CSE5910 : Multimedia Programming in Java

Assignment Submission Information Page

Semester 2, 2008

Assignments are to be completed in two parts worth 15% each:

Assignment part
Group submission Individual submission   Results
Design document peer assessment 1   peer feedback & marks
Implementation peer assessment 2   peer feedback & marks

A pass in the total of [30%] for the assignments is a hurdle requirement for the unit. Failure to meet this hurdle will result in a mark that is the the lowest of either 44N or the total of results obtained in the assignments [30%] and examination [70%].

Part 1: Design Document

Consult the assignment specification page for detailed information on the task you have been set for submission.

The design document will be accessed online. Post your design document as an (X)HTML web page or a PDF file on the website of your group's host student. Then link to your design document from the host student's splash page (see above). Design documents that are not submitted in PDF or (X)HTML format will not be assessed. Please do not use word processor files.

Your design document should include clearly labelled sections addressing each of the following issues. Marks will be assigned as indicated in [braces]:

In the week following submission of your assignment part 1 (design document), every student must login to the peer assessment system part 1 in order to give feedback on the proposed designs of their peers. You must complete this task properly and on time in order to obtain a result for your own assignment. If you do not complete this task on time you will receive a result of 0N for assignment part 1. There is late submission period in which you may also complete the task but you will lose marks from your own assignment if you utilise this facility.

In the week following the completion of this task you will be able to login to retrieve the peer assessment feedback your peers have left concerning your design document. You can then respond to their comments in assignment part 2. You will also be able to access the mark you received for your assignment.

Part 2: Implementation

Consult the assignment specification page for detailed information on the task you have been set for submission.

In the week following submission of your assignment part 2, every student must login to the peer assessment system part 2 in order to give feedback on the software of their peers. You must complete this task properly and on time in order to obtain a result for your own assignment. If you do not complete this task on time you will receive a result of 0N for assignment part 2. There is late submission period in which you may also complete the task but you will lose marks from your own assignment if you utilise this facility.

In the week following the completion of this task you will be able to login to retrieve the peer assessment feedback your peers have left concerning your software. You will also be able to access the mark you received for your assignment.


Last updated June 2008. Maintained by Alan Dorin.