CSE5910 : Multimedia Programming in Java
Assignment Submission Information Page
Semester 2, 2008
Assignments are to be completed in two parts worth 15% each:
Assignment partGroup submission Individual submission Results 1Design document peer assessment 1 peer feedback & marks 2Implementation peer assessment 2 peer feedback & marks A pass in the total of [30%] for the assignments is a hurdle requirement for the unit. Failure to meet this hurdle will result in a mark that is the the lowest of either 44N or the total of results obtained in the assignments [30%] and examination [70%].
- Assignment groups: Both parts of the assignment submission are to be carried out in the same groups of exactly four students.
- Peer assessment tasks: These tasks are to be carried out individually by every student enrolled in the unit in the week following each assignment part submission.
- Host students and splash pages: Each group must select one member to be the host student.
The host student is responsible for placing a web site for the group in his or her Monash web directory.
Information about setting up a website is provided by ITS.
The host student must create an assignment splash page for the group by completing and uploading the provided template.
From this splash page the host student will need to link the assignment submissions for the group before the appropriate deadlines (see the course outline for dates). Details of the links that need to be made are given below in this document.
- Group registration: After initially placing the group's splash page online, the host student should register their group of four students online more than one week before the date for submission of assignment part 1 (see the course outline for dates). The host student will need: (i) the authcate user-names (not passwords!) and (ii) student ID's for each member of their group; (iii) the complete URL to the group's new splash page.
- Group checking: After group registration all students can check their group's AUTHCATE email user-names and official group name directly using the online form.
- Group changes: Groups may not be changed once they have been allocated.
- Group marks: Each student in a group will be allocated the same mark for their assignments unless the lecturer determines that special circumstances dictate otherwise. If a student is late submitting their peer assessment taks only that one student loses marks from their assignment (see below). The group as a whole does not suffer.
It is up to you to ensure that everyone in your group contributes equally to your assignment work. You are encouraged to meet regularly (at least once per week outside of lab times) to discuss your group's progress. You might even take minutes of your meetings so that there is written agreement about what each group member will do before the next meeting. The lecturer can assist in resolving problems prior to submission if you give him sufficient notice by email and if you have sufficiently documented the progress of your project and the roles and responsibilities of your group members during the semester.
Consult the assignment specification page for detailed information on the task you have been set for submission.
The design document will be accessed online. Post your design document as an (X)HTML web page or a PDF file on the website of your group's host student. Then link to your design document from the host student's splash page (see above). Design documents that are not submitted in PDF or (X)HTML format will not be assessed. Please do not use word processor files.
Your design document should include clearly labelled sections addressing each of the following issues. Marks will be assigned as indicated in [braces]:
- Target audience & concise specification of problem
At whom are you targetting your software? What will be their expectations? Include a brief, clear description of the aim of your project in light of these expectations and the resources available to you. (~200 words) [15%]
- Concise description of the proposed solution
- Explain exactly what you are going to do to meet the aim of the project and the target audience's expectations. What will your project look like? How will you represent the map? How will the software's features appear from the user's perspective? How will the user interact with the software to meet their requirements? (~400 words) [40%]
- Include at least one (probably more) visual mock-up to clearly explain the functionality of your software. A visual mock-up is a document that looks like a screen-shot, picture or diagram of your proposed software but the underlying functionality has not yet been implemented. The document should be annotated with text explaining what each of the elements will do in the completed version. [25%]
- Describe a user's interaction with the software from start to finish exploring a couple of different user goals and the sequence of events by which they are met. This may be in the form of a series of key moments and/or decisions for the user. It can be in text or visual form, or a combination of both. [10%]
- Design document quality
You will also be assessed on how well you have laid out your design document. This is an important aspect of communication with a potential client or your software's users! Consider how you lay out your pages, your typography, colour choices, the appropriateness of the language you use and the kinds of diagrams and images employed to explain your ideas. [10%]
- Peer assessment task 1 & feedback
In the week following submission of your assignment part 1 (design document), every student must login to the peer assessment system part 1 in order to give feedback on the proposed designs of their peers. You must complete this task properly and on time in order to obtain a result for your own assignment. If you do not complete this task on time you will receive a result of 0N for assignment part 1. There is late submission period in which you may also complete the task but you will lose marks from your own assignment if you utilise this facility.
In the week following the completion of this task you will be able to login to retrieve the peer assessment feedback your peers have left concerning your design document. You can then respond to their comments in assignment part 2. You will also be able to access the mark you received for your assignment.
Consult the assignment specification page for detailed information on the task you have been set for submission.
- Post a new PDF or (X)HTML page in your host student's web directory. This addition should contain:
- An analysis of your original design document highlighting any points raised in the feedback to your original submission;
- Specific improvements to the original specification;
- When you produce this additional page, do not change the original design document, leave it on-line for reference;
- Link this new page to your group's splash page [5%].
- Implement your newly revised scheme for the interactive software in Java obeying sound object oriented design and interactive design principles [70%].
- Construct a simple user manual for your software for publishing in PDF or (X)HTML format [12.5%].
- Construct a simple tutorial in PDF or (X)HTML format for your software that allows a new user to get a feel for how it works in less than ten minutes [12.5%].
- You must consider all aspects of interactive software design and information presentation in the software design, the user manual and the tutorial. You will lose marks for poor design, inappropriate or incorrect written and visual information presentation. For best results have your work checked by a native English speaker and tested by some inexperienced users before submission! Your code will also be examined so make sure you have written it efficiently and laid it out neatly with adequate source code comments.
- Bundle all of your Java classes and data files into one Java archive file (Use jar, the Java Archive Tool. Type "man jar" at the Unix prompt for assistance in using this software or consult your favourite Java book).
- Place your: (i) single Java archive file; (ii) user manual and (iii) tutorial in your host student's web directory.
- Link your group's splash page to files (i), (ii) and (iii).
In the week following submission of your assignment part 2, every student must login to the peer assessment system part 2 in order to give feedback on the software of their peers. You must complete this task properly and on time in order to obtain a result for your own assignment. If you do not complete this task on time you will receive a result of 0N for assignment part 2. There is late submission period in which you may also complete the task but you will lose marks from your own assignment if you utilise this facility.
In the week following the completion of this task you will be able to login to retrieve the peer assessment feedback your peers have left concerning your software. You will also be able to access the mark you received for your assignment.
Last updated June 2008. Maintained by Alan Dorin.