Welcome! |
Last modified: Thu Jun 14 11:44:00 AEST 2018 |
I am Jeff Tan, high-performance computing specialist and researcher for IBM Research - Australia. I am a former staff with the Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University. I also worked with Professor David Abramson and the Monash e-Science and Grid Engineering Laboratory (Message Lab), both in my research and in supporting current and prospective users of Nimrod and high-performance and high-throughput computing resources of the university.While at Monash, I focused on networks and network management, security, clusters, grids clouds, and other distributed systems. I'm also interested in AI systems and IoT. Much of my previous work involved Nimrod and I continue to be interested in similar systems. Some aspects of my project under Message Lab, REMUS (RErouting and MUltiplexing System), are described in this wiki. Romulus, the firewall virtualization counterpart of Remus, is described in this wiki page. |
Thesis Supervision:
My current interests at IBM Research lie in (1) distributed systems; (2) cloud
configuration management; (3) high-throughput and high-performance computing, and (4) security.
Previously I had worked with postgrads on connectivity issues,
monitoring and scheduling in clusters and computational grids. I am also
interested in work involving data integration, metamodeling, and metadata management (my
PhD area). Interetested students may wish to email Research Degrees staff for enquiries about supervision and scholarships. Please note that I cannot recommend scholarships nor accept research degree students directly. |
On Distributed, High Throughput, High Performance Computing
Databases and Other Fields
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Jeff Tan
Caulfield School of Information Technology, Monash University 900 Dandenong Road, Caulfield East, VIC 3145, Australia Phone: (61 3) 99031172 Fax: (61 3) 99031077 E-mail: jefferson.tan@monash.edu |
Opinion expressed on this site should not be associated with either De La Salle University or Monash University. |