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Last Updated: Thu Jul 14 11:51:52 UTC 2016

Mamiya Sekor C 105 - 210 mm f/4.5 ULD Zoom Lens

Photos and text © 1997 - 2013 Carlo Kopp; Photographs produced using a  Mamiya M645/1000S, 645AFD or Nikon D90 and D800, film scans Noritsu QSS 1300 PPI / 6 MP; almost all images produced in acceptance test or validation shoots.

Sekor C 105 - 210 mm f/4.5 ULD Zoom Lens / D90 Examples

Test target using the 105 - 210 mm f/4.5 ULD manual focus lens at 210 mm and f/8.0 mounted on a Nikon D90 at 200 ISO and 1/1600. Uncorrected  12.3 Megapixel original. This configuration produces the same angular coverage as the lens with a 2XN teleconverter. Handheld shot  [Click image to view full size].


Test target using the 105 - 210 mm f/4.5 ULD manual focus lens at 210 mm with single M45 2XN teleconverter  at f/8.0 mounted on a Nikon D90 at 400 ISO and 1/800, adjusted for exposure. 12.3 Megapixel uncropped. This configuration produces the same angular coverage as the lens with two 2XN teleconverters. Handheld shot  [Click image to view full size].


Test target using the 105 - 210 mm f/4.5 ULD manual focus lens at 210 mm and f/8.0 mounted on a Nikon D90 at 800 ISO and 1/2000, adjusted for exposure. Uncorrected  12.3 Megapixel original. This configuration produces the same angular coverage as the lens with a 2XN teleconverter. Handheld shot  [Click image to view full size].

Test target using the 105 - 210 mm f/4.5 ULD manual focus lens at 210 mm and f/8.0 mounted on a Nikon D90 at 200 ISO and 1/500. Uncorrected  12.3 Megapixel original. This configuration produces the same angular coverage as the lens with a 2XN teleconverter. Handheld shot from ~2.5 metres [Click image to view full size].


Test target using the 105 - 210 mm f/4.5 ULD manual focus lens at 210 mm at f/8.0 mounted on a Nikon D90 at 400 ISO and 1/800, adjusted for exposure. 12.3 Megapixel uncropped. This configuration produces the same angular coverage as the lens with a 2XN teleconverter. Handheld shot  [Click image to view full size].


Test target using the 105 - 210 mm f/4.5 ULD manual focus lens at 210 mm with single M45 2XN teleconverter  at f/8.0 mounted on a Nikon D90 at 400 ISO and 1/800, adjusted for exposure. Above, uncorrected  12.3 Megapixel original, below enhanced using Aperture 3. This configuration produces the same angular coverage as the lens with two 2XN teleconverters. Handheld shot  [Click image to view full size].


Kite Surfing on Port Phillip Bay, Mamiya Sekor C 105-210mm f/4.5 ULD @ f/8.0, mounted on a Nikon D90 at 400 ISO and 1/2000, adjusted for exposure [Additional images].

Cessna 152 and 182S at Moorabbin Airport, Mamiya Sekor C 105-210mm f/4.5 ULD @ f/8.0, mounted on a Nikon D90 at 400 ISO and 1/2000, adjusted for exposure [Additional images].

Sekor C 105 - 210 mm f/4.5 ULD Zoom Lens / D800 Examples

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Photos and text © 1997 - 2013 Carlo Kopp

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Artwork and text ¿ 1994 - 2010 Carlo Kopp; All rights reserved.
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