A JavaScript Calculator

Enter two operands into the leftmost boxes, select an operator and click the button to compute the result.



Caulculator JavaScript and XHTML source code:

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

// declare variables
var add, subtract, divide, multiply;
// set up the form
function initialise() {

         add      =document.calculateForm.operator.options[0];
         subtract =document.calculateForm.operator.options[1];
         divide   =document.calculateForm.operator.options[2];
         multiply =document.calculateForm.operator.options[3];
         document.calculateForm.val1.value = 0;
         document.calculateForm.val2.value = 0;
// check that the text box just used is filled with a number
function numberCheck(elementName) {
         switch (elementName)
            case "val1":
            var tmp = parseInt(document.calculateForm.val1.value);
            if (isNaN(tmp))
               alert("Please enter a valid numerial value into the first text box.");
               document.getElementById("val1").value=0; // a different way to access a form element
               return false;
            case "val2":
            var tmp = parseInt(document.calculateForm.val2.value);
            if (isNaN(tmp))
               alert("Please enter a valid numerial value into the second text box.");
               return false;
         return true;
// do the requested calculation
function calculate() {
         // temporary place to store the result
         var result = 0;
         // convert the vales in the boxes into integers
         var x = parseInt(document.calculateForm.val1.value);
         var y = parseInt(document.calculateForm.val2.value);
         // work out which operation needs to be performed and do it
         if (add.selected) result = x + y;
         else if (subtract.selected) result = x - y;
         else if (multiply.selected) result = x * y;
         else // (divide.selected) need to test for divide by zero request
            if (y == 0)
               alert ("Sorry, you cannot divide by 0!");
               result = x / y;
         document.calculateForm.val3.value = result;
<body onload="initialise()">

<h2>A JavaScript Calculator</h2>
<p>Enter two operands into the leftmost boxes, select an operator and click the button to compute the result.</p>

   <form action="post" name="calculateForm" id="calculateForm">

   <input type="text" name="val1" value="val1" id="val1" size="10" onblur="numberCheck(name);" />
   <select name="operator">
    <option value="add">+</option>
    <option value="subtract">-</option>
    <option value="divide">/</option>
    <option value="multiply">*</option>

   <input type="text" name="val2" value="val2" id="val2" size="10" onblur="numberCheck(name);" />

   <input name="val3" type="text" size="10" readonly="readonly" />
   <input type="button" value="Calculate" onclick="calculate();" />
