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Glookbib search for: zz1122

%A M. J. Freedman
%A K. Nissim
%A B. Pinkas
%T Efficient private matching and set intersection
%J Int. Conf. on the Theory and Appl'ns of Cryptographic Techniques
   EUROCRYPT 2004: Advances in Cryptology
%P 1-19
%D 2004
%K conf, c2004, c200x, c20xx, zz1122, private set intersection, PSI
%X "... computing the intersection of private datasets of two parties, where the
   datasets contain lists of elts taken from a large domain. ... For lists of
   length k, we obtain O(k) communication o'head & O(k ln ln k) comp'n. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1007/978-3-540-24676-3_1['22].
   (Also see PSI@[wikip]['22].)
   [Also search for: private set intersection PSI].

%A F. Serratosa
%T Computation of graph edit distance: Reasoning about optimality and speed-up
%J Image and Vision Computing
%V 40
%P 38-48
%D 2015
%K jrnl, c2017, c201x, c20xx, zz1122, graph edit distance, GED, matching,
   bipartite, image processing, Hungarian, Jonker Volgenant, algorithm, maths
%X "Bipartite g.matching has been demonstrated to be one of the most efficient
   algorithms to solve error-tolerant g.matching. ... a cost matrix between the
   whole nodes of both gs. & solving the nodes' correspondence through a linear
   assignment method (for instance, Hungarian or Jonker-Volgenant methods). ...
   we compare the three versions ..."
   -- [doi:10.1016/j.imavis.2015.06.005]['22].
   (Also see GM@[wikip]['22].)
   [Also search for: graph edit distance GED].

%A S. Bougleux
%A B. Gauzere
%A L. Brun
%T A Hungarian algorithm for error-correcting graph matching
%J 11th IAPR-TC-15 Int. Wshop on Graph-Based Rep'n in Pattern Recognition
%P 118-127
%D 2017
%K conf, c2017, c201x, c20xx, zz1122, maths, graph, edit distance, GED, match,
   matching, bipartite, Hungarian algorithm
%X "Bipartite g. matching algs. become more & more popular to solve
   error-correcting g. matching problems & to approximate the g. edit dist. of
   two gs.. However, the memory requirements & execution times of this method
   are resp. proportional to (n+m)^2 & (n+m)^3 where n & m are the order of the
   g.. Subsequent developments reduced these complexities. However, these
   improvements are valid only under some constraints on the params. of the g.
   edit dist.. We propose ... a new formulation of the bipartite g. matching
   alg. designed to solve efficiently the assoc. g. edit dist. problem. The
   resulting alg. requires O(nm) memory space & O(min(n,m)^2 max(n,m))
   execution times."
   -- [hal-01540920]['22],
   [Also search for: graph edit distance GED].

%A D. Kane
%A R. Williams
%A The orthogonal vectors conjecture for branching programs and formulas
%J arXiv
%D 2017
%K TR, c2017, c201x, c20xx, zz1122, orthogonal vectors conjecture, OVC, vector,
   problem, OVP
%X "... Orthogonal Vectors (OV) problem, we wish to determine if there is an
   orthogonal pair of vectors among n Boolean vectors in d dimensions. The OV
   Conjecture (OVC) posits that OV requires ni^{2-o(1)} time to solve, for all
   d=omega(log n). Assuming the OVC, optimal time lower bounds have been proved
   for many prominent problems in P. We prove that OVC is true in several
   computational models of interest ..."
   -- 1709.05294@[arXiv]['22].

%A Hao Chen
%A K. Laine
%A P. Rindal
%T Fast private set intersection from homomorphic encryption
%J ACM SIGSAC Conf. on Comp. and Comm. Security
%P 1243-1255
%D 2017
%K conf, c2017, c201x, c20xx, zz1122, private set intersection, PSI,
   homomorphic encryption
%X "... allows two parties to compute the intersection of their sets without
   revealing anything except the intersection. We use fully homomorphic
   encryption to construct a fast PSI protocol with a small comm'n overhead that
   works particularly well when one of the two sets is much smaller than the
   other, & is secure against semi-honest adversaries. ... Our protocol has
   comm'n complexity linear in the size of the smaller set, & logarithmic in the
   larger set. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1145/3133956.3134061]['22],
   (Also see PSI@[wikip]['22].)
   [Also search for: private set intersection PSI].

%A M. Kauers
%A J. Moosbauer
%T The FBHHRBNRSSSHK-algorithm for multiplication in Z_2^(5x5) is still not the
   end of the story
%J arXiv
%D 2022
%K TR, c2022, c202x, c20xx, zz1122, small, fast matrix multiplication,
   algorithm, DeepMind, alphatensor, humans
%X "In response to a recent Nature article which announced an alg. for mult.
   5x5-matrices over Z_2 with only 96 mults., two fewer than the prev. record,
   we present an alg. that does the job with only 95 mults..
   -- 2210.04045@[arXiv]['22].
   (Also see [www]['22].)
   [Also search for: fast matrix multiplication algorithm].

%A V. Skala
%T Summation problem revisited -- more robust computation
%J arXiv
%D 2011
%O Recent Advances in Comp. Sci. Conf, 2013
%K conf, c2013, c201x, c20xx, zz1122, sum, summing, underflow, numerical, ESSA
%X "... even simple summation of values is not precise due to the floating pt
   representation use. ... presents a practical alg. for summation of values
   convenient for medium & large data sets. ... simple, easy to implement. Its
   computational complexity is O(N) [v.] the Exact Sign Summation Alg. (ESSA)
   approach with O(N^2) run-time complexity. ... esp. convenient for cases when
   exponent data differ sig. & many small values are summed with higher values."
   -- 2211.04402@[arXiv]['22].

%A R. Anton
%A N. Mihalache
%A F. Vigneron
%T Fast evaluation of real and complex polynomials
%J arXiv
%D 2022
%K TR, c2022, c202x, c20xx, zz1122, evaluate, polynomial, algorithm.
   Horner's rule, numerical
%X "We propose an alg. for quickly evaluating polynomials. It pre-conditions a
   complex poly. P of degree d in time O(d log d), with a low multiplicative
   const. ... Subsequent evaluations of P computed with a fixed precision of p
   bits are performed in avg arithmetic complexity O(sqrt(d(p + log d)) & memory
   O(dp). ... alg. performs asymptotically as O(sqrt(d log d)) per evaln ..."
   -- 2211.06320@[arXiv]['22].
   (There's a surprise.)

%A J. Townsend
%A J.-W. van de Meent
%T Verified reversible programming for verified lossless compression
%J arXiv
%D 2022
%K TR, c2022, c202x, c20xx, zz1122, reversible programming, program, compress,
   Flipper, Agda
%X "Lossless compression implementations typically contain two programs, an
   encoder & a decoder, which are required to be inverse to one another. We
   observe that a sig. class of compression methods, based on asymmetric
   numeral systems (ANS), have shared structure between the encoder & decoder
   -- the decoder program is the 'reverse' of the encoder program -- allowing
   both to be simultaneously specified by a single, reversible fn. ..."
   -- 2211.09676@[arXiv]['22].
   (Also see flipper@[g'thub]['22].)

%A R. E. Tarjan
%A U. Zwick
%T Optimal resizable arrays
%J arXiv
%D 2022
%K TR, c2022, c202x, c20xx, zz1122, resizable array, data structure, grow,
   shrink, growing, Sitarski, Brodnik
%X "... grow & shrink by the addn or removal of items from its end, or both its
   ends, while still supporting const.-time access ... Sitarski & Brodnik et al.
   describe much better solns that maintain a resizable array of size N using
   only N+O(sqrt N) space ... For every int. r>=2, we show that N+O(N^{1/r})
   space is suff. for storing & accessing an array of size N, if N+O(N^{1-1/r})
   space can be used briefly during grow & shrink ops. Accessing an item by
   index takes O(1) worst-case time while grow & shrink ops take O(r) amortized
   time. Using an exact analysis of a growth game, we show that for any data
   structure from a wide class of data structs. that uses only N+O(N^{1/r})
   space to store the array, the amortized cost of grow is Omega(r), even if
   only grow & access ops are allowed. The time for grow & shrink ops cannot be
   made worst-case, unless r=2."
   -- 2211.11009@[arXiv]['22].

%A X. Glorot
%A A. Bordes
%A Y. Bengio
%T Deep sparse rectifier neural networks
%J Proc. of the 14th Int. Conf. on AI and Stats. (AISTATS)
%O JMLR W & CP 15
%D 2011
%K conf, c2011, c201x, c20xx, zz1122, ANN, deep, NN, ReLU, softplus,  softmax,
   activation function, sparse, sparsity
%X "... This paper shows that rectifying neurons are an even better model of
   biol. neurons & yield equal or better performance than hyperbolic tangent
   nwks in spite of the hard non-linearity & non-differentiability at zero,
   ... deep rectifier nwks can reach their best performance without requiring
   any unsupervised pre-training on purely supervised tasks ..."
   -- [www]['22].
   [Also search for: ReLu] and [also search for: softmax].
   (Also see ReLU@[wikip]['22].)

%A D. P. Kingma
%A J. Lei Ba
%T ADAM: A method for stochastic optimization
%J arXiv
%D 2014
%O ICLR 2015
%K conf, c2014, c201x, c20xx, zz1122, deep, NN, ANN, ADAM, training,
   stochastic optimization, optimisation, optimizer, optimiser,
   gradient descent, AdaMax
%X "... first-order gradient-based optimization based on adaptive ests. of
   lower-order moments. ... We also analyze the theoretical convergence
   properties ... Empirical results demonstrate that Adam works well in
   practice ..."  [via DS]
   -- 1412.6980@[arXiv]['22].

%A N. Ketkar
%T Introduction to PyTorch
%J Deep Learning with Python
%A Apress
%P 195-208
%D 2017
%K chapter, intro, survey, c2017, c201x, c20xx, zz1122, deep, NN, ANN, PyTorch,
   Python, Torch, Lua
%X "... we will cover PyTorch which is a more recent addition to the ecosystem
   of the deep learning fwk. PyTorch can be seen as a Python front end to the
   Torch engine (which initially only had Lua bindings) which at its heart
   provides the ability to define math. fns & compute their gradients. PyTorch
   has fairly good Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) support & is a fast-maturing
   -- [doi:10.1007/978-1-4842-2766-4_12]['22] in isbn13:978-1484227657 ...
   deep, training, feed forward, Theano, ..., Keras, TensorFlow, ...
   -- [doi:10.1007/978-1-4842-2766-4]['22].
   Also see [pytorch]['22].
   [Also search for: Python NN].

%A Keyulu Xu
%A et al
%T How powerful are graph neural networks?
%J arXiv
%D 2018
%K TR, c2018, c201x, c20xx, zz1122, graph, NN, network, ANN, GNN, Weisfeiler,
   Lehman, Leman
%X "... GNNs follow a neighborhood aggregation scheme, where the rep'n vector of
   a node is computed by recursively aggregating & transforming rep'n vectors of
   its neighboring nodes. Many GNN variants have been proposed & have achieved
   state-of-the-art results on both node & graph classification tasks. ... Here,
   we present a theoretical framework for analyzing the expressive power of GNNs
   to capture different g.structures. ... Graph Convolutional Netwks & GraphSAGE
   ... cannot learn to distinguish certain simple graph structures. ... then
   develop a simple arch. that is provably the most expressive among the class
   of GNNs & is as powerful as the Weisfeiler-Lehman g.isomorphism test..."
   -- 1810.00826@[arXiv]['22].
   (Also see GNN@[wikip]['22].)
   [Also search for: graph GNN].

%T Keras
%D 2022
%K TR, c2022, c202x, c20xx, zz1122, Keras, Python, deep, NN, ANN, TensorFlow
%X ? Keras, 2018-ish onwards ?
   "Keras is an open-source software library that provides a Python interface
   for ANNs ... As of version 2.4, only TensorFlow is supported ..."
   -- Keras@[wikip]['22].
   Also see []['22].
   [Also search for: Python NN].

%A W. Kabsch
%T A solution for the best rotation to relate two sets of vectors
%J Acta Crystallographica Sec.A
%V 32
%N 5
%P 922-923
%D 1976
%K jrnl, c1976, c197x, c19xx, zz1122, vector, point set, sets, points,
   superposition, rotation, 3D
%X "A simple procedure is derived which determines a best rotn of a given vector
   set into a 2nd vector set by minimizing the wtd sum of squared deviations.
   ... generalized for any given metric constraint on the transformation."
   -- [doi:10.1107/S0567739476001873]['22].
   (Also see KA@[wikip]['22].)
   [Also search for: Kearsley c1990],  for a quat'n approach.

%A M. Levitt
%A A. Warshel
%T Computer simulation of protein folding
%J Nature
%V 253
%P 694-698
%D 1975
%K jrnl, MolBio, c1975, c97x, c19xx, zz1122, protein folding, fold, simulation,
   conformation, simulate, simulation
%X "A new & very simple rep'n of protein conformations has been used together
   with energy minimisation & thermalisation to simulate protein folding. Under
   certain condns, the method succeeds in 'renaturing' bovine pancreatic
   trypsin inhibitor from an open-chain conformation into a folded conformation
   close to that of the native molecule."
   -- [doi:10.1038/253694a0]['22], (13 refs).
   [Also search for: protein folding simulation].

%A R. L. Dunbrack jnr
%A F. E. Cohen
%T Bayesian statistical analysis of protein side-chain rotamer preferences
%J Protein Sci.
%V 6
%N 8
%P 1661-1681
%D 1997
%K jrnl, MolBio, c1997, c199x, c19xx, zz1122, side chain, protein, structure,
   sideChain, library, angles, bbdep, bbdep2010, phi, psi, chi1, chi2, chi3
%X "... stat. analysis of the conformations of side chains in proteins from
   [PDB]. This is an extension of the backbone-dependent rotamer library, &
   includes rotamer pop'ns & avg chi angles for a full range of phi, psi
   values. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1002/pro.5560060807]['22],
   Also see DunbrackLab@[fccc]['22]
   & bbdep2010 (updated 2010).  [Also search for: Dunbrack c2011].

%A G. D. Rose
%A P. J. Fleming
%A J. R. Banavar
%A A. Maritan
%T A backbone-based theory of protein folding
%V 103
%N 45
%P 16623-16633
%D 2006
%K jrnl, PNAS, MolBio, c2006, c200x, c20xx, zz1122, protein, structure, folding,
   back bode, backBone, side chain, sideChain
%X "... partly review, partly proposal. First, we summarize key ideas regarding
   p.folding developed over the past half-century & culminating in the current
   mindset. In this view, the energetics of side-chain interactions dominate the
   folding process, driving the chain to self-organize under folding conditions.
   Next, having taken stock, we propose an alternative model that inverts the
   prevailing side-chain/backbone paradigm. Here, the energetics of backbone
   hydrogen bonds dominate the folding process, with preorganization in the
   unfolded state. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1073/pnas.0606843103]['22].
   [Also search for: sideChain backBone MolBio].

%A V. Z. Spassov
%A L. Yan
%A P. K. Flook
%T The dominant role of side-chain backbone interactions in structural
   realization of amino acid code. ChiRotor: A side-chain prediction
   algorithm based on side-chain backbone interactions
%J Protein Sci.
%V 16
%N 3
%P 494-506
%D 2007
%K jrnl, MolBio, c2007, c200x, c20xx, zz1122, ChiRotor, protein structure,
   folding, dynamics, trajectory, side chain, sideChain angles, backbone,
%X "... our results suggest that side-chain-backbone interactions play the
   major role in side-chain packing, in stabilizing the folded structs., & in
   differentiating the folded structs. from the unfolded or misfolded structs.,
   while the interactions between side chains have a secondary effect. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1110/ps.062447107]['22].
   [Also search for: sideChain backBone MolBio].

%A P. Freddolino
%A et al
%T Challenges in protein-folding simulations
%J NaturePhysics
%V 6
%P 751-758
%D 2010
%K jrnl, MolBio, c2010, c201x, c20xx, zz1122, protein folding, simulation,
   pathway, trajectory
%X "... at present, such simulations are limited in several respects, inc. the
   inability of mol.dynamics force fields to completely reproduce the true
   potential energy surfaces of proteins, the need for sim'ns to extend to the
   millisecond timescale for the folding of many proteins & the difficulty
   inherent in obtaining sufficient sampling to properly characterize the
   extremely heterogeneous folding processes & then analysing those data
   efficiently. We review recent progress in the sim'n of three common model
   systems ..."
   -- [doi:10.1038/nphys1713]['22], also
   see 21297873@[pubm'd]['22].
   (And folding@[uiuc]['22].)
   [Also search for: protein folding simulation].

%A M. V. Shapovalov
%A R. L. Dunbrack jnr
%T A smoothed backbone-dependent rotamer library for proteins derived from
   adaptive kernel density estimates and regressions
%J Structure
%V 19
%N 6
%P P844-858
%D 2011
%K jrnl, MolBio, c2011, c201x, c20xx, zz1122, protein, structure, side chain,
   sideChain, bbdep, bbdep2010, angles, phi, psi, chi, ch1, ch2, chi3
%X "... A new version of the backbone-dependent rotamer library has been
   developed using adaptive kernel density ests. for the rotamer freqs. &
   adaptive kernel reg'n for the mean dihedral angles & variances. ... allows
   for evaluation of the rotamer probabilities, mean angles, & variances as a
   smooth & cts fn of phi & psi."
   -- [doi:10.1016/j.str.2011.03.019]['22].
   Also see DunbrackLab@[fccc]['22]
   & bbdep2010.  [Also search for: Dunbrack c1997].

%A Sheng Wan
%A Jian Peng
%A Jianzhu Ma
%A Jinbo Xu
%T Protein secondary structure prediction using deep convolutional neural
%J NatureSciReports
%V 6
%N #18962
%D 2016
%K jrnl, eJrnl, MolBio, c2016, c201x, c20xx, zz1122, deepCNF, deepSSP,
   protein secondary structure, NN, ANN, Random Field, CRF
%X "... we present DeepCNF (...) for protein SS pred'n. ... a Deep Learning
   extension of Conditional Neural Fields (CNF), which is an integration of
   Cond.Random Fields (CRF) & shallow NNs. DeepCNF can model not only complex
   seq.-structure relationship by a deep hierarchical architecture, but also
   interdependency between adjacent SS labels, so it is much more powerful than
   CNF. Experimental results show that DeepCNF can obtain ~84% Q3 accuracy,
   ~85% SOV score & ~72% Q8 accuracy, resp., on the CASP & CAMEO test proteins,
   greatly outperforming currently popular predictors ..."   (via SR)
   -- [doi:10.1038/srep18962]['22],
   [Also search for: MolBio secondary structure prediction].

%A M. D. Bunting
%A et al
%T Generation of gene drive mice for invasive pest population suppression
%J Applications of Genome Modulation and Editing
%S Methods in Molec. Biol.
%I HumanaPress
%V 2495
%P 203-230
%D 2022
%K chapter, MolBio, c2022, c202x, c20xx, zz1122, Australia, mouse, mice, pest,
   gene drive, CRISPR Cas9, eradication
%X "Gene drives are genetic elts that are transmitted to greater than 50% of
   offspring & have potential for pop'n modification or suppression. While gene
   drives are known to occur naturally, the recent emergence of CRISPR-Cas9 ...
   Here, we discuss the prospects for gene drive development in mice, inc.
   synthetic 'homing drive' & X-shredder strategies ... also provide detailed
   protocols for generation of gene drive mice through incorporation of
   plasmid-based transgenes in a targeted & non-targeted manner. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1007/978-1-0716-2301-5_11]['22].
   [Also search for: MolBio gene drive].

%A R. Pearce,
%A Yang Li,
%A G. S. Omenn,
%A Yang Zhang
%T Fast and accurate ab initio protein structure prediction using deep
   learning potentials
%J PLoS Comp. Biol
%D 2022
%K jrnl, eJrnl, MolBio, c2022, c202x, c20xx, zz1122, DeepFold, NN, ANN,
   DeepMSA, 3D, protein structure prediction, gradient descent, simulation,
   trRosetta, DMPfold
%X "... an open-source program, DeepFold, which integrates spatial restraints
   predicted by multi-task deep residual neural-networks along with a
   knowledge-based energy fn to guide its gradient-descent folding simulations.
   ... Of particular interest is the modeling performance on the most difficult
   targets with v.few homologous seqs., where DeepFold achieved an avg TM-score
   that was 40.3% higher than trRosetta & 44.9% higher than DMPfold.  ..."
   -- [doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010539]['22].
   [Also search for: 3D protein structure prediction], maybe include ANN.

%A Zeming Lin
%A et al
%T Evolutionary-scale prediction of atomic level protein structure with a
   language model
%J bioRxiv
%D 2022
%O Science, 379(6637), pp.1123-1130, MAR 2023
%K TR, c2022, c202x, c20xx, zz1122, MolBio, protein structure, fold, prediction,
   LLM, NN, deep, META, metaAI, esmatlas, ESMFold, metagenomic, ESM, META
%X "... Leveraging the insight that language models learn evolutionary patterns
   across millions of seqs., we train models up to 15B params., the largest
   language model of proteins to date. As the language models are scaled they
   learn information that enables prediction of the 3D structure of a protein
   at the resolution of individual atoms. ... 60x faster ..."
   -- [bioRxiv]['22].
   Also see [esmatlas]['22] and
   comments [doi:10.1038/d41586-022-03539-1]['22].
   (?is no one bothered at 15B params?)
   [Science 379(6637) MAR 2023 [doi:10.1126/science.ade2574]['23].]
   [Also search for: protein structure prediction].

%A O. E. Wilson
%A et al
%T Image-based analyses from an online repository provide rich information on
   long-term changes in morphology and human perceptions of rhinos
%J People & Nature
%D 2022
%K jrnl, c2022, c202x, c20xx, zz1122, rhino, horn, length, size,
   poaching, evolution
%X "... > 4000 rhino images, including both artistic portrayals (1481-2021) &
   photographs (taken between 1862-2021) ... Finally, we found evidence for
   declining horn length over time across species, perhaps related to selective
   pressure of hunting, & indicating a utility for image-based approaches in
   understanding societal perceptions of large vertebrates and trait evolution."
   -- [doi:10.1002/pan3.10406]['22].
   (I believe a similar phenomenon is observed with elephant tusks.)

%A E. A. Albornoz
%A et al ...
%A T. M. Woodruff
%T SARS-CoV-2 drives NLRP3 inflammasome activation in human microglia through
   spike protein
%J Molecular Psychiatry (2022
%D 2022
%K MolBio, jrnl, c022, c2021, c202x, c20xx, zz1122, SARSCoV2, covid 19, covid19,
   Parkinson's, symptoms, human health, UQ, UniQueensland
%X "... results support a possible mechanism of microglial innate immune
   activation by SARS-CoV-2, which could explain the increased vulnerability to
   developing neurological symptoms akin to Parkinson's disease in COVID-19
   infected individuals, and a potential therapeutic avenue for intervention."
   -- [doi:10.1038/s41380-022-01831-0]['22];
   also see the [ABC]['1/11/2022].
   [Also search for: SARSCoV2 health].

%A M. Terao
%A et al
%T Turnover of mammal sex chromosomes in the Sry-deficient Amami spiny rat is
   due to male-specific upregulation of Sox9
%V 119
%N 49
%P e2211574119
%D 2022
%K jrnl, PNAS, MolBio, c2022, c202x, c20xx, zz1122, mammal, Amami spiny rat,
   rodent, Tokudaia osimensi, sex, determining, male, female, chromosome,
   mammalian, Xchr, XO, Ychr loss, chrX, chrY, Sox9, SRY, genes, Enh14
%X "... We here report our discovery of a male-specific duplication of an
   enhancer of Sox9 in the Amami spiny rat Tokudaia osimensis, in which males &
   females have only a single X chr. (XO/XO) & the Y chr. & Sry are completely
   lost. ... Sex-related genomic differences were limited to a male-specific
   duplication of a 17-kb unit located 430 kb upstream of Sox9 on an autosome.
   Hi-C analysis using male spiny rat cells showed the duplicated region has
   potential chromatin interaction with Sox9. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1073/pnas.2211574119]['22].

%A B. L. Clarke
%T Multiple authorship trends in scientific papers
%J Science
%N 3608
%P 822-824
%D 1964
%K jrnl, c1964, c196x, c19xx, zz1122, bibliometrics, multiple authors, trends,
   authorship, publications, papers, science, scientific research
%X "Since 1946 biomedical writers have shown no marked trend toward multiple
   authorship; the avg # of authors per paper remains steady at about 2.3. This
   is in strong contrast to the conclusion of Price from a study of Chemical
   Abstracts that the chemists' trend toward four or more authors per paper has
   been during this period, & continues to be, steeply exponential. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1126/science.143.3608.822]['22],
   [Also search for: multiple authors trends].

%A E. Garfield
%T Can citation indexing be automated?
%J Methods for Mechanized Documentation
%I Stat. Assoc.
%P 84-90
%D 1964
%O Essay of an Information Scientist, vol.1, pp.84-90, 1962-73,
   Current Contents, #9, March 4, 1970
%K conf, c1964, c196x, c19xx, zz1122, bibliometrics, science citation index,
   SCI, ISI, scientific research
%X "The main characteristics of conventional language-oriented indexing systems
   are itemized & compared to the characteristics of citation indexes. The
   advantages & disadv. are discussed in relation to the capability of the
   computer automatically to simulate human critical processes reflected in the
   act of citation. It is shown that a considerable standardization of document
   presentations will be necessary & probably not achievable for many years if
   we are to achieve automatic referencing. On the other hand, many citations,
   now fortuitously or otherwise omitted, might be supplied by computer
   analyses of text."
   -- [garfield.library.upenn]['22].
   [Also search for: Garfield bibliometrics].

%A G. Pinski
%A F. Narin
%T Citation influence for journal aggregates of scientific publications:
   Theory, with application to the literature of physics
%J Info. Proc. & Management
%V 12
%N 5
%P 297-312
%D 1976
%K jrnl, c1976, c197x, c19xx, zz1122, bibliometrics, publication, impact,
   citations, ISI, eigenvalue, pagerank, journals, JIF, science
%X "... for determining citation based influence measures for sci. jrnls,
   subfields & fields. Starting with the cross citing matrix between js. or
   between aggregates of js., an eigenvalue problem is formulated ... influence
   weight for each j. or aggregate. Two other measures, the influence per
   publication & the total influence are then defined. ..."
   -- []['22],

%A P. J. Wyatt
%T Commentary: Too many authors, too few creators
%J Physics Today
%V 65
%N 4
%P 9
%D 2012
%K news, views, c2012, c201x, c20xx, zz1122, multiple authors, authorship,
   trends, physics, science, STEM, academia, university, scientific research,
   postgraduate, papers, publications, KPI, KPIs
%X "A few years ago, Robert Fefferman, dean of physical sciences at the U. of
   Chicago, made an interesting remark. ... that Enrico Fermi, wanting to
   encourage individual creativity & innovation, required his PhD students to
   select their problem, solve it, & submit the results for publ'n in their name
   alone. ... Over the years, publication lists were increasing. Some colleagues
   boasted more than 300 publications & one close to 800! ... single-author
   papers had become relatively rare. Were Albert Einstein, Enrico Fermi,
   Richard Feynman, & other great scientists just lucky ... Although the data
   sets selected are relatively small, they show the downward trend of
   individual creativity. ... It has long been evident that some profs
   established groups of grad. students whose main activities were often focused
   on publishing res. results. Authorship of such articles expanded to include
   all members of the group despite only the peripheral or negligible
   contributions by some ..."
   -- [doi:10.1063/PT.3.1499]['22].

%A J. M. Fernandez
%A M. P. Monteiro
%T Evolution in the number of authors of computer science publications
%J Scientometrics
%V 110
%N 2
%P 1-11
%D 2016
%K jrnl, c2016, c201x, c20xx, zz1122, bibliometrics, multiple authors, trends,
  authorship, computer science, comp sci, CSci, research, STEM, KPI, KPIs,
  1950s, 2010s, papers, publications
%X "... analyses the evolution in the number of authors of scientific publ'ns in
   comp.sci. (CS). ... collected & mined over 200,000 article references ...
   spanning a 60-year period (1954-2014) ... all CS areas witness an increase in
   the avg # of authors, in every decade, with just one slight exception. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1007/s11192-016-2214-9]['22].
   (Fig.1 suggests the avg rises from one or two to three or four.)
   [Also search for: multiple authors trends].

%A J. Adams
%A D. Pendlebury
%A R. Potter
%A M. Szomszor
%T Global Research Report Multi-authorship and research analytics
%I Inst. for Sci. Info. (ISI)
%D 2019
%K bibliometrics, c2019, c201x, c20xx, zz1122, ISI, multiple authors, trends,
   authorship, papers, publications, KPI, KPIs, JIF, citation, citations,
   distortion, hyperauthorship
%X "... The Web of Science has identified a growing # of research articles with
   1,000 or more unique authors across more than 100 different countries. The
   combination of many authors/ many countries creates a complex authorship
   pattern that differs from more typical academic papers & drives elevated
   citation rates. ... Across the Web of Sci., the most frequent # of authors on
   an article is three and 95% of global output has 10 or fewer authors ..."
   -- uk us isbn13:978-1916086869.

%A R. Imhoff
%A et al
%T Conspiracy mentality and political orientation across 26 countries
%J NatureHumanBehaviour
%V 6
%P 392-403
%D 2022
%K jrnl, c2022, c202x, c20xx, zz1122, human behaviour, conspiracy theory,
   stats, psychology, fake news, fakeNews, lies, far, left, right, wing,
   politics, USA, denial, QQ, Qanon, altright
%X "... Prev. res. yielded inconsistent findings on the reln between conspiracy
   mentality [CM] & political orientation, showing a greater CM either among the
   political right (a linear reln) or amongst both the left & right extremes (a
   curvilinear reln). We revisited this relationship across two studies spanning
   26 countries (combined N=104,253) & found overall evidence for both linear &
   quadratic relns, albeit small & heterogeneous across countries. We also
   observed stronger support for CM among voters of opposition parties (that is,
   those deprived of political control).  Nonetheless, the quadratic effect of
   political orientation remained sig. when adjusting for political control
   deprivation. We conclude that CM is assoc. with extreme left- & esp. extreme
   right-wing beliefs, & that this non-linear reln may be strengthened by, but
   is not reducible to, deprivation of political control."
   -- [doi:10.1038/s41562-021-01258-7]['22].
  [Also search for: conspiracy theory] & [also search for: left right politics].

%A S. Babones
%T International student revenue and international rankings success: A case
   study of Australian university research strategies
%J Youth and Globalization
%V 4
%N 1
%P 56-81
%D 2022
%K jrnl, c2022, c202x, c20xx, zz1122, Australia, academia, University, research,
   Go8, management, THES, ranking, rankings, gaming, bias, KPI, KPIs, money,
   overseas, students, education
%X "The publication of the 1st major int. uni. rankings in 2003 opened up a new
   era in ... generated a potential principal-agency problem, as
   nationally-funded unis. increasingly seek int. validation. ... many [.au]
   unis. seem to have excessively expanded their int. student enrolments as a
   way to generate the funds needed to compete in the 'rankings game'. Second,
   many [.au] universities seem to have prioritized research in fields that
   yield higher returns in rankings outcomes. ... provide circumstantial
   evidence that Go8 universities may have compromised their educational
   missions in the pursuit of rankings success."
   -- [doi:10.1163/25895745-bja10019]['22]
   or [www]['22].
   [Also search for: University management].

%A I. Lazaridis
%E et al
%T The genetic history of the Southern Arc: A bridge between West Asia and
%J Science
%V 377
%N 6609
%P ?-?
%D 2022
%K jrnl, c2022, c202x, c20xx, zz1122, linguistics, human, language evolution,
   PIE, evolutionary, genetics, proto Indo European, migration, Anatolia,
   Yamnaya, Asian
%X "By seq. 727 ancient individuals from the S.Arc (Anatolia & its neighbors
   in SE Europe & W.Asia) over 10,000y. ... Two streams of migration
   transmitted Caucasus & Anatolian/Levantine ancestry northward, & the Yamnaya
   pastoralists, formed on the steppe, then spread southward into the Balkans
   & across the Caucasus into Armenia ... Anatolia was transformed by
   intra-West Asian gene flow, with negligible impact of the later Yamnaya
   migrations. This contrasts with all other regions where Indo-European
   languages were spoken, suggesting that the homeland of the Indo-Anatolian
   language family was in West Asia, with only secondary dispersals of
   non-Anatolian Indo-Europeans from the steppe."
   -- [doi:10.1126/science.abm4247]['22].

%A C. Woolston
%T Stress and uncertainty drag down graduate students' satisfaction
%J Nature
%V 610
%P 805-808
%D 2022
%K news, views, c2022, c202x, c20xx, zz1122, scientific, university, research,
   academia, PhD, MSc, postgrad, postgraduate, student, jobs, career,
   well being, management
%X "Scholars in PhD & master's programmes struggle with securing work-life
   balance & support around career training & mental health, finds Nature
   survey. Faced with financial hardships, multiple demands on their time &
   uncertain career prospects, some graduate students are losing faith in their
   chosen career path. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1038/d41586-022-03394-0]['22].

%A E. C. R. da Rosa
%A C. Lima
%T Programming with quantum mechanics
%J arXiv
%D 2022
%K TR, tute, intro, survey, c2022, c202x, c20xx, zz1122, quantum computing,
   computer programming language, KET, daRosa
%X "... This tutorial gives a broad view of q.computing, abstracting most of the
   math. formalism & proposing a hands-on with the q. prog. lang. Ket. The
   target audience is undergrad. & grad. students starting in q. computing ..."
   -- 2210.15506@[arXiv]['22].
   [Also search for: quantum programming language].

%A K. Madi
%A E. Paquet
%A H. Kheddouci
%T New graph distance based on stable marriage formulation for deformable 3D
   objects recognition
%J IEEE/ACS 16th Int. Conf. on Comp. Systems and Appl. (AICCSA)
%P 1-8 
%D 2019
%K conf, c2019, c201x, c20xx, zz1122, maths, graph edit distance, GED,
   similarity, match, matching, 3D, object recognition, stable marriage problem
%X "We propose a novel fast g.matching approach based on a new formulation of
   the SMP, to measure the dist. between graphs. ... is optimal in terms of
   execution time, i.e. ... O(n^2). ... based on the decomposition of graphs
   into a set of substructs. which are subss. matched with the SM alg.. ... we
   address the problem of comparing deformable 3D objects rep. by graphs, we use
   a triangle-stars decomposition for triangular tessellations ... proposed
   approach is based on computing an approx'n of Graph Edit Dist. which is
   fault-tolerant to noise & distortion ..."
   -- [doi:10.1109/AICCSA47632.2019.9035320]['22],
      pdf@[resg'te]['22] (open).
   (Also see Gmatch@[wikip]['22].)
   [Also search for: graph edit distance GED] and
   [also search for: stable marriage problem].

%T Kolmogorov-Arnold representation theorem
%D 1956 / 1957
%K c1956, c195x, c19xx, zz1122, Kolmogorov Arnold representation theorem,
   function representation, represent, sum, multivariate, composition,
   ANN, NN, Hilbert's 13th
%X "... the K.-A. representation thm (or superposition thm) states that every
   multivariate cts fn can be rep. as a superposition of the two-argument
   addition & cts fns of one variable. It solved a more constrained, yet more
   general form of Hilbert's thirteenth problem ...
   f(X) = f(x1,...,xn) = SUM_{q=0..2n} G_q(SUM_{p=1..n}H_{q,p}(x_p)) ..."
   -- KA@[wikip]['22].
   (Also see
    Kurkova 1991 [doi:10.1162/neco.1991.3.4.617]['22] N.C. 3(4) 12/1991, and
    Arnold  2009 [doi:10.1007/978-3-642-01742-1_5]['22].)

%A S. Hameroff
%A R. Penrose
%T Consciousness in the universe: A review of the 'Orch OR' theory
%J Physics of Life Reviews
%V 11
%N 1
%P 39-78
%D 2014
%K jrnl, c2014, c201x, c20xx, zz1122, consciousness, brain, mind, quantum,
   OrchOr, objective reduction, microtubule, controversial
%X "... We proposed in the mid 1990's that consciousness depends on biologically
   'orchestrated' coherent q.processes in collections of microtubules within
   brain neurons ... & that the cts Schrodinger evolution of each such process
   terminates in accordance with the specific Diosi-Penrose (DP) scheme of
   'objective reduction' ('OR') of the q.state. This orchestrated OR activity
   ('Orch OR') is taken to result in moments of conscious awareness &/or
   choice. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1016/j.plrev.2013.08.002]['22] (online 8/2013).
   (Also see Qconc@[wikip]['22].)
   [Also search for: quantum brain mind].

%A N. Humphrey
%T Sentience: The Invention of Consciousness
%D 2023
%K book, text, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz1122, consciousness, self, sentient, mind
%X 1st ed 2023; hb us$25; uk us isbn:0262047942; uk us isbn13:978-0262047944.
   "... Conscious sensations ground our sense of self. They are crucial to our
   idea of ourselves as psychic beings: present, existent, & mattering. But is
   it only humans who feel this way? Do other animals? Will future m/chs.? ..."
   [Also search for: mind book].

%A J. E. Jones
%T On the determination of molecular fields.-I. From the variation of the
   viscosity of a gas with temperature
%J Proc. of the Royal Soc. of London
%S Ser.A, containing Papers of a Mathematical and Physical Character
%V 106
%N 738
%P 441–462
%D 1924
%K conf, physics, MolBio, c1924, c192x, c19xx, zz1122, Lennard Jones,
   atomic forces, force, potential field, molecular, molecules, atoms,
   attraction, repulse, van der Waals, vanDerWaals
%X "... we cannot hope to make a direct calculation of the nature of the forces
   called into play during an encounter between molecules in a gas. ... the
   field in the neighbourood of a hydrogen atom, assumed to consist of a -ve
   charge in motion in circular orbit about a +ve nucleus, & has shown how the
   pulsating field gives rise on the whole to a force of repulsion, as well as
   one of attraction n a unit negative charge. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1098/rspa.1924.0081]['22].
   * Also see LJ@[wikip]['22].

%A Y. Aharonov
%A P. G. Bergmann
%A J. L. Lebowitz
%T Time symmetry in the quantum process of measurement
%J Phys. Rev.
%V 1
%N B1410
%D 1964
%K jrnl, c1964, c196x, c19xx, zz1122, physics, time, arrow, irreversibility,
   measurement, retrodiction, prediction, coherence, quantum
%X "We examine the assertion that the 'reduction of the wave packet,' implicit
   in the q.theory of measurement introduces into the foundations of q.physics
   a time-asymmetric element, which in turn leads to irreversibility. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1103/PhysRev.134.B1410]['22].
   [Also search for: time arrow physics].

%A M. Henriques
%T Why does time go forwards, not backwards?
%D 2022
%K c2022, c202x, c20xx, zz1122, time, arrow, physics, entropy, thermodynamics,
   universe, big bang, bigBang, reversibility, clocks
%X "... The issue is that Newton's laws work about twice as well as we might
   expect them to. They describe the world we move through every day - the world
   of people, the hands that move around a clock & even the apocryphal fall of
   certain apples - but they also account perfectly well for a world in which
   people walk backwards, clocks tick back afternoon to morning, & fruit soars
   up from the ground to its tree-branch. ..."
   -- [bbc][10/2022].
   [Also search for: time arrow].
   Also see [Ideal Gas].

%T IBM Unveils 400 Qubit-Plus Quantum Processor and Next-Generation
   IBM Quantum System Two
%D 2022
%K news, c2022, c202x, c20xx, zz1122, quantum computer, quantumComputer,
   computing, Osprey, IBM
%X "... "The new 433 qubit 'Osprey' processor brings us a step closer to the
   point where q.computers will be used to tackle previously unsolvable
   problems," said Dr. Darío Gil, Senior Vice President ..."
   -- [ibm][9/11/2022].
   "... 433-Qubit Osprey Chip ..."
   [Also search for: quantum computer].

%A E. C. R. Da Rosa
%A R. De Santiago
%T Ket quantum programming
%J J. on Emerging Technologies in Comp. Sys.
%V 18
%N 1
%P #12 (p.1-25)
%D 2022
%K jrnl, c2021, c202x, c20xx, zz1122, KET, quantum programming language, PLD,
   QPL, Libket, KBW, computing, daRosa
%X "... We present a runtime architecture for classical-quantum execution that
   mitigates the limitation of interaction between classical & q.computers
   originated from the cloud-based model of q.computation provided by several
   vendors, which implies a processing in batch. ... introduce (i)
   runtime q.code generation to enable generic q.programming & dynamic
   q.execution; & (ii) the concept of futures to handle dynamic interaction
   between classical & q.computers. ... have implemented the Ket Q.Programming
   f/wk that features a Python-embedded classical-q. prog. lang. named Ket  ..."
   -- [doi:10.1145/3474224]['22].
   Also see q'ket@[www]['22].

%A E. Goldenberg
%A T. Kociumaka
%A R. Krauthgamer
%A B. Saha
%T An algorithmic bridge between Hamming and Levenshtein distances
%J arXiv
%D 2022
%K TR, c2022, c202x, c20xx, zz1122, string, edit distance, algorithm,
   indel, indels
%X "... in many real-life scenarios, insertions & deletions (indels) appear
   freq. but sig. less so than substitutions. ... consider substitutions being
   cheaper than indels, with cost 1/a for a parameter a>=1. [ED_a] ... first
   present a simple deterministic exact alg. for ED_a & further prove that it is
   near-optimal assuming the Orthogonal Vectors Conjecture. Our main result is a
   randomized alg. computing a (1+e)-approx. of ED_a(X,Y), given strings X,Y of
   total length n & a bound k>=ED_a(X,Y) ..."
   -- 2211.12496[arXiv]['22].

Search string: