A sample test revision

How do these tests work?

Whithin a form, there may be any number of sets of radio buttons. They are called a set of radio buttons because they behave like a set of old fashioned mechanical car radio tunning buttons. When one button is pressed, al the others are automaticly released.

Click on the one correct choice.

Given four choices, a), b), c) and d). Then a) is the first choice or item and b) is the second choice or item.

Technical details

Each question is written as a form. It comes complete with hidden fields containing the correct answer and the most recently choosen answer. The form also contains a question try counter and a field used to display the strings "Right" and "Wrong".

There are three simple Netscape Navigator JavaScript function included with the forms. These functions process radio button clicks, check to see if the answer choosen is correct and reset the form data.

Go back to the test page and choose View Source from the menu bar. The source is quite simple.

Composeing new questions

You can use Netscape Navigator Gold to compose more questions or new tests.

Select then copy and paste a whole question with it's tags and change the words used for the question and answers. If you have review material suitable for revision on-line, change the link at the end of the question to poit to that review material.

The second last tag in each question contains the rightAnswer, the value of the correct item a) is 1, b) is 2 etc must be choosen in the properties of that tag. Thus if the correct answer is c), then replace the VALUE= in the tag with VALUE=3. The correct tag in this case is displayed below.