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Glookbib search for: zz0323

%A D. Castelvecchi
%T Mathematicians welcome computer-assisted proof in 'grand unification' theory
%J Nature
%D 2021
%K news, views, c2021, c202x, c20xx, zz0323, LEAN, maths proof assistant, Xena
%X "Proof-assistant software handles an abstract concept at the cutting edge of
   research, revealing a bigger role for software in mathematics."
    -- [doi:10.1038/d41586-021-01627-2]['23].
   (Also see, C. Loh, 'The Lean Proof Assistant', 2022
      [doi:10.1007/978-3-031-14649-7_1]['23], and
  [Also search for: maths proof assistant] & [also search for: theorem proving].

%A Minkyu Shin
%A Jin Kim
%A Minkyung Kim
%T Human learning from Artificial Intelligence: Evidence from human go players'
   decisions after AlphaGo
%J Proc. of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Sci. Soc.
%D 2021
%K conf, c2021, c202x, c20xx, zz0323, ANN, AI, AlphaGo, Go, human, game
%X "... examining human decision-making in the board game Go. Our analysis of
   1.3 million move decisions made by professional Go players suggests that
   people learned to make decisions like AI after they observe reasoning
   processes of AI, rather than mere actions of AI. Follow-up analyses compared
   the decision quality of two groups of players: those who had access to AI
   programs & those who did not. In line with the initial results, decision
   quality sig. improved for the players with AI access after they gained access
   to reasoning processes of AI, but not for the players without AI access. Our
   results demonstrate that humans can learn from AI even in a complex domain
   where the computation process of AI is also complicated."
   -- [www]['23].
   [Also search for: AI Go game].

%A Minkyu Shin
%A Jin Kim
%A Bas van Opheusden
%A T. L. Griffiths
%T Superhuman Artificial Intelligence can improve human decision-Making by
   increasing novelty
%D 2023
%K jrnl, PNAS, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0323, AlphaGo, AI, Go, game
%X "... analyzing more than 5.8 million move decisions made by professional
   Go players over the past 71 y (1950 to 2021). ..."
   -- [doi:10.1073/pnas.2214840120]['23].
   [Also search for: AI Go game].

%A D. Coppersmith
%T An approximate Fourier transform useful in quantum factoring
%R RC 19642 7/12/'94
%D 1994
%K TR, c1994, c199x, c19xx, zz0323, quantum computing, Fourier Transform, QFT,
   Shor, Shors, algorithm, factoring, integer, integers, factors
%X "We define an approx. version of the Fourier transform on 2L elts, which is
   computationally attractive in a certain setting, & which may find application
   to the problem of factoring ints with a as is currently under
   investigation by Peter Shor. (1994 IBM Internal Report)
   -- [arXiv]['23].
   Also see, "... The best QFT algs. known (as of late 2000) require only
   O(n log n) gates to achieve an efficient approx'n. ...
   the QFT acts on a quantum state |x>=SUM_{i=0..N-1}(x_i |i>) and maps
   it to a q.state SUM_{i=0..N-1}(y_i |i>) according to the formula:
   y_k=(1/sqrt(N))SUM_{n=0..N-1}(x_n w^{nk}_N), k=0,1..,N-1.  ...
   w^n_N is a rotation ..."
   -- QFT@[wikip]['23].
   [Also search for: quantum Shor algorithm].

%A E. Bingham
%A H. Mannila
%T Random projection in dimensionality reduction: applications to image and
   text data
%P 245–250
%D 2001
%K conf, c2001, c200x, c20xx, zz0323, approximate, similar, search, retrieval,
   locality sensitive hashing, hash, projections, neighbourhood
%X "Random projections have recently emerged as a powerful method for
   dimensionality red'n ... Our application areas are the processing of both
   noisy & noiseless images, & information retrieval in text documents ..."
   -- [doi:10.1145/502512.502546]['23].
   [Also search for: hashing neighbourhood].

%A M. Datar
%A N. Immorlica
%A P. Indyk
%A V. S. Mirrokni
%T Locality-sensitive hashing scheme based on p-stable distributions
%J Proc. 20th annual symp. on Comp. geom.
%P 253–262
%D 2004
%K conf, c2004, c200x, c20xx, zz0323, hash, hashing, approximate, neighbourhood,
   LSH, similar, search
%X "We present a novel Locality-Sensitive Hashing scheme for the Approximate
   Nearest Neighbor Problem under lp norm ..."
   -- [doi:10.1145/997817.997857]['23].
   [Also search for: hashing neighbourhood].

%A Hao Hu
%A R. Sotirov
%T On solving the quadratic shortest path problem
%J arXiv
%D 2017
%K TR, c2017, c201x, c20xx, zz0323, quadratic shortest path problem, QSPP
%X "The quadratic shortest path problem is the problem of finding a path in a
   directed graph such that the sum of interaction costs over all pairs of arcs
   on the path is minimized ... We also present computational results on solving
   the QSPP using a branch & bound alg.. [It] computes a semidefinite
   programming bound in each node of the search tree, & solves instances with
   up to 1300 arcs in less than an hour (!)."
   -- 1708.06580@[arXiv]['23].

%A D. J. Bernstein
%A N. Heninger
%A p. Lou
%A L. Valenta
%T Post-quantum RSA
%J Post-Quantum Cryptography. PQCrypto
%I Springer
%V 10346
%D 2017
%K conf, c2017, c201x, c20xx, zz0323, integer factorisation, factorization,
   pqRSA, Grover, GEECM, quantum computing
%X "... proposes RSA params. for which (1) key generation, encryption,
   decryption, signing, & verification are feasible on today's computers while
   (2) all known attacks are infeasible, even assuming highly scalable q.
   computers. ... introduces a new alg. to generate a batch of primes. As part
   of the attack analysis, ... introduces a new q.factorization alg. that
   is often much faster than Shor's alg. & much faster than pre-quantum
   factorization algs.. Initial pqRSA implementation results are provided."
   -- 2017/351@[iacr]['23].
   Also see GAlg@[wikip]['23].
   [Also search for: integer factorisation], maybe inc. quantum.

%A O. Danvy
%T The tortoise and the hare algorithm for finite lists, compositionally
%V 45
%N 1
%D 2023
%K jrnl, TOPLAS, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0323, algorithm, cycle, palindrome,
   tortoise, hare, there and back again, TABA, forth, finite list, lists, FP,
   fold, recursion
%X "... when the fast pointer reaches the end of a finite list, the slow pointer
   points to the middle of this list. In the early 2000's, this property was
   found to make it possible to program a palindrome detector ... Concretely,
   compositionality means that programs that use a fast & a slow pointer can be
   expressed with an ordinary fold function for lists and ..."
   -- [doi:10.1145/3564619]['23].

%A P. Ganapathi
%A R. Chowdhury
%T A unified framework to discover permutation generation algorithms
%V 66
%N 3
%P 603-614
%D 2023
%K jrnl, COMPJ, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0323, permutation, permute, generator,
%X "We present two simple, intuitive & general algorithmic frameworks that can
   be used to design a wide variety of perm. gen. algs.. ... can be used to
   produce 19 existing perm. alg., inc. the well-known algs. of Heap, Wells,
   Langdon, Zaks, Tompkins & Lipski. ... design two new sorting-based perm. gen.
   algs., one of which is optimal."
   -- [doi:10.1093/comjnl/bxab181]['23].
   [Also search for: permutation generator algorithm].

%A R. Lewis
%T A comparison of Dijkstra's algorithm using Fibonacci heaps, binary heaps, and
   self-balancing binary trees
%J arXiv
%D 2023
%K TR, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0323, maths graph, shortest path, paths, heap
%X "... describes the shortest path problem in weighted graphs & examines the
   differences in efficiency that occur when using D.'s alg. with a Fibonacci
   heap & ...  Using C++ implementations of these algs. variants ... the fastest
   method is not always the one that has the lowest asymptotic complexity.
   Reasons for this are discussed & backed with empirical evidence."
   -- 2303.10034@[arXiv]['23].

%A C. Faloutsos
%A King-Ip Lin
%T FastMap: a fast algorithm for indexing, data-mining and visualization of
   traditional and multimedia datasets
%P 163-174
%D 1995
%K conf, c1995, c199x, c19xx, zz0323, FastMap, indexing, search
%X "A very promising idea for fast searching in traditional & multimedia
   databases is to map objects into pts in k-d space, using k feature-extraction
   fns ... describe a fast alg. to map objects into pts in some k-D space (k is
   user-defined), s.t. the dissimilarities are preserved ..."
   -- [doi:10.1145/568271.223812]['23].
   [Also search for: approximate indexing].

%A Wei Dong
%A C. Moses
%A Kai Li
%T Efficient k-nearest neighbor graph construction for generic similarity
%J Proc. 20th int. conf. on World wide web
%P 577-586
%D 2011
%K conf, c2011, c201x, c20xx, zz0323, similar, similarity, search, retrieval,
   kNN, kNNG, nearest, neighbour, neighbourhood
%X "K-Nearest Neighbor Graph (K-NNG) construction ... collaborative filtering,
   similarity search, ... We present NN-Descent, a simple yet efficient alg.
   for approximate K-NNG construction ... it is especially suitable for
   large-scale applications where data structures need to be distributed over
   the n/wk. ..."
   -- [c'teseer]['23].
   Also see kNN@[wikip]['23].

%A N. Shervashidze
%A et al
%T Weisfeiler-Lehman graph kernels
%J J. of Mach. Learning Res.
%V 12
%P 2539-2561
%D 2011
%K jrnl, JMLR, Leman, c2011, c201x, c20xx, zz0323, graph neural network, GNN,
   NN, kernel, Weisfeiler, Lehman, label, labelled, graph, maths, test,
%X "... propose a family of efficient kernels for large graphs with discrete
   node labels. Key to our method is a rapid feature extraction scheme based on
   the W.-L. test of isomorphism on graphs. It maps the original g. to a seq. of
   gs., whose node attributes capture topological & label info.. ... A family of
   kernels ... inc. a highly efficient kernel comparing subtree-like patterns.
   Its runtime scales only linearly in the # of edges of the gs. & the length of
   the W.-L. g. seq. ..."
   -- [jmlr]['23].
   (Also see Gkernels@[wikip]['23],
   and GNN@[wikip]['23].)
   [Also search for: graph GNN].

%A Ningyuan Huang
%A S. Villar
%T A short tutorial on the Weisfeiler-Lehman test and its variants
%J arXiv
%D 2022
%O IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Proc. (ICASSP) 2021
%K TR, Leman, c2022, c202x, c20xx, zz0323, graph, graphs, maths, NN, GNN
%X "GNNs are designed to learn fns on graphs. Typically, the relevant target fns
   are invariant with respect to actions by permutations. ... The WL test can be
   generalized to a hierarchy of higher-order tests, known as k-WL. ... The goal
   of this short note is pedagogical & practical: We explain the differences
   between the WL & folklore-WL formulations ... literature. We illuminate the
   differences between the formulations by visualizing an example."
   -- [arXiv]['23],
   and [conf]['23].
   (Also see GNN@[wikip]['23].)
   [Also search for: graph GNN].

%T GPT-4 Technical Report
%J arXiv
%D 2023
%K TR, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0323, chatGPT, chatGPT4, chat GPT 4, GPT4, NN,
   chatbot, ANN, OpenAI, text, words, images, Hinton
%X "... GPT-4 exhibits human-level performance on various professional &
   academic benchmarks, inc. passing a simulated bar exam with a score around
   the top 10% ... Transformer-based model pre-trained to predict the next token
   in a document. The post-training alignment process results in improved
   performance on measures of factuality & adherence to desired behavior. ...
   [can] accurately predict some aspects of GPT-4's performance based on models
   trained with no more than 1/1,000th the compute of GPT-4."  (99p.)
   -- 2303.08774@[arXiv]['23].
   (NB. GPT="generative pre-trained transformer".)
   Also see GPT4@[OpenAI]['23] (not "open")
   and OpenAI@[wikip]['23]
   (2023: flurry of activity with google ('Bard') & microsoft (new Bing)),
   and "AI 'godfather' Geoffrey Hinton warns of dangers as he quits Google ..."
       -- [BBC][2/5/2023].
   [Also search for: ChatGPT]  and  [also search for: chatBot].

%A Godfrey Harold Hardy
%T A Mathematician's Apology
%D 1940
%K Hardy, GHHardy, essay, book, c1940, c194x, c19xx, zz0323, biog, autobiog,
   Ramanujan, 1729, Littlewood, maths, mathematician, quote, quotable, CPSnow
%X With C.P.Snow's foreword 1967; uk us isbn13:978-1107295599.
      "Sometimes one has to say difficult things but one
      ought to say them as simply as one knows how." -- GHH.
   Also see GHH@[wikip]['23].
   [Also search for: Hardy maths].

%A J. T. Vogelstein
%A et al
%T A community-developed open-source computational ecosystem for big neuro data
%J NatureMethods
%V 15
%N 11
%P 846-847
%D 2018
%K jrnl, MolBio, c2018, c201x, c20xx, zz0323, brain, neurons, synapses,
%X "Big imaging data is becoming more prominent in brain sciences across
   spatiotemporal scales & phylogenies. We have developed ... storage,
   visualization, & analysis of these data in the cloud, thusfar spanning 20+
   publ'ns & 100+ terabytes inc. nanoscale ultrastructure, microscale
   synaptogenetic diversity, & mesoscale whole brain connectivity, making
   NeuroData the largest and most diverse open repository of brain data."
   -- [arXiv]['23],

%A S. J. Cook
%A et al ...
%A S. W. Emmons
%T Whole-animal connectomes of both Caenorhabditis elegans sexes
%J Nature
%V 571
%P 63-71
%D 2019
%K jrnl, MolBio, c2019, c201x, c20xx, zz0323, animal, insect, fly, brain,
   Drosophila, male, female, neurons, synapses, network, connectivity,
   connectome, flyconnectome
%X "... We present quantitative connectivity matrices that encompass all
   connections from sensory input to end-organ output across the entire animal,
   information that is necessary to model behaviour. ... differs between sexes
   at multiple levels. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1352-7]['23].
   (Also see [flyconnectome]['23] and
   [Also search for: MolBio connectome].

%A T. Bose
%A et al
%A A. Yonath
%T Origin of life: protoribosome forms peptide bonds and links RNA and protein
   dominated worlds
%V 50
%N 4
%P 1815-1828
%D 2022
%K jrnl, NAR, MolBio, c2022, c202x, c20xx, zz0323, life, origin, origins, start,
   begin, RNA, protein, proto ribosome, protoribosome,
   peptidyl transferase centre
%X "... Our earlier comparative structural studies suggested that a universal
   internal small RNA pocket-like segment called by us the protoribosome, which
   is still embedded in the contemporary ribosome, is a vestige of the
   primordial r.. Herein, after constructing such pockets, we show using the
   'fragment reaction' & its analyses by MALDI-TOF & LC-MS mass spectrometry
   techniques, that several protoribosome constructs are indeed capable of
   mediating peptide-bond formation. These findings present strong evidence
   supporting our hypothesis on origin of life & on ribosome's construction,
   thus suggesting that the protoribosome may be the missing link between the
   RNA dominated world & the contemporary nucleic acids/proteins life."
   -- [doi:10.1093/nar/gkac052]['23].
   (Also see discussion@[www]['23].)
   [Also search for: MolBio origin life].

%A L. Smirnova
%A et al
%T Organoid intelligence (OI): The new frontier in biocomputing and
%J Front. Sci.
%D 2023
%K jrnl, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0323, AI, brain, cell, cells, biological,
   wetware, biol, computing, organoid, in vitrio, dish, frontiers
%X "Recent advances in human stem cell-derived brain organoids promise to
   replicate critical molecular & cellular aspects of learning & memory &
   possibly aspects of cognition in vitro. ... We envisage complex, networked
   interfaces whereby brain organoids are connected with real-world sensors &
   output devices, & ultimately with each other & with sensory organ organoids
   (e.g. retinal organoids), and ..."
   -- [doi:10.3389/fsci.2023.1017235]['23]
   in [www]['23].
   [Also search for: computing AI brain organoid].

%A S. C. Larsson
%A et al
%T Appraisal of the causal effect of plasma caffeine on adiposity, type 2
   diabetes, and cardiovascular disease: two sample mendelian randomisation
%D 2023
%K jrnl, BMJ, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0323, zzCoffee, coffee consumption,
   caffein, positive, type2, diabetes, heart, cardiac, BMI, CYP1A2, AHR,
   human health
%X "... Results Higher genetically predicted plasma caffeine concentrations were
   assoc. with lower body mass index ... Conclusions Higher plasma caffeine
   concentrations might reduce adiposity and risk of type 2 diabetes. ..."
   "... In a dose-response meta-analysis, the risk of type 2 d. decreased by 7%
   for each cup per day increase of caffeinated coffee (an avg cup contains ~
   70-150 mg c.) & by 6% for each cup per day increase of decaf. coffee. ..."
   --- [doi:10.1136/bmjmed-2022-000335]['23].
   [Also search for: zzCoffee].

%A D. Sumanaweera
%A et al
%T Gene-level alignment of single cell trajectories informs the progression of
   in vitro T cell differentiation
%J bioRxiv
%D 2023
%K TR, MolBio, Biol, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0323, single cell, trajectory,
   alignment, dynamic time warp, DTW, warping, Genes2Genes, T cell, cells,
   Tcell, scRNAseq, Teichmann, lab, cellAlign
%X "...  we describe Genes2Genes, a Bayesian info.-theoretic DP framework for
   aligning single-cell trajectories ... Across both real life & simulated
   datasets, Genes2Genes accurately captured different alignment patterns, &
   revealed that T cells differentiated in vitro matched to an immature in vivo
   state while lacking the final TNFalpha signaling ..."
   -- [doi:10.1101/2023.03.08.531713]['23] bioRxiv.
   [Also search for: scRNAseq].

%A M. Winding
%A et al ...
%A M. Zlatic
%T The connectome of an insect brain
%J Science
%V 379
%N 6636
%P ?-?
%D 2023, MolBio, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0323, animal, insect, fly, Drosophila,
   larva, brain, connectome, network, connections, synapse, synapses
%X "... (Drosophila larva) with rich behavior, inc. learning, value computation,
   & action selection, comprising 3016 neurons & 548,000 synapses. ..."
   -- [p'bm'd]['23],
   (Also see connectome@[wikip].)
   [Also search for: MolBio connectome].

%A O. Danvy
%T Folding left and right matters: Direct style, accumulators, and continuations
%V 33
%N #e2
%D 2023
%K jrnl, JFP, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0323, FP, foldl, foldr, accumulator,
   continuation, tail recursion, programming
%X "The equivalence of folding left & right over Peano numbers & lists makes it
   possible to minimalistically inter-derive (1) structurally recursive fns in
   direct style, (2) structurally tail-recursive fns that use an accumulator, &
   (3) structurally tail-recursive fns in delimited continuation-passing style,
   using Ohori & Sasano's lightweight fusion by fixed-point promotion. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1017/S0956796822000156]['23].
   [Also search for: FP continuation].

%A C. S. de Witt
%A et al
%T Perfectly secure steganography using minimum entropy coupling
%D 2023
%K conf, ICLR, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0323, steganography, secret message,
   hidden, hiding
%X "Steganography is the practice of encoding secret information into innocuous
   content in such a manner that an adversarial third party would not realize
   that there is hidden meaning. ... we show that a s. procedure is perfectly
   secure under ... information theoretic-model of s. if & only if it is induced
   by a coupling. Furthermore, we show that, among perfectly secure procedures,
   a procedure is maximally efficient if & only if it is induced by a minimum
   entropy coupling ..."
   -- [arXiv]['23].
   [Also search for: steganography].

%A G. H. Hardy
%A S. Ramanujan
%T The normal number of prime factors of a number n
%J Quarterly J. of Math.
%V 48
%P 76-92
%D 1917
%K jrnl, maths, c1917, c191x, c19xx, zz0323, GHHardy, number theory,
   prime factors
%X -- [www]['23].
   "... Roughly speaking, this means that most numbers have about this
   [log(log(n))] number of distinct prime factors. ..."
   -- HRthm@[wikip]['23].
   [Also search for: Hardy maths].

%A D. Smith
%A et al
%T An aperiodic monotile
%J arXiv
%D 2023
%K TR, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0323, maths, tiling, aperiodic, monotile, 2D,
%X "A longstanding open problem asks for an aperiodic monotile, also known as an
   'einstein"... We answer this problem for topological disk tiles by exhibiting
   a continuum of combinatorially equivalent aperiodic polygons. ..."
   -- [arXiv]['23].
   Also see APT@[wikip]['23].
   [Also search for: aperiodic tiling].

%A P. A. M. Dirac
%T A new notation for quantum mechanics
%J Math. Proc. of the Cambridge Philosophical Soc.
%V 35
%N 3
%P 416-418
%D 1939
%K jrnl, c1939, c193x, c19xx, zz0323, quantum physics, mechanics, braket,
   bra ket notation, defn, vector, vectors, inner product, Hilbert space
%X -- [doi:10.1017/S0305004100021162]['23].
   Also see, "... A ket is of the form |v>. ... it denotes a vector, v, in an
   abstract (complex) vector space V, & physically it represents a state of some
   quantum system.
   A bra is of the form < f| ... denotes a linear form f:V->C, i.e. a linear map
   that maps each vector in V to a number in the complex plane C. Letting the
   linear functional < f| act on a vector |v> is written as < f|v> in C. ..."
   -- BK@[wikip]['23].

%A J. Oppenheim
%A B. Reznik
%A W. Unruh
%T Temporal ordering in quantum mechanics
%J arXiv
%D 2000
%K TR, physics, c2000, c200x, c20xx, zz0323, quantum, time, arrow, future, past
%X "We examine the measurability of the temporal ordering of two events, [&]
   event coincidences. In classical mechanics, a measurement of the
   order-of-arrival of two particles is shown to be equiv. to a measurement
   involving only one particle (in higher dimensions). In q.mechanics, we find
   that diffraction effects introduce a minimum inaccuracy to which the temporal
   order-of-arrival can be determined unambiguously. The min. inaccuracy of the
   measurement is given by dt=1/E where E is the total kinetic energy of the two
   particles. Similar restrictions apply to the case of coincidence
   measurements. We show that these limitations are much weaker than limitations
   on measuring the time-of-arrival of a particle to a fixed location."
   -- quant-ph/0003130@[arXiv]['23].

%A D. P. DiVincenzo
%T The physical implementation of quantum computation
%J Fortschritte der Physik
%V 48
%N 9-11
%P 771-783
%D 2000
%K jrnl, c2000, c200x, c20xx, zz0323, quantum computing, computer, requirements,
%X "... requirements for the physical implementation of q.computation are
   discussed. These five requirements, plus two relating to the communication of, are extensively explored & related to the many schemes in atomic
   physics, quantum optics, nuclear & electron magnetic resonance spectroscopy,
   superconducting electronics, & q.-dot physics, for achieving q.computing."
   -- [www]['23] and
   [Also search for: DiVincenzo quantum].

&A D. P. DiVincenzo
%T Topics in quantum computers
%D 1996
%K TR, c1996, c199x, c19xx, zz0323, quantum computer, computing, features,
   requirements, criteria, intro, Di Vincenzo
%X "I provide an intro. to q.computers, describing how they might be realized
   using language accessible to a solid state physicist. A listing of the
   minimal requirements for creating a is given. I also discuss
   several recent developments in the area of q.error correction, a subject of
   importance not only to q.computation, but also to some aspects of the
   foundations of q.theory."
   -- cond-mat/9612126@[arXiv]['23].
   Also see QC@[wikip]['23].

%A J. Y. Haw
%A et al
%T Maximization of extractable randomness in a quantum random-number generator
%J Phys. Rev. Applied
%V 3
%N #054004
%D 2015
%K jrnl, c2015, c201x, c20xx, zz0323, quantum RNG, QRNG
%X "... we propose & experimentally demonstrate an approach that produces
   side-information-indep. randomness that is quantified by min-entropy
   conditioned on this classical noise. We present a method for maximizing the
   conditional min entropy of the # seq. generated from a given
   quantum-to-classical-noise ratio. The detected photocurrent in our experiment
   is shown to have a real-time [RNG] rate of 14 (Mbit/s)/MHz. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.3.054004]['23].
   (Also see QRNG@[ANU]['23].)
   [Also search for: quantum RNG].

%A T. Hertog
%T On the Origin of Time: Stephen Hawking's Final Theory
%I PenguinBooks
%P 330
%D 2023
%K book, text, physics, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0323, time, arrow, cosmology,
   hologram, holographic projection, big bang, causality, laws
%X 1st ed 2023; uk us isbn:0593128443; uk us isbn13:978-0593128442.
   "... new theory of the cosmos that could account for the emergence of life.
   ... They were startled to find a deeper level of evolution in which the
   physical laws themselves transform & simplify until particles, forces, & even
   time itself fades away. This discovery led them to a revolutionary idea: The
   laws of physics are not set in stone but are born & co-evolve as the universe
   they govern takes shape. ..."
   (Also see [www]['23].)
   [Also search for: time arrow]  and  [also search for: Hawking physics].

%A C. F. Jeff Wu
%T On the convergence properties of the EM algorithm
%J Ann. Statist.
%V 11
%N 1
%P 95-103
%D 1983
%K jrnl, stats, c1983, c198x, c19xx, zz0323, EM algorithm, convergence,
%X "... Several convergence results are obtained under conditions that are
   applicable to many practical situations. Two ... are: (a) if the unobserved
   complete-data spec. can be described by a curved exponential family with
   compact param. space, all the limit pts of any EM seq. are stationary pts of
   the likelihood function; (b) if the likelihood fn is unimodal & a certain
   differentiability condn is satisfied, then any EM seq. converges to the
   unique maximum likelihood est.. A list of key properties of the alg. is
   -- [doi:10.1214/aos/1176346060]['23].
   (Also see EM@[wikip]['23].)
   [Also search for: EM algorithm stats]  &  [also search for snob mixture].

%A J. Skilling
%T Nested sampling for general Bayesian computation
%J Bayesian Anal.
%V 1
%N 4
%P 833-859
%D 2006
%K jrnl, c2006, c200x, c20xx, zz0323, stats, nested sampling algorithm, sample,
   posterior, simulated annealing, marginal
%X "... sampling within a hard constraint on likelihood value, as opposed to the
   softened likelihood of annealing methods. Progress depends only on the shape
   of the 'nested' contours of likelihood, & not on the likelihood values. This
   invariance (over monotonic re-labelling) allows the method to deal with a
   class of phase-change problems which effectively defeat thermal annealing."
   -- [doi:10.1214/06-BA127]['23].
   (Also see Nsamp@[wikip]['23].)

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