647 and Nb23 at 0.0264 -2.0147 -0.4418 Distance = 1.927 A */ cylinder {< 1.4729, -1.5233, -1.0647 > < 0.0264, -2.0147, -0.4418 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between Nb21 at 1.7569 0.1576 -0.9753 and O5 at 1.4327 1.8191 -0.5218 Distance = 2.047 A */ cylinder {< 1.7569, 0.1576, -0.9753 > < 1.4327, 1.8191, -0.5218 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between Nb21 at 1.7569 0.1576 -0.9753 and O10 at 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Distance = 2.354 A */ cylinder {< 1.7569, 0.1576, -0.9753 > < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between Nb21 at 1.7569 0.1576 -0.9753 and O2 at 2.2414 -0.1042 0.6332 Distance = 1.986 A */ cylinder {< 1.7569, 0.1576, -0.9753 > < 2.2414, -0.1042, 0.6332 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O14 at 0.0324 -3.5254 -0.6410 and Nb23 at 0.0264 -2.0147 -0.4418 Distance = 1.780 A */ cylinder {< 0.0324, -3.5254, -0.6410 > < 0.0264, -2.0147, -0.4418 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O18 at -2.2414 0.1039 -0.6331 and Nb24 at -1.7568 -0.1580 0.9755 Distance = 1.986 A */ cylinder {< -2.2414, 0.1039, -0.6331 > < -1.7568, -0.1580, 0.9755 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O5 at 1.4327 1.8191 -0.5218 and Nb22 at -0.0262 2.0147 0.4412 Distance = 2.055 A */ cylinder {< 1.4327, 1.8191, -0.5218 > < -0.0262, 2.0147, 0.4412 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between Nb23 at 0.0264 -2.0147 -0.4418 and O10 at 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Distance = 2.410 A */ cylinder {< 0.0264, -2.0147, -0.4418 > < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between Nb23 at 0.0264 -2.0147 -0.4418 and O15 at -1.4328 -1.8183 0.5215 Distance = 2.055 A */ cylinder {< 0.0264, -2.0147, -0.4418 > < -1.4328, -1.8183, 0.5215 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between Nb23 at 0.0264 -2.0147 -0.4418 and O7 at 0.8320 -1.9270 1.1842 Distance = 2.122 A */ cylinder {< 0.0264, -2.0147, -0.4418 > < 0.8320, -1.9270, 1.1842 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O10 at 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 and Nb22 at -0.0262 2.0147 0.4412 Distance = 2.409 A */ cylinder {< 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > < -0.0262, 2.0147, 0.4412 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O10 at 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 and Nb24 at -1.7568 -0.1580 0.9755 Distance = 2.355 A */ cylinder {< 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > < -1.7568, -0.1580, 0.9755 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O10 at 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 and Nb20 at 1.0179 -0.2123 1.7695 Distance = 2.398 A */ cylinder {< 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > < 1.0179, -0.2123, 1.7695 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between Nb22 at -0.0262 2.0147 0.4412 and O6 at -0.0324 3.5251 0.6411 Distance = 1.780 A */ cylinder {< -0.0262, 2.0147, 0.4412 > < -0.0324, 3.5251, 0.6411 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between Nb22 at -0.0262 2.0147 0.4412 and O11 at -1.4733 1.5236 1.0652 Distance = 1.928 A */ cylinder {< -0.0262, 2.0147, 0.4412 > < -1.4733, 1.5236, 1.0652 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between Nb22 at -0.0262 2.0147 0.4412 and O4 at 0.8170 1.4551 1.7401 Distance = 1.923 A */ cylinder {< -0.0262, 2.0147, 0.4412 > < 0.8170, 1.4551, 1.7401 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O15 at -1.4328 -1.8183 0.5215 and Nb24 at -1.7568 -0.1580 0.9755 Distance = 2.046 A */ cylinder {< -1.4328, -1.8183, 0.5215 > < -1.7568, -0.1580, 0.9755 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O2 at 2.2414 -0.1042 0.6332 and Nb20 at 1.0179 -0.2123 1.7695 Distance = 1.955 A */ cylinder {< 2.2414, -0.1042, 0.6332 > < 1.0179, -0.2123, 1.7695 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between Nb24 at -1.7568 -0.1580 0.9755 and O11 at -1.4733 1.5236 1.0652 Distance = 1.995 A */ cylinder {< -1.7568, -0.1580, 0.9755 > < -1.4733, 1.5236, 1.0652 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between Nb24 at -1.7568 -0.1580 0.9755 and O16 at -3.0870 -0.3118 1.7016 Distance = 1.779 A */ cylinder {< -1.7568, -0.1580, 0.9755 > < -3.0870, -0.3118, 1.7016 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between Nb24 at -1.7568 -0.1580 0.9755 and O8 at -0.6266 -0.3618 2.2175 Distance = 1.976 A */ cylinder {< -1.7568, -0.1580, 0.9755 > < -0.6266, -0.3618, 2.2175 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O7 at 0.8320 -1.9270 1.1842 and Nb20 at 1.0179 -0.2123 1.7695 Distance = 2.128 A */ cylinder {< 0.8320, -1.9270, 1.1842 > < 1.0179, -0.2123, 1.7695 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between O4 at 0.8170 1.4551 1.7401 and Nb20 at 1.0179 -0.2123 1.7695 Distance = 1.962 A */ cylinder {< 0.8170, 1.4551, 1.7401 > < 1.0179, -0.2123, 1.7695 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between Nb20 at 1.0179 -0.2123 1.7695 and O8 at -0.6266 -0.3618 2.2175 Distance = 1.999 A */ cylinder {< 1.0179, -0.2123, 1.7695 > < -0.6266, -0.3618, 2.2175 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } /* Bond between Nb20 at 1.0179 -0.2123 1.7695 and O1 at 1.7480 -0.4331 3.0599 Distance = 1.751 A */ cylinder {< 1.0179, -0.2123, 1.7695 > < 1.7480, -0.4331, 3.0599 > Bond_Radius texture { Bond_Texture } } rotate < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > translate < 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 > }