Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuits

We will study details of CMOS Technology, and related manufacturing processes which are used to convert silicon into CMOS integrated circuits.

As a result of our study I would like you to write answers to the two following examination style questions and to hand in the answers (hard copy) on September 11th, either during the lecture or to my office after the lecture.
Your answer should be written in a style of what you might be able to write during the exam spending about 1.5 minutes per allocated mark.

I will not mark your answers, but will take them into account when marking relevant examination questions.


  1. Describe briefly technological steps used to manufacture a silicon wafer. (5 marks)

  2. Described briefly technological steps required to manufacture a CMOS inverter. Clearly specify masks used in each step. Give relevant sketches. (15marks)

Fabrication of CMOS integrated circuits is presented in a number of textbooks and web sites. The following is a representative sample.
Andrew P. Paplinski
7 August 2003