Eye tracking example from: http://www.sol.lu.se/humlab/eyetracking/ (5 Apr 07)

"Above is a scanpath of one reader over a broadsheet newspaper spread. The reader turned pages in her own pace, and read the entire newspaper.

This is quite typical data. The texts are read no deeper than 40% of their lengths. Very short looks on photos and long looks on information graphics.

Also note the "restarts" in the story to the left: The reader gives the text repeated chances, but finally gives in. Some things are skipped entirely, such as the texts to the right and the three ads."

Eye tracking example from: http://blog.sellsiusrealestate.com/?p=1262 (5 Apr 07)

Here's an alternative eye track depiction that shows the locations where the viewer's eye spends the most time (in red) down to the least amount of time (in pale blue). Note how much time is spent on the first word of each heading, on the bullets/links (top right corner) and on the graphics.