CSE5910 : Multimedia Programming in Java

Lecture : File I/O & Object Serialization

In the previous lecture:

In this lecture:

Scanner : a simple way to read data from the keyboard and a file.

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.*;

public class myReader
   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
      String fileName, theText;
      Scanner inputKeyScanner;
      Scanner inputFileScanner;
      File inputFile;

      System.out.println("\nPlease enter the name of a file to be read: ");
      inputKeyScanner = new Scanner(System.in);  // Make a Scanner object to read from System.in
      fileName = inputKeyScanner.nextLine();     // Read the next line of text entered from the keyboard

      inputFile = new File(fileName);            // Make a file object with the file name entered from the keyboard
      inputScanner = new Scanner(inputFile);     // Make a Scanner object to read from the input file

      while(inputScanner.hasNext())              // As long as the input Scanner has a next thing to read...
         theText = inputScanner.nextLine();      // Read a line of text from the file
         System.out.println("Line: " + theText);

The Scanner object allows us to read data from System.in (the keyboard) or from a File object that we create.

Scanner .nextline() reads a line of text from the Scanner up until the next new-line/carriage-return character and returns it as a String.

In this example we open a file (the name for which is entered by the user). This operation might throw an IOException (e.g. if the file doesn't exist) so the method states: throws IOException. We should use the File class methods (listed in a table below) to determine if the file exists before we attempt to read from it.


A better way to get the user to enter a file that constrains them against entering an invalid file name is to use the Java GUI element JFileChooser. Look this up and re-implement the code above to employ it.

Selected Scanner methods.

next() Finds and returns the next complete token from this Scanner. Tokens are delimited by white-space characters (space, tab, new-line etc.) by default.
nextInt() Finds and returns the next integer from this Scanner. (Also nextLong(), nextShort(), nextFloat() ...)
hasNextInt() Returns true if the next token in this Scanner's input can be interpretted as an int using the nextInt() method.
useDelimiter() Set the delimiter between tokens.
delimiter() Returns the pattern the Scanner is currently using to delimit tokens.
close() Closes this Scanner.

Selected File methods.

The File class actually represents a file or directory name, not a file or directory. The File class is not for manipulating the contents of a file, it is for working with the file as a single entitity.

getName() Returns the file name omitting the directory path to the file.
getPath() Returns the file name including the directory path to the file.
getParent() Returns the path of the directory that holds the file (as a String).
exists() Returns a boolean value stating if the file exists.
canRead() Returns a boolean value stating if the file can be read.
canWrite() Returns a boolean value stating if the file can be written.
lastModified() Returns a time stamp of when the file was last modified. (This can be compared against other modification times to see which file is older for example).
delete() Deletes a file or directory. The File class is not for creating files. We'll look at that below.


For sequential I/O Java employs streams.

A stream is an object to which data can be written, and from which data can be read, sequentially.

Examples of streams include System.in (an InputStream), System.out and System.err (PrintStreams: one for standard output, one for output of error messages.)

Selected stream classes from package java.io

InputStream For reading streams of bytes. This is the super-class for all byte input streams
BufferedInputStream Reads a buffer of bytes from an InputStream and returns bytes from the buffer to optimise small reads.
FileInputStream Reads bytes sequentially from a file.
ObjectInputStream Reads binary representations of Java objects and primitive values from a byte stream.
OutputStream For writing streams of bytes. This is the super-class for all byte output streams
BufferedOutputStream Writes a buffer of bytes to an OutputStream only once the buffer is full for optimum efficiency.
FileOutputStream Writes bytes sequentially to a file.
ObjectOutputStream Writes binary representations of Java objects and primitive values to a byte stream.
Reader For reading streams of unicode characters. This is the super-class of all character input streams
BufferedReader Reads a buffer of characters from a Reader and returns characters from the buffer to optimise small reads.
FileReader Reads characters sequentially from a file.
StringReader Reads characters sequentially from a String.
Writer For writing streams of unicode characters. This is the super-class of all character output streams
BufferedWriter Writes a buffer of characters to a Writer only once the buffer is full for optimum efficiency.
FileWriter Writes characters sequentially to a file.
StringWriter Writes characters sequentially to a String.

Reading from the command line and copying a file (of bytes).

import java.io.*;
public class FileCopy
   public static void main (String[] args)
     // Check that we have the correct number of command-line arguments
     if (args.length!=2)
     { System.err.println("\nUsage: java FileCopy <source> <destination>"); }
       // Pass the command-line arguments to the copy method
       try { copy(args[0], args[1]); }
       catch (IOException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); }
   public static void copy (String outFileName, String inFileName) throws IOException
     File inFile = new File(inFileName);
     File outFile = new File(outFileName);
     // Test to see if the file exists and is readable
     if (!inFile.exists()) { abort("No such file: " + inFileName); }
     if (!inFile.canRead()) { abort("Source file is unreadable: " + inFileName); }
     // We should also test to check the inFile is not a directory.
     // Should also test to see that outFile is not already a file (or it
     // might be overwritten etc. etc.)
     System.out.print("This program will copy the contents of " + inFileName + " into ");
     System.out.print("a file called " + outFileName + ". Proceed (y/n)? ");
   // Make a buffered reader that will be reading from System.in (the keyboard)
   BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
   String response = in.readLine();
   if (!response.equals("y")) { abort("Copy has not been executed."); }
   FileInputStream inStream = null;
   FileOutputStream outStream = null;
     inStream = new FileInputStream(inFile);     // Make an input File stream to read from the input file
     outStream = new FileOutputStream(outFile);  // Make an output File stream to write to the output file
     byte[] buffer = new byte [4096];           // Make  buffer to store what is read
     int bytesRead;                             // Make a variable to hold the number of bytes read
     // While there are bytes to be read:
     // (i) get them from the file; (ii) put them in the buffer;
     // (iii) count them; (iv) write them out again
     while ((bytesRead = inStream.read(buffer)) != -1) 
       outStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
   finally // Always close the files when we're finished
     if (inStream!=null) try { inStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { ; }
     if (outStream!=null) try { outStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { ; }
   // A method to throw an exception
   private static void abort(String msg) throws IOException
   { throw new IOException("File Copy: " + msg); }

The above program uses FileInputStream and FileOutputStream objects to do the reading and writing of the file contents. If we wanted to read and write characters (instead of bytes) we would use a FileReader and a FileWriter object instead.

If we do this we must make sure the buffer is a char[] (not a byte[]). We can convert the buffer's contents (chars) into a String and print it out. Try the code below by inserting it into the example above.

Reading and printing a file of characters.

FileReader inStream = null;
inStream = new FileReader(inFile);
String textRead;
char[] buffer = new char [4096];
int bytesRead [...]
while ((bytesRead = inStream.read(buffer)) != -1) { textRead = new String(buffer, 0, bytesRead); System.out.println(textRead); }

Object Serialization

Serialization refers to the writing of an object's state to a byte stream so that the object can be reconstructed later.

The entire object (including all of its private data members and all of its components (even if these are also objects) is serialized.

Serialization works on complex data structures (like graphs and trees), even on an application's entire state to allow us to write them to disk or to send them across a network. I.e. serializing makes deep-clones of these structures.

Beware: serialization depends on the exact structure of your application program and its data-structures. If you save the state of some data-structures or a program, quit the program, then modify the application source code, you won't be able to re-load the saved version of the state because the old serialzed state will not be compatible with the new application code.

Object serialization example

import java.io.*;
public class Serializer
   // A data structure we'll use to test serialization
   public static class TestDataStructure implements Serializable
     String message;
     int [] data;
     TestDataStructure other;
     public String toString()
       String s = message;
       for (int i=0; i<data.length; i++)
       { s += " " + data[i]; }
       if (other!=null)
       { s+= "\n\t" + other.toString(); }
       return s;
   // A method to serialize a data structure
   static void store (Serializable o, File f) throws IOException
     ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f));
   // A method to de-serialize a data structure
   static Object load (File f) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
     ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(f));
     return in.readObject();
   public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
     TestDataStructure ds = new TestDataStructure();
     ds.message = "I'm the original data structure";
     ds.data = new int[] { 1,2,3,4 };
     ds.other = new TestDataStructure();
     ds.other.message = "I'm the nested data structure";
     ds.other.data = new int[] { 50,60,70 };
     File f = new File ("dataStruct.sef");
     Serializer.store(ds, f);
     ds = null;
     ds = (TestDataStructure) Serializer.load(f);
     System.out.println("Read from file: " + ds);
$> java Serializer
 I'm the original data structure 1 2 3 4
     I'm the nested data structure 50 60 70
 Read from file: I'm the original data structure 1 2 3 4
     I'm the nested data structure 50 60 70

At left is the output generated by the program above.

As you can see, the data-structure and its contents (including the array contents and the nested data-structure) can all be serialized easily.


Lecture summary:

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