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Glookbib search for: zz0223

%A B. H. Bloom
%T Space/time trade-offs in hash coding with allowable errors
%V 13
%N 7
%D 1970
%K jrnl, CACM, c1970, c197x, c19xx, zz0223, Bloom filter, hash, hashing, error,
   membership test, superimposed code
%X "... problem considered is that of testing a series of messages one-by-one
   for membership in a given set of messages. Two new hash-coding methods are
   examined & compared with a particular conventional hash-coding method. The
   computational factors considered are [space & time] ... reduction in space is
   accomplished by exploiting the possibility that a small fraction of errors of
   commission may be tolerable in some applications ..."
   -- [doi:10.1145/362686.362692]['23].
   Also see BF@[wikip]['23], and
    "A Bloom filter can be considered a kind of superimposed code"
    -- Sup'code@[wikip]['23].
   [Also search for: Bloom filter]  and  [also search for: superimposed code].

%A R. Fletcher
%A C. M. Reeves
%T Function minimization by conjugate gradients
%V 7
%N 2
%P 149–154
%D 1964
%K jrnl, COMPJ, c1964, c196x, c19xx, zz0223, function, minimisation, minimise,
   gradient, numerical, algorithm, functionMin
%X "A quadratically convergent gradient method for locating an unconstrained
   local minimum of a fn of several variables is described. Particular
   advantages are its simplicity & its modest demands on storage, space for only
   three vectors being required. An ALGOL procedure is presented, & the paper
   includes a discussion of results obtained by its used on various test fns."
   -- [doi:10.1093/comjnl/7.2.149]['23].
   [Also search for: function minimisation].

%A M. J. D. Powell
%T An efficient method for finding the minimum of a function of several
   variables without calculating derivatives
%V 7
%N 2
%P 155-162
%D 1964
%K jrnl, COMPJ, c1964, c196x, c19xx, zz0223, function, minimisation, minimise,
   gradient, numerical, algorithm, functionMin
%X "A simple variation of the well-known method of minimizing a fn of several
  variables by changing one parameter at a time is described. ... is such that
   when the procedure is applied to a quadratic form, it causes conjugate
   directions to be chosen, so the ultimate rate of convergence is fast when the
   method is used to minimize a general fn. A further variation completes the
   method, & its ensures that the convergence rate from a bad approximation to a
   minimum is always efficient. Practical applications of the procedure have
   proved to be very satisfactory, & numerical examples are given in which fns
   of up to twenty variables are minimized."
   -- [doi:10.1093/comjnl/7.2.155]['23].
   [Also search for: function minimisation].

%A L. Pursell
%A S. Y. Trimble
%T Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization by Gauss elimination
%J The American Math. Monthly
%V 98
%N 6
%P 544-549
%D 1991
%K jrnl, AMS, maths, c1991, c199x, c19xx, zz0223, orthogonalisation,
   orthogonalize, normal, orthogonalise, orthonormal, vector, lattice, basis,
   Gram, Schmidt, algorithm, GramSchmidt
%X -- Jstor@[doi:10.2307/2324877]['23].
   Also see, "a method for orthonormalizing a set of vectors in an inner product
   space, most commonly the Euclidean space R^n ... The GS process takes a
   finite, lin. indep. set of vectors S={v1,...,vk} for k <= n & generates an
   ortho. set S'={u1,...,uk} that spans the same k-dim. subspace of R^n as S."
   -- GS@[wikip]['23].
   [Also search for: lattice basis] and [also search for: LLL algorithm].

%A J. B. Orlin
%A L. Vegh
%T Directed shortest paths via approximate cost balancing
%V 70
%N 1
%P #3, 1-33
%D 2023
%K jrnl, JACM, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0223, directed graph, maths, algorithm,
   all pairs, shortest path, APSP, paths
%X "We present an O(nm) alg. for all-pairs shortest paths computations in a
   directed g. with n nodes, m arcs, & nonnegative integer arc costs. This
   matches the complexity bound attained by Thorup for the all-pairs problems
   in undirected graphs."
   -- [doi:10.1145/3565019]['23].
   [Also search for: all pairs shortest paths].

%A I. H. Toroslu
%T The Floyd-Warshall all-pairs shortest paths algorithm for disconnected and
   very sparse graphs
%V ?
%D 2023
%K jrnl, SPE, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0223, all pairs, shortest path, APSP,
   paths, closure, graph, maths, algorithm
%X "...  However, for graphs without any negative weighted edges, using
   Dijkstra's shortest path alg. for every vertex as a source v. to produce
   all-pairs shortest paths works sig. better than the F.-W. alg., esp. for
   large graphs. [&] for graphs with -ve weighted edges, with no -ve cycle, in
   general Johnson's alg. also performs better ... show a simple improvement on
   the F.-W. alg. that will increases its efficiency, esp. for very sparse
   graphs ..."
   -- [doi:10.1002/spe.3188]['23].
   [Also search for: all pairs shortest paths].

%A D. Das
%A et al ...
%A Barna Saha
%T Weighted edit distance computation: Strings, trees and Dyck
%J arXiv
%D 2023
%K TR, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0223, string, strings, tree, trees, edit distance,
   algorithm, weighted
%X "... we propose the first O(n+poly(k))-time alg. that computes weighted
   string edit distance exactly, thus bridging a fundamental gap between our
   understanding of unweighted & weighted ED. We then generalize this result to
   weighted tree & Dyck EDs, which lead to a deterministic alg. that improves
   upon the previous work for unweighted tree ED."
   -- 2302.04229@[arXiv]['23].
   ('k' being the bound on the distance. NB 'weighted'.)
   [Also search for: Ukkonen c1983] and
   [also search for: edit distance algorithm].

%A A. A. Rescigno
%A U. Vaccaro
%T Bounds and algorithms for generalized superimposed codes
%V 182
%P #106365
%D 2023
%K briefComm, IPL, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0223, superimposed code, Zatocode,
   Zatocoding, cover free family, coverFree, strongly selective,
   disjunct matrix, Bloom filter
%X "We introduce a class of generalized superimposed codes that include several
   cases already studied in the literature. We give bounds on their size &
   algs. for their construction."
   -- [doi:10.1016/j.ipl.2023.106365]['23].
   And, "A Bloom filter can be considered a kind of superimposed code"
   -- Sup'code@[wikip]['23].
   [Also search for: superimposed code].

%A P. Dabrowski-Tumanski
%A et al ...
%A J. I Sulkowska
%T KnotProt 2.0: a database of proteins with knots and other entangled
%V 47
%N (D1)
%P D367-D375
%D 2019
%K jrnl, NAR, MolBio, c2019, c201x, c20xx, zz0223, knot, knotted, protein,
   3D structure, knotoid, entanglement, KnotProt, KnotProt2
%X "... collects info. about proteins which form knots & other entangled
   structures. New features in KnotProt 2.0 include the characterization of both
   probabilistic & deterministic entanglements which can be formed by disulfide
   bonds & interactions via ions, a refined characterization of entanglement in
   terms of knotoids, the identification of the so-called cysteine knots, ...
   [now] contains >2000 entangled structures ..."
   -- [doi:10.1093/nar/gky1140]['23].
   [Also seach for: MolBio knot protein].

%A C. P. Roca
%A et al ...
%A A. Listn
%T AutoSpill is a principled framework that simplifies the analysis of
   multichromatic flow cytometry data
%J NatureComms.
%V 12
%D 2021
%K jrnl, MolBio, c2021, c202x, c20xx, zz0223, AutoSpill, JHC, Collier, VIB,
   flow cytometry, spectral, fluorescence, autofluorescence, stats
%X "... we present AutoSpill, an alternative method for calculating spillover
   coefficients. The approach combines automated gating of cells, calculation of
   an initial spillover matrix based on robust linear regression, & iterative
   refinement to reduce error. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1038/s41467-021-23126-8]['23] jrnl MAY 2021, and
      [doi:10.1101/2020.06.29.177196]['23] bioRxiv JUN 2020.
   [Also search for: flow cytometry].

%A P. Verschaffelt
%A J. H. Collier
%A et al
%T Unipept visualizations: an interactive visualization library for biological
%J Bioinf.
%V 38
%N 2
%D 2022
%K jrnl, MolBio, c2022, c202x, c20xx, zz0223, JHC, VIB, javascript,
   software, bioinformatics, metaproteomics, D3.js
%X "... JavaScript package to generate interactive visualizations of both
   hierarchical & non-hierarchical quantitative data. It provides four different
   visualizations: a sunburst, a treemap, a treeview & a heatmap. Every
   visualization is fully configurable, supports TypeScript & uses the excellent
   D3.js library."
   -- [doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btab590]['22].

%A B. Magondu
%A et al
%T Drying dynamics of pellet feces
%J Soft Matter
%N 4
%D 2023
%K jrnl, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0223, wombat, poo, square, shape, animal,
   fecal, feces, faeces, faecal, droppings, square, cube, cubes, cubed
%X "... Understanding the factors that lead to fecal shape may provide a better
   understanding of animal health & diet. In this combined experimental &
   theoretical study, we test the hypothesis that pellet feces are formed by
   drying processes in the intestine. ... Across 22 species of mammals, we
   report a transition from cylindrical to pellet feces if fecal water content
   drops below 0.65. ..."
   -- [www]['23].
   (Also see the [abc][21/11/2023].)
   [Also search for: wombat poo].

%A S. Rajapaksa
%A A. S. Konagurthu
%A A. M. Lesk
%T Sequence and structure alignments in post-AlphaFold era
%J Current Opinion in Structural Biol.
%V 79
%N #102539
%D 2023
%K MolBio, jrnl, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0223, protein, structure, structural,
   3D, alignment, ArunK, AMLesk
%X "... we suggest that when aligning homologous proteins, lacking experimental
   structures, better results can be obtained by a structural alignment of
   predicted structs. than by an alignment based only on amino-acid seqs.. We
   present a quantitative eval'n, based on pairwise alignments of seqs. &
   structures (both predicted & experimental) to support this hypothesis."
   -- [doi:10.1016/]['23].
   [Also search for: MolBio protein structural alignment].

%A E. Farhi
%A et al
%A D. Preda
%T A quantum adiabatic evolution algorithm applied to random instances of an
   NP-Complete problem
%J arXiv
%D 2001
%K jrnl, c2001, c200x, c20xx, zz0223, MIT, quantum computing, annealing, NPC,
   adiabatic, Hamiltonian
%X "A quantum system will stay near its instantaneous ground state if the
   Hamiltonian that governs its evolution varies slowly enough. This q.adiabatic
   behavior is the basis of a new class of algs. for q.computing. We test one
   such alg. by applying it to randomly generated, hard, instances of an NPC
   problem. For the small examples that we can simulate, the q.adiabatic alg.
   works well, & provides evidence that q.computers (if large ones can be built)
   may be able to outperform ordinary computers on hard sets of instances of NPC
   -- [arXiv]['23] (13 refs);
   also see [doi:10.1126/science.1057726]['23] APR 2001.
   [Also search for: quantum annealing].

%A K. Christian
%A et al
%T Research Culture: A survey of early-career researchers in Australia
%J eLife
%V 10
%P #e60613
%D 2021
%K jrnl, eJrnl, c2021, c202x, c20xx, zz0223, academia, Australia, scientific,
   research, university, postgraduate, postgrad, PhD, postdoc, bullying,
   harassment,  academic, job, supervision, misconduct, STEM, STEMM
%X "... we surveyed 658 ECRs working in Australia to better understand the needs
   & challenges faced by this community. Although most respondents indicated a
   'love of science', many also expressed an intention to leave their research
   position. The responses highlight how job insecurity, workplace culture,
   mentorship & 'questionable research practices' are impacting the job
   satisfaction of ECRs & potentially compromising science in Australia. We also
   make recommendations for addressing some of these concerns."
   -- [doi:10.7554/eLife.60613]['23].
   Also see [bioRxiv][2/2020].

%A H. Holden Thorp
%T Revolt against educational rankings
%J Science
%V 379
%N 6631
%P 419
%D 2023
%K editorial, news, views, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0223, university ranking,
   management, academic, academia, deanitis, USA, USnews, T14, KPIs, KPI,
   quote, quotable
%X "The ranking of universities & colleges at the national & global level is a
   well-known dubious practice. Flawed methodologies generate distorted &
   inaccurate profiles of these institutions. Yet, rankings have remained a
   popular ... prestigious law & medical schools have started to walk away from
   this 'evaluation.' ... There are many theories about how higher education in
   the United States lost its way. A reasonable hypothesis is that it started in
   1983 when U.S. News published its first list. It's been downhill ever since.
   Time to turn it around."
   -- [doi:10.1126/science.adg8723]['23].
   [Also search for: university rankings].

%A N. Oreskes
%A E. M. Conway
%T The Big Myth: How American Business Taught Us to Loathe Government and
   Love the Free Market
%I BloomsburyPubl
%P 576
%D 2023
%K book, text, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0223, risks, denial, climate change,
   altRight, science, spin, lies, doubt, USA, politics, economics, reaganomics
%X 1st ed 2023; hb us$63; uk us isbn:1635573572; uk us isbn13:978-1635573572.
   "... In the early 20C, business elites, trade associations, wealthy
   powerbrokers, and media allies set out to build a new American orthodoxy:
   down with 'big government' and up with unfettered markets. ..."
   [Also search for: Oreskes Conway].

%A R. Guevara Erra
%A D. M. Mateos
%A R. Wennberg
%A J. L. Perez Velazquez
%T Towards a statistical mechanics of consciousness: maximization of number of
   connections is associated with conscious awareness
%J arXiv
%D 2016
%O Phys. Rev. E 94, 052402, 8 Nov. 2016
%K jrnl, c2016, c201x, c20xx, zz0223, brain, activity, mind, consciousness,
   entropy, connections, networks, LZcomplexity
%X "It has been said that complexity lies between order & disorder. In the case
   of brain activity, & physiology in general, complexity issues are being
   considered with increased emphasis. ... analysing neurophysiological
   recordings in conscious & unconscious states. We find a surprisingly simple
   result: normal wakeful states are characterised by the greatest # of possible
   configurations of interactions between brain n/wks, representing highest
   entropy values. ... consciousness could be the result of an optimization of
   information processing. ..."
   -- 1606.00821@[arXiv]['23].
   Also see [comment]['23].

%A M. Akhtar
%A et al ...
%A W. K. Hensinger
%T A high-fidelity quantum matter-link between ion-trap microchip modules
%J NatureComms
%V 14
%N #531
%D 2023
%K jrnl, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0223, quantum computer, computing, qubits,
   USussex, UniSussex
%X "... we present the demonstration of a quantum matter-link in which ion
   qubits are transferred between adjacent QC modules. Ion transport between
   adjacent modules is realised at a rate of 2424/sec & with an infidelity
   associated with ion loss during transport below 7x10^{-8}. [&] we show that
   the link does not measurably impact the phase coherence of the qubit. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1038/s41467-022-35285-3]['23].
   Also see the bbc[9/2/2023].
   [Also search for: quantum computer].

%A J. Blustein
%A A. El-Maazawi
%T Bloom Filters -- a Tutorial, Analysis, and Survey
%J ?
%D 2002
%K TR CS-2002-10, c2002, c200x, c20xx, zz0223, Bloom filter, hashing,
%X "Bloom filters use superimposed hash transforms to provide a probabilistic
   membership test. The only types of errors are false +ves ... Non-members are
   typically detected quickly (requiring only two probes in the optimal case).
   This article surveys modern applications of this technique (e.g., in spell
   checking & Web caching s/w) & provides a detailed analysis of their
   performance, in theory & practice. ... concludes with practical advice about
   implementing this useful & intriguing technique. ..."
   -- []['23]
    & [res'g'te]['23].
   See BF@[wikip]['23].

%A A. Konagurthu
%A J. Collier
%T An information measure for comparing top k lists
%J arXiv
%D 2013
%O 2014 IEEE 10th Int. Conf. on e-Sci.
%K conf, TR, c2013, c201x, c20xx, zz0223, ArunK, JHC, top k list, compare,
   MML, MDL, rank, ranking, rankings, distance, partial, permutation, disarray
%X "Comparing the top k elements between two or more ranked results ...
   introduces a new measure to compare any two top k lists based on measuring
   the information these lists convey. Our method investigates the
   compressibility of the lists, & the length of the message to losslessly
   encode them gives a natural & robust measure of their variability. ..."
   -- 1310.0110@[doi:10.48550/arXiv.1310.0110]['23] arXiv, and
      [doi:10.1109/eScience.2014.39]['23] IEEE.
    [Also search for: permutation rank distance].

%A M. Wienobst
%A et al
%T Efficient enumeration of Markov equivalent DAGs
%J arXiv
%D 2023
%K TR, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0223, DAG, Markov, equivalence, class, MEC,
   MPDAG, MPDAGs, causal, Bnet, BN, networks, delay, enumerate, enumerating,
%X "... an important primitive in causal analysis. ... present the first
   linear-time delay alg.. On the theoretical side, we show that [it] can be
   generalized to enumerate DAGs rep. by models that incorporate background
   knowledge, such as MPDAGs; on the practical side, we provide an efficient
   implementation & evaluate it in a series of experiments. ..."
   -- 2301.12212@[arXiv]['23].
   [Also search for: DAG Markov equivalence].

%A B. Saha
%T The Dyck language edit distance problem in near-linear time
%D 2014
%K conf, c2014, c201x, c20xx, zz0223, string, strings, Dyck, grammar, CFG,
   language edit distance, algorithm, LEDistance
%X "Given a string s over alphabet S & a grammar G defined over the same
   alphabet, how many minimum # of repairs (insertions, deletions & subst'n) are
   required to map s into a valid member of G? ... Our main result is an alg.
   for edit distance comp'n to DYCK(s) for any +ve integer s that runs in
   O(n 1+e polylog(n)) time & achieves an approximation factor of
   O(1/eb(n) log |OPT|), for any e>0. ... b(n) is the best approx'n factor known
   for the simpler problem of stringED ..."
   -- [doi:10.1109/FOCS.2014.71]['23].
   Also see, "... Language edit distance, ..."
   -- ED@[wikip]['23].

Search string: