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Last Updated: Thu Jul 14 11:51:52 UTC 2016

Victorian Wildlife Images

Rural Australia provides some remarkably good opportunities to photograph interesting birds and animals. This web page contains a selection of recent wildlife pictures of interest, especially bird life, and some habitats.

Text and layout ¿ 2007 - 2011 Carlo Kopp

The Kookaburra is an iconic species in Australia. Its characteristic laughing call is distinctive and unique. Increasingly it is found in suburbia as well as its natural bush habitats (Image ¿ 2007 Chris Mills).

The Brush Wattlebird is a smaller relative of the Red and Yellow Wattlebirds. It is an agile and territorial honeyeater species (Image ¿ 2007 Chris Mills).

The Red Browed Finch is a unique Australian species which has been  exported to numerous Pacific islands
(Image ¿ 2011 Chris Mills).

A mated pair of Crested Pidgeons (Image ¿ 2011 Chris Mills).

The Bronze-Wing is one of Australia's most attractive native pidgeons (Image ¿ 2011 Chris Mills).

The Wonga Pidgeon is an attractive and large native pidgeon species (Image ¿ 2007 Chris Mills).

The Galah hardly needs introduction to Australian visitors. Non Australian visitors will note that the term Galah is often used to label individuals who are loud and foolish. This ubiquitous parrot species is often regarded to be a pest in rural areas (Image ¿ 2007 Chris Mills).

The King Parrot is an attractive species usually associated with subtropical especially rainforest habitats. Increasingly it is seen further south including these examples photographed in Victoria. The specimen to the right of the upper image is a juvenile which is only beginning to develop the characteristic plumage colours
(Image ¿ 2007 Chris Mills).

Four Rainbow Lorikeets and an Galah (Image ¿ 2007 Chris Mills).

The Crimson Rosella is another attractive parrot which is increasingly found in southern and suburban habitats (Image ¿ 2007 Chris Mills).

This Rainbow Lorikeet is feeding amongst the blossoms of a hybrid native Callistemon shrub (Image ¿ 2009 Chris Mills).

A New Holland Honeyeater (Image ¿ 2007 Chris Mills).

The Buff Banded Rail employs a disruptive pattern which emulates the contrast pattern in grass, where the species frequently forages (Image ¿ 2011 Chris Mills / Panasonic DMC-ZS7).

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo feeding on a Callistemon (Image ¿ 2011 Chris Mills / Panasonic DMC-ZS7).

While many Australian parrots are specialised nectar feeders, most will feed on seeds and nuts of various native species. Above Hakea seed pods, below banksia seeds, both eaten by parrots (Images ¿ 2011 Chris Mills / Panasonic DMC-ZS7).

Other Interesting Wildlife Sites

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Artwork and text ¿ 1994 - 2010 Carlo Kopp; All rights reserved.
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