World Conference for Cancer Organisations

For Professional Staff and Volunteers Involved in Community Approaches to Cancer Control

Addressing The Cancer Agenda
[ March 3 - 7, 1996 | Melbourne | Australia ]

Auspiced by: International Union Against Cancer

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This conference will be the result of a concerted international effort to meet the professional development and continuing education needs of those who work for cancer organisations such as cancer societies or leagues. It aims to meet the needs of both paid staff and those who serve voluntarily on governing boards and committees. The conference is part of the International Union Against Cancer's COPES Programs (Campaign Organisation Public Education and Service).

THEME AND TOPICS Addressing the Cancer Agenda is the overall them The conference will review in broad terms what is known about cancer biology prevention, treatment and care. It will examine how to make optimal plans to control cancer now and influence a nation's or a region's cancer agenda, and assess the role of cancer organizations in implementing the cancer agenda. The conference is a invaluable opportunity to renew knowledge and skills and to reassess policies and programs in company with other experts from around the world.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND END? If you are associated with a cancer organization, this is the conference for you. The extensive program is relevant to a wide variety of persons including:

chief executives   social marketers    volunteer co-ordinators   	
fund raisers       social workers      prevention program managers    
health educators   merchandisers       research policy makers 
journalists        medical educators   volunteer visitors 
administrators     epidemiologists     public affairs lobbyists 
board members      PR officers         cancer information providers
social workers     nurse counsellors   behavioural scientists

For information about the World Conference for Cancer Organisations, contact:

Dr. David Hill
Conference Secretary
World Conference for Cancer Organisations
Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria
1 Rathdowne Street, Carlton South Victoria 3053. Australia
Telephone +61-3-92791111 Fax +61-3-92791250

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