CSE2330 Introduction to Computational Neuroscience

Role of Unit

The unit will be primarily offered to second year Bachelor of Behavioural Neuroscience and Bachelor of Computer Science students. It is expected that the unit will form a part of a proposed degree in Bachelor of Computational Neuroscience offered in collaboration with the Department of Psychology and the School of Computer Science and Software Engineering.

Prerequisite Knowledge

The unit requires knowledge of high school mathematics including calculus and linear algebra (vectors and matrices). All mathematical knowledge required will be provided in lectures and practicals.

Unit Objectives

At the completion of the unit student will

  1. have knowledge of fundamental computational methods of simulating brain functions and behaviour;
  2. understand basic computational principles underlying the operations of neural systems, and the concept of modelling brain functions on various levels, and
  3. have appreciation of the problems related to modelling basic brain functions using computing tools
  4. be able to use computer software to simulate behaviour of neurons and neural networks

Unit Content

Recommended Reading


Workload Requirement

Andrew P. Paplinski
5 July 2005