Available on-line from http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jonmc/CSE2305/
There you will also find other important information (syllabus and timetable,
reading lists, on-line resources, glossary, etc.)
Will not be handed out
Choose one of these two texts.The third is a comprehensive overview of UML.
Lippman, S. & Lajoie, J., "C++ Primer,
3rd Edition", Addison Wesley, 1998.
An excellent tutorial introduction to C++ and Object-Orientation.
Stan Lippman wrote the first C++ compilers.
Stroustrup, B., "The C++ Programming
Language, 3rd Ed.", Addison Wesley, 1997.
Another excellent introductory text, this one from the man who invented
most of the C++ language. Written in a more technical style than Lippman's
text (which some people prefer).