A MOSFET transistor - its structure and working. A dc behaviour. A schematic symbol. A stick diagram symbol as a topological description of the transistor layout.
A CMOS inverter and its diagrammatic representations. A circuit diagram and a stick diagram as a topological description of the integrated circuit layout. Geometry of the integrated circuit layout and related fabrication masks. A cross-sectional view of an inverter. A transfer characteristic and the switching behaviour of the CMOS inverter.
Basic CMOS technology. From the circuit layout, through the fabrication masks and technological steps to the implementation of an integrated circuit on a silicon wafer.
Layout design rules. Layout editors. Design-rule checkers.
CMOS static logic gates - circuit diagrams, stick diagrams and mask layouts. Serial and parallel connections of MOS transistors. NAND, NOR gates. The concept of a composite CMOS gate. XOR gates. Adders. Static CMOS latches: an S-R latch, D latch and flip-flop, a T flip-flop.
A library of standard cells.
A switch logic versus a gate logic. A complementary switch - a transmission gate. A multiplexer. A tri-state inverter. A D-latch using the tri-state inverters. An XOR gate.
A methodology of designing an optimal layout of CMOS functional gates. Layout matrices.
Design methodologies: Full-custom, standard cells, gate arrays, sea-of gates.
Design example: A full-custom design of a barrel switch/rotator.
I/O pads and pad frames.
Selected arithmetic algorithms and circuits.
Designing a random number generator.
Lecture Notes -- http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~app/CSE3142
S-M. Kung and Y. Leblebici, CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits. Analysis and Design. McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed., 1999. H 621.395 K16C 1999
N. Weste and K. Eshraghian, Principles of CMOS VLSI Design. A System Perspective. Addison-Wesely, 2nd ed., 1993. H 621.395 W525P2.
M. Michael Vai, VLSI Design. CRC Press, 2001
Mentor Graphics Corporation, Mentor Graphics on-line documentation, 2000, in: /sw/mentor/ic/shared/pdfdocs