Ph.D. projects are available in various areas of materials science
where atomistic structure determination is required. The projects
are essentially experimental in nature, with focus on applying TEM
techniques; however there is much scope for collaboration with
chemists, materials modelling experts and materials engineers (see
Research Projects).
Specific projects currently available include:
- Atomic-scale mechanisms of precipitation in alloys (with
Dr Nikhil Medhekar, Computational
Materials Laboratory)
- Effect of microalloying additions on the stability and
evolution of voids in aluminium (with A/Prof.
Philip Nakashima, see webpage)
- Electronic structure of voids and solid-state
precipitates in alloys (with A/Prof. Philip Nakashima).
- Plasmonics of designer anti-nanostructures (with
A/Prof. Philip Nakashima and Prof. Joanne Etheridge)
Any interested candidate is strongly encouraged to consult
the Monash Graduate Research