import java.lang.*; import*; // Released under the GNU General Public License Version 2, June 1991. public class Lexical // Lexical processor of symbols { InputStream inp; int sy = -1; // lexical state variables char ch = ' '; byte[] buffer = new byte[1]; boolean eof = false; String theWord = ""; int theInt = 666; public static final int // symbol codes... word = 0, numeral = 1, open = 2, // ( close = 3, // ) plus = 4, // + minus = 5, // - times = 6, // * over = 7, // / eofSy = 8; public static final String[] Symbol = new String[] { "", "", "(", ")", "+", "-", "*", "/", "" };//Symbol public Lexical(InputStream inp) // constructor { this.inp = inp; insymbol(); }//constructor public int sy() { return sy; } // Define public boolean eoi() { return sy == eofSy; } // what a public String theWord() { return theWord; } // Lexical public int theInt() { return theInt; } // object is public void insymbol() // insymbol // get the next symbol from the input stream { if(sy == eofSy) return; while( ch == ' ' ) getch(); // skip white space if( eof ) sy = eofSy; else if( Character.isLetter(ch) ) // words { StringBuffer w = new StringBuffer(); while( Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch) ) { w.append(ch); getch(); } theWord = w.toString(); sy = word; } else if( Character.isDigit(ch) ) // numbers { theInt = 0; while( Character.isDigit(ch) ) { theInt = theInt*10 + ((int)ch) - ((int)'0'); getch(); } sy = numeral; } else // special symbols { int ch2 = ch; getch(); switch( ch2 ) { case '+': sy = plus; break; case '-': sy = minus; break; case '*': sy = times; break; case '/': sy = over; break; case '(': sy = open; break; case ')': sy = close; break; default: error("bad symbol"); } } }//insymbol void getch() // getch // NB. changes variable ch as a side-effect. { ch = '.'; if( sy == eofSy ) return; try { int n = 0; if( inp.available() > 0 ) n =; if( n <= 0 ) eof = true; else ch = (char)buffer[0]; } catch(Exception e){ } if(ch == '\n' || ch == '\t') ch = ' '; }//getch void skipRest() { if( ! eof ) System.out.print("skipping to end of input..."); int n = 0; while( ! eof ) { if( n%80 == 0 ) System.out.println(); // break line System.out.print(ch); n++; getch(); } System.out.println(); }//skipRest public void error(String msg) // error { System.out.println("\nError: " + msg + " sy=" + sy + " ch=" + ch + " theWord=" + theWord + " theInt=" + theInt); skipRest(); System.exit(1); }//error // the following main() allows Lexical to be tested in isolation public static void main(String[] argv) { System.out.println("--- Testing Lexical, L.Allison, CSSE, " + "Monash Uni, .au ---"); for(int i=0; i < argv.length; i++) // command line params if any System.out.print("argv[" + i + "]=" + argv[i] + "\n"); Lexical lex = new Lexical(; while( ! lex.eoi() ) { int sy =; System.out.print(sy + ": "); if(sy == Lexical.word) System.out.print(lex.theWord()); if(sy == Lexical.numeral) System.out.print(lex.theInt()); System.out.println(","); lex.insymbol(); } System.out.println("--- end ---"); }//main }//Lexical class September 2001, L.Allison, // School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, // Monash University, Australia 3800