
Last modified: Thu Jun 14 11:44:00 AEST 2018

Photo from Lake Nillahcootie, 2013

I am Jeff Tan, high-performance computing specialist and researcher for IBM Research - Australia.

I am a former staff with the Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University. I also worked with Professor David Abramson and the Monash e-Science and Grid Engineering Laboratory (Message Lab), both in my research and in supporting current and prospective users of Nimrod and high-performance and high-throughput computing resources of the university.

While at Monash, I focused on networks and network management, security, clusters, grids clouds, and other distributed systems. I'm also interested in AI systems and IoT. Much of my previous work involved Nimrod and I continue to be interested in similar systems. Some aspects of my project under Message Lab, REMUS (RErouting and MUltiplexing System), are described in this wiki. Romulus, the firewall virtualization counterpart of Remus, is described in this wiki page.

Thesis Supervision:

My current interests at IBM Research lie in (1) distributed systems; (2) cloud configuration management; (3) high-throughput and high-performance computing, and (4) security. Previously I had worked with postgrads on connectivity issues, monitoring and scheduling in clusters and computational grids. I am also interested in work involving data integration, metamodeling, and metadata management (my PhD area).

In 2013, I joined IBM Research, Australia. I take opportunities to collaborate, including co-supervision of students, with the Faculty of IT, Monash University.

Interetested students may wish to email Research Degrees staff for enquiries about supervision and scholarships. Please note that I cannot recommend scholarships nor accept research degree students directly.


  1. Alsunbul, S., Le, P.D., Newmarch, J., & Tan, J. (2016): "A Dynamic Security Model for Addressing Hacking Risk Factors," in Proc. 25th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2016 Katowice), August 24-26, Katowice, Poland.

  2. S. Alsunbul, P. Le, J. Tan and B. Srinivasan (2016): "A network defense system for detecting and preventing potential hacking attempts," in Proc. 30th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2016), Kota Kinabalu, January 13-15, pp. 449-454.

  3. Creado, O., Le,P., Newmarch, J. and Tan, J. (2015): "An evolving trust paradigm for enforcing computing system security" in Proc. 2015 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 25-28 May, 2015, pp. 2595-2602. Available: with IEEE Xplore signin or purchase.

  4. Creado, O., Le, P., Newmarch, J. and Tan, J. (2015): "A Structuring Concept for Securing Modern Day Computing Systems" in Proc. Int. Conf. On Computational Science (ICCS 2015), 1-3 June, 2015, Volume 51, 2015, Pages 2764-2768. Available: (ScienceDirect Elsevier)

  5. Simonov, A. N., Grosse, W., Mashkina, E. A., Bethwaite, B., Tan, J., Abramson, D., Wallace, G. G., Moulton, S. E., and Bond, A. M. (2014): "New insights into the analysis of the electrode kinetics of flavin adenine dinucleotide redox centre of glucose oxidase immobilized on carbon electrodes," in Langmuir, 30(11), pp. 3264-3273, American Chemical Society. Available (login required): Langmuir website.

  6. Creado, O., Srinivasan, B., Le, P. and Tan, J. (2014): "The ideal computing system framework - a novel security paradigm," in The SIJ Transactions on Computer Science Engineering & its Applications (CSEA), 2(3) May 2014. Available online.

  7. Creado, O., Le, P. and Tan, J. (2014): "An Explicit Trust Model Towards Better System Security," in the Fourth International conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (CCSIT-2014), Sydney, Australia, February 2014. Available online via arxiv.org.

  8. Alsunbul, S., Le, P. and Tan, J. (2013). "A defence security approach for infrastructures against hacking," in the 12th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-13), Melbourne, Australia, July 2013.

  9. Mesbah, M., Sarvi, M., Tan, J., and Karimirad, F. (2012), "Scaling up transit priority modelling using high-throughput computing," Advanced Science Letters [P], vol 127, Australian Computer Society Inc, Sydney Australia, pp. 53-64.

  10. Lim, Y. H., Tan, J. and Abramson, D. (2012), "Solving optimization problems in Nimrod/OK using a genetic algorithm", in Proc. Int. Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2012), June 3-6, 2012, Omaha, Nebraska. (Available via ScienceDirect.com)

  11. Mesbah, M., Sarvi, M., Tan, J. and Karimirad, F. (2012), "Scaling up Transit-Priority Modeling using High-Throughput Computing", in 10th Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2012), January-February 2012, Melbourne, Australia.

  12. Mesbah, M., Sarvi, M., Tan, J. and Karimirad, F. (2011), "High Throughput Computing Application to Transit Priority Modeling", in Proc. 2nd Int. Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science (CACS 2011), 15-17 Nov 2011, Bali, Indonesia.

  13. Gao, F. and Tan, J. (2011), "Shibboleth and Community Authorization Services: Enabling Role-Based Grid Access", in Proc. 2011 Int. Symp. On Advances of Distributed Computing and Networking (ADCN 2011), in 11th Int. Conf. on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP-11), 24-26 Oct 2011, Melbourne, Australia.

  14. Abramson, D. A., Bernabeu, M., Bethwaite, B., Burrage, K., Corrias, A., Enticott, C. M., Garic, S., Gavaghan, D. J., Peachey, T. C., Pitt-Francis, J., Pueyo, E., Rodriguez, B., Sher, A. A., Tan, J. (2010), "High-throughput cardiac science on the Grid", Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences [P], 368(1925), Royal Society, London UK, pp. 3907-3923.

  15. Tan, J., Abramson, D. A., Enticott, C. M. (2010), "Firewall Traversal in the Grid Architecture", Proc. IEEE 12th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC'10), Melbourne, Australia, 1-3 September, 2010. Available: http://www.computer.org/portal/web/csdl/doi/10.1109/HPCC.2010.108

  16. Sher, A. A., Cooling, M. T., Bethwaite, B., Tan, J., Peachy, T., Enticott, C., Garic, S., Gavaghan, D. J., Noble, D., Abramson, D., Crampin, E. J. (2010), "A Global Sensitivity Tool for Cardiac Cell Modeling: Application to Ionic Current Balance and Hypertrophic Signaling", 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2010), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 31 August to 4 September, 2010.

  17. Tan, J., Abramson, D. A., Enticott, C. M. (2009), "A virtual connectivity layer for grids", Proceedings of the 2009 Fifth IEEE International Conference on e-Science (e-Science '09), 09 December 2009 to 11 December 2009, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos CA USA, pp. 307-312. Available: http://www.computer.org/portal/web/csdl/doi/10.1109/e-Science.2009.50.

  18. Bernabeu, M., Corrias, A., Pitt-Francis, J., Rodriguez, B., Bethwaite, B., Enticott, C., Garic, S., Peachey, T., Tan, J., Abramson, D., Gavaghan, D. (2009), "Grid computing simulations of ion channel block effects on the ECG using 3D anatomically-based models", Proc. Computers in Cardiology, 2009, pp. 213-216, Sep 2009.

  19. Tan, J., Abramson, D. A., Enticott, C. M. (2009), "REMUS: A Rerouting and Multiplexing System for Grid Connectivity Across Firewalls", Journal of Grid Computing, Springer Netherlands, 7(1), pp. 25-50, March 2009. Available: Springerlink.

  20. Ayyub, S., Abramson, D. A., Enticott, C. M., Garic, S., Tan, J. (2009), "Faul-Tolerant Execution of Large Parameter Sweep Applications across Multiple VOs with Storage Constraints", in Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Special Issue: “The Best of CCGrid'2007: A Snapshot of an Adolescent Area”, John Wiley & Sons, UK, 21(3), pp. 377-392, March 2009. Available via Wiley Interscience

  21. Tan, J., Abramson, D. A., Enticott, C. M. (2009), "Optimizing tunneled Grid connectivity across firewalls", Proceedings of the Seventh Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research, 21 January 2009, Australian Computer Society, Sydney NSW Australia, pp. 21-27.

  22. Ayyub, S., Abramson, D. A., Enticott, C. M., Garic, S., Tan, J., 2007, "Executing large parameter sweep applications on a Multi-VO testbed", Proceedings of the 7th International symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, 14 May 2007 to 17 May 2007, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos CA USA, pp. 73-80.

  23. Kommineni, J. M. R., Abramson, D. A., Tan, J., 2006, "Communication over a secured heterogeneous grid with the GriddLeS runtime environment", Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing (e-Science '06), 4 December 2006 to 6 December 2006, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos CA USA, pp. 1-8.

  24. J. Tan, D. Abramson, and C. Enticott. "Bridging organizational network boundaries on the Grid.", 6th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing (Grid 2005), Seattle, Washington, Nov. 13-14 2005. [Abstract] [Paper (PDF)]
  25. J. Tan, D. Abramson, and C. Enticott. "Rerouting Grid Applications Across Firewalls", First International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing (e-Science'05) , Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 5-8 2005. (Copyright 2005 IEEE) [Poster

  26. J. Tan, A. Zaslavsky, C. A. Ewald and A. Bond. "Domain-Specific Metamodels for Heterogeneous Information Systems", 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS36), Distributed Object and Components-Based Software Systems mini-track. Big Island, Hawaii, 6-9 Jan. 2003. (Copyright 2003 IEEE) [Abstract] [Paper (PDF)]

  27. J. Tan, A. Zaslavsky, C. A. Ewald and A. Bond. "A Framework for Ad-Hoc Federated Information Systems", Working Conference on Complex and Dynamic Systems Architecture, Brisbane, Australia 12-14 December, 2001. [View abstract] [Paper (ps.gz)]

  28. J. Tan, A. Zaslavsky, C. A. Ewald and A. Bond. "An object-based metadata facility for ad-hoc federated database systems", Third International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications 2001 (DOA 01), Rome, Italy, September 18-20 2001. (Copyright 2001 IEEE) [Abstract] [Paper (PDF)]

  29. J. Tan, A. Zaslavsky, C. A. Ewald and A. Bond. "Facilitating the interoperability of heterogeneous databases with a meta object facility", Philippine Computing Science Congress (PCSC 2000), Manila, Philippines, November 29 to December 2, 2000. [Abstract] [Paper (ps.gz)]

  30. J. Tan, A. Zaslavsky and A. Bond. "Meta object approach to database schema integration", 2nd International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications (DOA'00), Antwerp, Belgium, September 21-23, 2000. (Copyright 2000 IEEE) [ Abstract] [ Paper (PDF)]

  31. J. Tan. "Cost-efficient location of resources using multicasting in load distribution", Proc. The Philippine Conference on Computer Science (DLSUCC'99), Manila, Philippines, Dec. 16-18, 1999. [ Abstract] [ Paper (ps.gz)]

  32. J. Tan. "Cost-efficient load distribution using multicasting", Proc. (First) IEEE International Workshop on Cluster Computing (IWCC '99), Melbourne, Dec. 2-3, 1999. [ Abstract]

  33. J. Tan. "Annotated bibliography on schema integration for mobile databases", Computer Issues vol. 29, College of Computer Studies, De La Salle University, May 1998. [ Paper (ps.gz)]

  34. J. Tan. " Schema integration for mobile databases", Proc. of the First Australian Workshop on Mobile Computing, Databases and Applications, A. Zaslavsky and B. Srinivasan (Eds.), Monash University, Melbourne, February, 1996. [Paper (ps.gz)]

Links to pages of (my own) interest:

On Distributed, High Throughput, High Performance Computing

Databases and Other Fields

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Places I Miss

In Or About The Philippines

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Et Cetera..

Contact Details: Credits:
Jeff Tan
Caulfield School of Information Technology, Monash University
900 Dandenong Road, Caulfield East, VIC 3145, Australia
Phone: (61 3) 99031172
Fax: (61 3) 99031077
E-mail: jefferson.tan@monash.edu
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OpenOffice Mozilla
Opinion expressed on this site should not be associated with either De La Salle University or Monash University.