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Glookbib search for: zz0124

%T Int. Conf. on Computational Creativity
%K ICCC, ICCC21,2021, ICCC22,2022, ICCC23,2023, ICCC24,2024,
   Conf, CFP,www,HREF,http, zz0124, zz0225
%X [16-17 Sept 2024], Paris, deadline 31 Jan 2024
   [19-23 June 2023], Waterloo, deadline 17 Feb 2023
   [27 June - 1 July 2022], Bozen-Bolzano Italy, deadline 18 Feb 2022

%T Int. Conf. on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology
%K ISMB,  ISCB,  ISMB94,ISMB2,1994, ISMB95,ISMB3,1995, ISMB96,ISMB4,1996,
   ISMB97,ISMB5,1997, ISMB98,ISMB6,1998, ISMB99,ISMB7,1999, ISMB8,2000,
   ISMB9,2001, ISMB10,2002, ISMB11,2003, ISMB12,2004, ISMB13,2005, ISMB14,2006,
   ISMB15,2007, ISMB16,2008, ISMB17,2009, ISMB18,2010, ISMB19,2011, ISMB20,2012,
   ISBM21,2013, ISMB22,2014, ISMB23,2015, ISMB30,2022, ISMB31,2023, ISMB32,2024,
   MolBio,conf,CFP,conference,bioinformatics,AI,II,www,HREF,http, zz0124,zz0125
%X [12-16 July 2024] Montreal, deadline 25 Jan 2024 (proc.)
   [23-27 July 2023] Lyon, deadline 19 Jan 2023
   [ISMB-30] 10-14 July 2022, Madison Wisc., deadline 13 Jan 2022

%A K. Capek
%T Rossum's Universal Robots
%D 1920
%O Rossumovi UniverzalnĂ­ Roboti
%K play, SciFi, robot, AI, c1920, c192x, c19xx, zz0124, Karel Capek, RUR,
%X "... introduced the word "robot" to the English language & to science
   fiction as a whole. ..."
   -- [wikip]['24].
   (Also see [doi:10.1126/science.adm9749]['24].)

%A K. Grace
%A J. Salvatier
%A A. Dafoe
%A B. Zhang
%A O. Evans
%T When will AI exceed human performance? Evidence from AI experts
%J arXiv
%D 2017
%K TR, c2017, c201x, c20xx, zz0617, AI, artificial intelligence, human, versus,
   HAL, Terminator, singularity, robots, computing, technology, performance,
   ability, society, social consequences, jobs, work, automation, profession,
   futurology, prediction, zzPrediction, zz0124, zz0127, zz0149, zz0153
%X "... we report the results from a large survey of machine learning
   researchers on their beliefs about progress in AI. Researchers predict AI
   will outperform humans in many activities in the next ten years, such as
   translating languages (by 2024), writing high-school essays (by 2026),
   driving a truck (by 2027), working in retail (by 2031), writing a bestselling
   book (by 2049), and working as a surgeon (by 2053). Researchers believe there
   is a 50% chance of AI outperforming humans in all tasks in 45 years and of
   automating all human jobs in 120 years, with Asian respondents expecting
   these dates much sooner than North Americans. These results will inform
   discussion amongst researchers and policymakers about anticipating and
   managing trends in AI."
   -- 1705.08807@[arXiv]['17].
   [Also search for: zzPrediction] for other predictions.
     (Some would say that LLmodels had achieved 'translation' and
     'high-school essays' by 2023.   [Also search for: LLmodel AI].)

%A K. Grace
%A et al
%T Thousands of AI authors on the future of AI
%J arXiv
%D 2024
%K TR, c2024, c202x, c20xx, zz0124, AI, versus, human, extinction, risk, risks,
   LarLangM, chatGPT, prediction, zzPrediction, zz0127, zz0137, zz0147
%X "... 2,778 researchers ... The aggregate forecasts give at least a 50% chance
   of AI systems achieving several milestones by 2028, inc. autonomously
   constructing a payment processing site from scratch, creating a song
   indistinguishable from a new song by a popular musician, & autonomously
   downloading & fine-tuning a large language model. If science continues
   undisrupted, the chance of unaided machines outperforming humans in every
   possible task was est. at 10% by 2027, and 50% by 2047. ... Between 38% & 51%
   of respondents gave at least a 10% chance to advanced AI leading to outcomes
   as bad as human extinction. ... "
   -- [arxiv:2401.02843]['24].

%A J. M. Pollard
%T Theorems of factorization and primality testing
%J Math. Proc. of the Cambridge Phil. Soc.
%V 76
%N 3
%P 521–528
%D 1974
%K conf, c1974, c197x, c1`9xx, zz0124, prime, integer, factorisation, factoring,
%X "... the problem of obtaining theor. estimates for the # of arithmetical
   op'ns required to factorize a large int. n or test it for primality. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1017/S0305004100049252]['24].
   Also see Pp1@[wikip]['24].
   [Also search for: integer factorisation].

%A D. J. Bernstein
%T Detecting perfect powers in essentially linear time
%J Math. Comp.
%V 67
%P 1253-1283
%D 1998
%K jrnl, c1998, c199x, c19xx, zz0124, algorithm, detect, power
%X "... gives complete details of an alg. to compute approx. k^th roots; [&]
   uses this in an alg. that, given an int. n > 1, either writes n as a perfect
   power or proves that is not a perfect power; [&] proves, using Loxton's
   theorem on multiple linear forms in logs, that this perfect-power
   decomposition alg. runs in time (log n)^{1+o(1)}"
   -- [doi:10.1090/S0025-5718-98-00952-1]['24].
   (This is used in Shor's alg.)

%A M. Thill
%T A more precise rounding algorithm for rational numbers
%J Computing
%V 82
%P 189-198
%D 2008
%K jrnl, c2008, c200x, c20xx, zz0124, algorithm, maths, continued fractions,
   intermediate, fraction, mediant rounding, rational, number
%X "... the current state of art in theory of continued fractions, intermediate
   fractions & their rel'n to the best rational approx. of the 1st & 2nd
   kind. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1007/s00607-008-0006-7]['24] (an erratum 17/8/'08).
   (Also see CFs@[wikip]['24].)

%A S. Bruch
%T Foundations of vector retrieval
%J arXiv
%D 2024
%K TR, c2024, c202x, c20xx, zz0124, algorithm, search, vectors, retrieval,
   similar, query, intro
%X "... Finding vectors that are more similar to a query vector. This monograph
   is concerned with the q. above & covers fundamental concepts along with
   advanced data structures & algs. for vector retrieval. ..."
   -- [arxiv:2401.09350]['24].

%A Sandun Rajapaksa
%T Statistical and Information-Theoretic Exploration of Amino Acid Sequence
   Relationships with Higher-Order Levels of Protein Description
%I Monash University
%K PhD thesis, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0124, MolBio, protein structure, model,
   MML, Monash, MonashUni
%D 2023
%X "Understanding the relationship of amino acid seqs., their divergence in
   evolution & their patterns of conservation across varying structural levels
   (secondary, super-secondary & tertiary structures of proteins) provide useful
   clues about how protein shapes come about, how they function & how they
   evolve, with the potential to inform new directions in protein studies. This
   thesis is the culmination of a set of formal statistical & information
   theoretic explorations that aim to increase our understanding of the specific
   relationships & constraints imposed by the amino acid seq. of proteins when
   compared to their higher-order structures."
   -- [doi:10.26180/24549793.v1]['24].
   [Also search for: MolBio protein structure].

%A M. E. Allentoft
%A et al
%T Population genomics of post-glacial western Eurasia
%J Nature
%V 625
%P 301-311
%D 2024
%K jrnl, MolBio, c2024, c202x, c20xx, zz0124, genomes, human, evolution,
   ancient DNA, Europe, Asia, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Holocene, Yamnaya
%X "we shotgun-sequenced 317 genomes-mainly from the Mesolithic & Neolithic
   periods - from across N & W Eurasia. These were imputed alongside published
   data to obtain diploid genotypes from more than 1,600 ancient humans. ...
   The genetic origin & fate of the Yamnaya have remained elusive, but we show
   that hunter-gatherers from the Middle Don region contributed ancestry to
   them ... "
   -- [doi:10.1038/s41586-023-06865-0]['24].
   [Also search for: ancient DNA human].

%A C.M. Hults
%A et al
%T Still little evidence sex differences in spatial navigation are evolutionary
%J OpenScience
%I Royal Soc.
%D 2024
%K jrnl, c2024, c202x, c20xx, zz0124, navigation, sense of direction, male,
   female, men, women, differences, human, animal, behaviour
%X "A putative male advantage in wayfinding ability is the most widely
   documented sex difference in human cognition & has also been observed in
   other animals. ... Consistent with the prev. result, we found little evidence
   that sex diffs. in spatial navigation & home range size are related. We
   conclude that sex diffs. in spatial ability are more likely due to
   experiential factors &/or unselected biological side effects, rather than
   functional outcomes of natural selection."
   -- [doi:10.1098/rsos.231532]['24].

%A P. T. Mee
%A et al
%T Mosquitoes provide a transmission route between possums and humans for
   Buruli ulcer in southeastern Australia
%J NatureMicrobiology
%D 2024
%K jrnl, MolBio, c2024, c202x, c20xx, zz0124, human health, risk, risks,
   possum, mosquito, Mycobacterium ulcerans, Buruli ulcers, Aedes notoscriptus
%X "... Bacterial genomic analysis confirmed shared single-nucl.-polymorphism
   profiles for M.ulcerans detected in mosquitoes, possum excreta & humans.
   These findings indicate Ae. notoscriptus probably transmit M.ulcerans in
   SE Australia & highlight m. control as a Buruli ulcer prevention measure."
   -- [doi:10.1038/s41564-023-01553-1]['24].
   Also see the [abc][24/1/2024].

%A D. H. Meadows
%A J. Randers
%A D. L. Meadows
%T Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update
%I ChelseaGreen
%P 368
%D 2004
%O (Global Env. Change, 18(3), pp.397-411, AUG 2008)
%K book, text, c2004, c200x, c20xx, zz1208, Club of Rome, Limit, economic,
   Limits to Growth, of, economy, boom, bust, recession, bull, bear, ecology,
   steady state, environmental, resources, population, indutrial, collapse,
   zzPrediction, prediction, zz0124, zz0134
%X pb us$15; uk us isbn:193149858X; uk us isbn13:978-1931498586.
   (1st ed 1972, Universe Books, uk us isbn:0876631650.)
   (Also see: G. Turner,
     'A comparison of 'The Limits to Growth' with 30 years of reality'
     CSIRO, [doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2008.05.001], 2008 (52 pages).
     Was 2004.)
   [Also search for: limits growth resources], [also search for: zzPrediction].

%A J. Cannarella
%A J. A. Spechler
%T Epidemiological modeling of online social network dynamics
%J arXiv
%D 2014
%K TR, c2014, c201x, c20xx, zz0114, internet, www, social media, facebook, Meta,
   myspace, online, networks, OSN, SIR, irSIR, prediction, decline, abandonment,
   zz0124, zzPrediction
%X 'The last decade has seen the rise of immense online social networks (OSNs)
   such as MySpace and Facebook. ... we use epidemiological models to explain
   user adoption & abandonment of OSNs ... modify the traditional SIR model of
   disease spread by incorporating infectious recovery dynamics such s.t.
   contact between a recovered & infected member of the popn is required for
   recovery. The proposed infectious recovery SIR model (irSIR model) is
   validated using publicly available Google search query data for "MySpace" as
   a case study of an OSN that has exhibited both adoption & abandonment phases.
   The irSIR model is then applied to search query data for "Facebook," which is
   just beginning to show the onset of an abandonment phase. Extrapolating the
   best fit model into the future predicts a rapid decline in Facebook activity
   in the next few years.'
   -- 1401.4208@[arXiv]['14].
   And check back c2017
   -- [abc]['14].
   Also see [the_G.][24/1/2014].
   (30 July 2015: "Half the world's estimated online population now
    check into ... Facebook at least once a month. ... [its shares now]
    trading at around us$97 ..."
    -- [bbc].
    And, 3/1/24, Meta's(!) shareprice us$346, & we still have long-Facebook.)
   [Also search for: zzPrediction] -- I do like a prediction.

%A T. Recuber
%T The Digital Departed: How We Face Death, Commemorate Life, and
   Chase Virtual Immortality
%I NYUpress
%P 290
%D 2023
%K book, text, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0124, life, death, dead, memorial,
   social media
%X 1st ed 2023; hb us$165; uk us isbn:1479814946; uk us isbn13:978-1479814947.
   "... the social meaning of digital death From blogs written by terminally ill
   authors to online notes left by those considering suicide, technology has
   become a medium for the dead and the dying to cope with the anxiety of death.
   Services like artificial intelligence chatbots ..."

%A J. P. A. Ioannidis
%A T. A. Collins
%A J. Baas
%T Evolving patterns of extremely productive publishing behavior across science
%J bioRxiv
%D 2023
%K TR, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0124, implausibly prolific, papers, publications,
   academia, academic, Saudi Arabia, China, publish, perish, paper mill, ARC,
   University rankings, management, misconduct, fake, authorship, guest author
%X "... Extremely productive (EP) authors were defined as those with > 60 full
   papers (articles, reviews, conf. papers) published in a single calendar year
   & indexed in Scopus. ... While Physics had much higher #s of EP authors in
   the past, in 2022 the number of EP authors was almost similar in non-Physics
   & Physics disciplines (1,226 vs. 1,480). ..."
   -- [doi:10.1101/2023.11.23.568476]['24].
   (Also see G.Conroy@[www]['24].)
    [Also seach for: implausibly prolific].

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