> from outside kamioka: > setenv CVSROOT :ext:skrep@kmcvs.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp:/home/skrep/repository > > server (suketto) and want to commit to new server (kmcvs), > you have to change the contents of "CVS/Root" file > > from > :ext:skrep@suketto:/home/skrep/repository > to > :ext:skrep@kmcvs:/home/skrep/repository > kamioka CVS server will move from "suketto" to "kmcvs". >> >> setenv CVSROOT :ext:skrep@kmcvs.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp:/home/skrep/repository >> >> at present, repository directories are common for suketto and kmcvs. >> authorized key on skrep@kmcvs is written : >> /net/ 01-MAR-2007 version 02-MAR-2007 update e-mail (added Maildir, spamassassin), .dtprofile 05-MAR-2007 update printer option ------------------ new hosts ------------------ These are main machines for user login. kmgate01 RHEL4 ssh gateway from outside Kamioka suketto01-05 Solaris10 e-mail, web, SunRay server, etc. sukap001-009 RHEL4 Linux program development, NQS submit sukap011-012 RHEL4 SK real-time analysis, sukap010 data transfer with rdasscp ------------------ initial setup ------------------ Please make sure the following line is in your .cshrc (for tcsh user) source /usr/local/etc/skel/off/cshrc The basic environmental variables are written here, same as previous. ------------------ how to check the new password ------------------ ssh suketto.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp cat password_$USER.txt ------------------ how to login (ssh) ------------------ Please login kmgate01 from your institution. ssh kmgate01.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp (with new username/password) The list of the acceptable IP addresses at kmgate01 are in the following file. suketto:/home/takeuchi/kmgate01-ssh-ip-address.txt ------------------------ how to change password ------------------------ In this system, only web interface is available to change user's information to synchronize Active Directory and LDAP. Here are important restriction about the new password. length should be 7 or 8 must include alphabetic character(s) capitalized and not must include numerical character(s) not true -> must include symbol(s) (symbol = !#$%&-=^~|?@_ ) From remote site, please use a text browser, like below. (lynx is not officially supported by Fujitsu, but it looks working) Here is a breif instruction how to use it. ssh kmgate01.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp lynx http://sukpcs01/password type "y" go to "User ID" by the down arrow key (push 3 times) type your username, then type return type current password, then type return type new password, then retuen (twice) type return at the "Change" button If the following message appear, it is successfully done. Others, please return, then try above again. You have suceeded changing the password. Please login with new password from the next. type "q" and return, to exit lynx This password is currently available for all the system. In near future, 2 different passwords will be set here for kmgate01 and for others. --------------------------------------------- preparation to receive e-mails in sukettoXX --------------------------------------------- Currently, all e-mails are delivered to the old suketto. To receive mails in the new sukettoXX, please forward e-mail to kmgate01 by "/home/$USER/.forward". The followings are some examples of .forward. apply procmail at the old suketto and send to the new sukettoXX. "|IFS=' ' && exec /opt/sfw/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #takeuchi" takeuchi@kmgate01.km.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp keep at the old suketto and send to the new sukettoXX. \takeuchi takeuchi@kmgate01.km.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp just send to the new sukettoXX. takeuchi@kmgate01.km.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp To forwad e-mails from the new sukettoXX, please use "/home/$USER/.forward.postfix" file. The followings are some examples of .forward.postfix apply procmail at the new sukettoXX. "|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #takeuchi" The e-mail delivering route will be switched to the new sukettoXX around March 15. Then, the old suketto will be skipped. (.forward cannot be used) ----------------------------------------------------- how to read e-mails (for xemacs+mew, from Maildir) ----------------------------------------------------- The new e-mails are delivered to sukettoXX:/home/$USER/Maildir/ So, the following modification of ~/.xemacs/init.el would be better. comment out pop related setup, then add below ;;Maildir (setq mew-mailbox-type 'mbox) (setq mew-mbox-command "incm") (setq mew-mbox-command-arg "-u -d /home/takeuchi/Maildir") (setq mew-smtp-server "mail-sk") There is no "mule" in this system, please use xemacs instead of it. ssh suketto01 (or suketto02,03,04,05) xemacs -f mew & ----------------------------------------------- how to read e-mails (for xemacs+mew, via pop3) ----------------------------------------------- ssh suketto01 (or suketto02,03,04,05) xemacs -f mew & The new SMTP is still mail-sk (IP address is different) and pop3. So, no change of ~/.xemacs/init.el can be OK. Currently, pop3 by xemacs+mew might be unstable. If you find any problem about your environment, please let me know. ----------------------------------------------- how to reject SPAM ----------------------------------------------- spamassassin is automatically applied to all the received e-mails. If it looks spam, [SPAM] is insered in the Subject, then X-spam headers are added. Those e-mails can be delivered to other directory. Here is an example to deliver those mails to ~/Mail/spam/ directory. 1. prepare ~/.forward.postfix, like below (for my case) "|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #takeuchi" 2. prepare ~/.procmailrc (this is a simple example) MAILDIR=$HOME/Maildir DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/ :0: * ^X-Spam-Status: Yes $HOME/Mail/spam/. This SPAM detection is not perfect. So, please be careful. ------------------------------------- web blousing ------------------------------------- Please use firefox on sukettoXX or IE from windows terminal service. You may need to set http/https/ftp proxy as port 8080. ------------------------------------- 700TB disk space (SRFS) ------------------------------------- Please login sukap001-009 to see the files in the 700TB disk system. ssh sukap001 (or sukap002,003,004,005,006,007,008,009) ls -al /disk/ ls -al /disk/usr2/Old/ etc. The RDASS API is provided in this system for FORTRAN, C, C++ programs. The arguments are compatible as the previous version. Please use the rdass API to access the files in /disk as much as possible. Usual open(),read(),write(),close() functions can be used for the /disk/ area. In this case please make block size as large as possible. (c.f. RDASS uses 8Mbyte buffer size to access /disk/ area.) The preliminary benchmark performance with RDASS is below. These are averaged Read/Write transfer speeds between sukaqpXXX and /disk/* for 100MB files with 1080 processes. 310Mbyte/sec for a file system 950Mbyte/sec in total The 700TB disk area are not backuped. Please backup important files to a 500TB LTO tape library by yourselves after it is ready. (The tape library is not ready yet.) Currently, there is a small possibility that SRFS becomes hung up when a huge number of accesses occurred at a time. This problem will be fixed soon. (hopefully, by middle of March) ------------------------------------- file transfer between SRFS and others ------------------------------------- To copy the files between SRFS and other area, please use rdasscp command on (sukap011 or sukap012) sukap010, because network speed is faster than other sukapXXX. The SK real-time process will run on sukap011 and 012, so please don't submit personal jobs from here. ssh sukap010 rdasscp -p /net/sukfs04/work/usr/$USER/FILENAME /disk/usr4/USER/ rdasscp -pr /net/sukfs04/work/usr/$USER/DIR /disk/usr4/USER/ etc. At moment, the rdasscp has a restriction of a max. file size limit and a bug about wrong destination. These will be improved soon. For the small files, cp command can be used. However, rdasscp is much faster than cp, so please use rdasscp as much as possible. ssh sukap001 cp ~/.cshrc /disk/usr4/$USER/ etc. ------------------------------------- SRFS disk spaces ------------------------------------- Here is tentative disk spaces for write. all users: /disk/usr4/ (please make your own directory) SK atmpd group: /disk/atmpd4/ SK lowe group: /disk/lowe5/ Please don't write files in other directories under /disk/, because some data transfer is still on going. The data transfer will be done around early April. However, read accesses to the old file are OK. (Please don't delete/modify files) The files in the HPSS are copied as follows. /mtl/data/ --> /disk/data{1-4}/Old/ /mtl/atmpd/ --> /disk/atmpd{1-3}/Old/ /mtl/usr/ --> /disk/usr{1-3}/Old/ /mtl/sk/ --> /disk/sk{1,2}/Old/ /mtl/lowe/ --> /disk/lowe{1-4}/Old/ /mtl/upmu/ --> /disk/upmu/Old/ /mtl/calib/ --> /disk/calib/Old/ Some files are still under copy. Those files are listed in the following file. /disk/data8/datamove/list/* haven't copyed yet /disk/data8/datamove/list/base-data/all.sort all files in HPSS /disk/data8/datamove/list/base-data/copy-ok.sort ready in /disk/* If you would like to access the files in HPSS, please tell me. There is a special command to copy them from HPSS to /disk/* area. ------------------------------------- how to run a NQS program ------------------------------------- to submit qsub to monitor qstat to delete qdel Here is an example to submit and monitor NQS programs. (RDASS is not used yet) ssh sukap001 (or sukap002,003,004,005,006,007,008,009) cp -rp ~takeuchi/nqs . cd nqs ./go.csh qstat all@sukap010 qstat all@sukap010 For NQS commands, please refer man pages also. > I was asked to inform FAQ related to NQS system. > when submitting jobs to NQS, you may encounter the symptom like that > job status become "HOLDING" and error message as below is delivered > by email: > >> Request name: XXXXXXXXXX >> Request owner: XXXXXXX >> Mail sent at: Tue May X XX:XX:XX JST XXXX >> >> Error occurred. >> >> Hold request. > > this may be due to that the size of environmental variable, such as PATH, > exceeds 1014 bytes. If you see such error message, check size of your > PATH variable and reduce it if so. > % echo $PATH | wc -c > > now administrator is asking fujitsu people to enlarge the allowable > size, so this will be improved in future. ------------------------------------ SunRay terminals ------------------------------------- There are total 70 SunRay2 clients. It shows a sukattoXX's login window. Please select the followings from Option, then type username and password. Language: ether English (default) or Japanese Session: Java Desktop (only at the first time) At the first time, please add the following lines in $HOME/.dtprofile, if they are not exist. if [ -f $HOME/.xmodmaprc ] ; then /usr/openwin/bin/xmodmap $HOME/.xmodmaprc fi if [ -f $HOME/.Xdefaults ] ; then /usr/openwin/bin/xrdb $HOME/.Xdefaults fi If you want to replace CapsLock key with Control key, please do below. cp /home/takeuchi/.xmodmaprc ~/ Please prepare ~/.Xdefaults, as you like. Then, please logoff from the left-bottom menu, then re-login. After 2nd login, there will be some special desktop icons. USB: to access USB memories (not very fast...) Windows: open windows terminal service in window mode Windows Full Screen: open windows terminal service in full screen mode If you login SunRay system with an IC card, you can move your working desktop to other SunRay2 at anytime with keeping the desktop. We will prepare some IC cards for visitors. ------------------------------------- Windows terminal service ------------------------------------- The windows terminal services can be accessed from SunRay2 terminals. The actual windows machine are sukpc01,02,03,04. The OS is Japanese Windows 2003 sever. The Microsoft Office 2007, etc. are installed. To open windows terminal service, please double click the desktop icon for Windows. Please use following parameters. username/password: same as sukettoXX domain: km The "Z: drive" ( = /home/$USER/ ) is also available in thw sukpcXX. A drive for the USB memory of the SunRay2 will be also available. Windows profiles are moved like below. desktop: /home/$USER/windesktop -> /home/$USER/windesktop profile: /home/$USER/windows -> /home/$USER/winprofile Please copy "My Favorite" by yourself (it is in the profile section). ------------------------------------- Printer ------------------------------------- The queue name and IP address will be put on the new printers They have similar queue names (lp1, lp22,lp25k, etc). double side print option 1: -y DuplexBook double side print option 2: -y DuplexList ------------------------------------- Japanese environment ------------------------------------- In the sukettoXX and sukettoXXX, the default Japanese coding system is UTF8. (previous = EUC) Please don't use "setenv LANG ja" in ~/.cshrc, etc. This would cause a problem in xemacs. (For xterm, "setenv LANG ja" looks better than ja_JP.UTF-8.) Canna may not work in xemacs now. ATOK and Wnn on sukettoXX work fine. To change Kanji code, please use iconv command. To disable the control-space key to enable ATOK in SunRay2, please do below. sart menu -> setup -> desktop -> input method delete control+space in the trigger key tab ------------------------------------- Others ------------------------------------- o There will be a lecture by Fujitsu during 14:00-16:00 on March 6 and 7 with TV conference KEK MCU 24120. (in Japanese, same topics) o If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to admin@suketto.