The Zero Bit Computer 
a simple micro sequencer or algorithmic state machine design

by Ralph Klimek June 2007 based on work by author from 1987

abstract: simple concept, MSI implementation of a micro sequencer permits one to one mapping of natural language sequence description to direct implementation in MSI logic without the ledgerdermain of state machine design and logic minimization.

This simple design was first brought to my attention in Blakeslee (1) as a simple way of implementing algorithmic state machines. Traditional state machine design involves a rigid state description, input contingencies , output state to next input state mapping, followed by assignment of discrete states to JK flip flops and then logic minimization with Karnough maps or other such tools that in my opinion serves only to obfuscate the problem and deny practical implementation. Any change whatsoever in the requirements in the machine neccesarily require its complete redesign and rebuilding. The traditional method admits no possibility of "programming" to cope with design changes. In practice, the traditional state machine permits no simple debugging, sequence single stepping to verify design compliance. The final logic map does not have an intuitive mapping between the logic  and the function that the machine has been designed to perform.

The key elements in the design are 4 bit binary resettable counters with clock enable and preset enable inputs, binary to unary decoders (eg 74154 4 to 16 decoder) , 8 to 1 multiplexer (eg 74151), 4 bit priority encoder (eg 74148) and simple SSI glue logic.

This design technique is applicable only to seventies era logic when MSI gates became available and situations where the raw speed adavantage of hard wired logic or the simplicity of the problem does not require the complexity or expense of developing a microprocessor based solution.  In this day one would be remiss not to use an AVR or PIC for even the most trivial applications unless speed is important.  The simple 74xxx series logic can run at at least 20Mhz, newer ACT or older S variant logic may toggle up to nearly 100 Mhz.  The design implemented in ECL can easily run at 200Mhz without special design effort.

The design presented and implented in typical 74 series logic will have a maximum of 16 states. In the practical applications presented ( Static and Dynamic RAM chip testers ) the machine will have millions of states.

The most usefull and critical application of the the zero bit computer is in the generation of precision  and deterministic timing sequences for such things as dynamic ram signal sequencing, CCD array timing, microprocessor bus control or even control of simple automata.

The natural language problem description should be able to be stated in terms of these constructs.

1. wait until condition, or advance state until condition, or advance state unconditionally
2. branch to state X on external contingency, branch to state X if state equals Y (being an internal contingency), unconditional branch.
3. for each state, there exists a discrete unary output signal, used or unused, whose meaning is arbitrary and defines the usefull output of the machine.

These statements map directly to a logic map consisting of nothing more than a counter, decoder, and two multiplexors and a priority encoder (only if more than one branch destination is required).
There is no logic minimization, there is nothing to minimise in this MSI implementation. ( still worth doing in an FPGA)

This simple design cannot do arithmetic or branch on value comparisons and cannot operate on DATA, hence the origin of the zero bit computer idea. It is not a micro processor, however some conceputally simple extentions could turn it into an arbitarilly powerfull RISC processor.

An 4 bit MSI counter generally has a clock input, clock enable input, a preset state input control, preset inputs and binary state outputs. Some may have a count direction control but that is not a usefull function in this case. The preset enable control signal should be synchronous.
A priority encoder take unary signals and outputs a binary word. A multiplexer takes a binary address value and selects one of many input unary signals and passes it through. A decoder takes a binary value and generates a unary signal that represents the binary value. The state of the machine is defined by the weighted binary value of a small number of D type flip flops, which in our case are embedded in the binary counter chips which with their internal glue logic compel them to "count" in binary.  Counting in this sense is just a unique but arbitrary mapping of one state to its next state however as human designers we allready understand the "counting sequence" 0,1,2,3.....14,15,0 so there is at least one less mystery to deal with.

The "clock" signal may be any free running clock , the clock serves merely as a source of discrete time steps that define the smallest atomic state transistion time and more importantly provide positive edge transistions that D flip flops require in order to change state.

Now is the time to connect some of these logic gates together.
The preset enable of the counter is connected to the ouput of a multiplexer. The address line inputs of the multiplexer are connected to the counter outputs.  The data inputs to the multiplexer
are connected to logical zero or one or an external input fromthe outside world.  When the preset input of the counter is active the binary value present on the counter data input lines becomes (and this is the important bit) BECOMES THE NEW STATE.  This setup can now perform conditional and unconditional branching determined only by THE INPUTS OF THE MULTIPLEXOR. Nops or "just advance to the next state" are wired as logical zeros, unconditional branches are wired as logical ones and conditional branches are wired to the outside world.

Allready this  little machine can react to external stimulie in a meaningful way.

Each state of the machine must have assigned to it a "meaning" in the higher language sense. The state is represented by the weighted binary value of the counter. The counter outputs now also feed a binary to unary decoder. Now exists a discrete signal to which we attach meanings, even if a particular state is not used, redundant or "meaningless"  we still assign a meaning of "not used" to it. These unary outputs also represent the "usefull" output signals that might be driving bus control  signals, LSI control signals, relays, lights, whatever. It is possible to connect one of these unary outputs to the preset enable multiplexor input to implement a "when you have reached the end of the program branch to the beginning " construct...or also to catch and manage unimplemented states ( which all good digital designers take care of ... dont they ?)

To implement the wait on condition function or the advance state control another multiplexer output connects to the clock enable signal  of the counter. The address lines to the multiplexor and counter ouput are connected. It is now possible to assign a wait states  based on the state of the counters.  Logical ones will advance the state, logical zero will halt the machine (this is not so useless...we may wish to halt on some alarm condition ) or an external signal. The state machine can now be programmed to wait UNTIL some external condition is satisfied.

Now we can add more advanced features. The data presented to the preset inputs of the counter represents a program address location in the sense of the way we understand what programming means.
Typically it would be hard wired to all logical zero as most micro programms will branch unconditionally back to zero. We might however branch back to 0001 and leave state 0000 to perform power on initiallization of other systems. We could feed the preset inputs through another multiplexor to implement a conditional branch on external condition. If there are many external signals on which we wish to conditinally branch  , feed them all through a priority encoder which will generate a binary weighted word mapped to any one of its unary input signals. (Think of a priority encoder as a kind of PROM whoose contents is selected by unary coded address lines!)

There are some logical extentions to this simple scheme to make it more complicated. Sixtenn states may not seem much and isnt enough for all but the most simple control and sequencing requirements. Multiple counters can be cascaded but even with a state counter of 8 bits, this gives 256 states. Decoding all these states is unreasonable with discrete logic, only the actual uniquely required states would be decoded, an application might be TV sync generation where we require 16 bit time resolution. More complex control would be implemented in a ROM. The counter outputs address a ROM some of  whose outputs are connected to the "branch enable" and "clock enable" and by now the ROM contents look suprisingly similar to assembly language.

This system is still not processing data, in this model processing data means makeing conditional branches based on the outcome of arithmetic operations. Now a "data" path needs to be defined. This can as arbitarily complex or simple as required. Sources and sinks of data must be defined. A source of data could be external binary  words, binary  words from some ROM output lines, binary words from RAM, binary words from a general purpose register and so on. Then logical or arithmetic operations need to be defined. There exists chips allready prewired to perform arbitrary operations on two binary words that are selected by some address lines (for example the 74181 ALU slice ) In our case those selection lines are driven by some of our ROM output signals. Other ROM or RAMoutput signals could be a source of this data too.   The ALU has two input streams, one output operation result stream and CONDITION CODES that typically indicated whether arithmetic operations were meaningfull, overflow, underflow , zero , arithmetic carry flag, shift carry. These condition codes  may be directly connected to the branch enable multiplexor. Now programmatic control based on arithmetic/logic operations becomes possible. With many branch destinations it make sense that they are supplied by the now big ROM as well.  

The ALU has not only condition code outputs but a data output. This "processed data" needs a home. This could be routed via more muxes to the input of RAM, a display, a register or whatever. The RAM write enable signal is supplied by a one bit output of the ROM , now our program repertoire includes a WRITE to memory operation.

It is not difficult to perceive that here is the making of a simple completely general purpose computer of arbitrary word size.

Presented here are two zero bit computer based machines I have constructed to perform an actual needed task that at the time could not be easily done with a microprocessor. The design is twenty years old using thirty year old components to solve a problem twenty years ago!

a simple and effective static ram testing machine based on ZBCs

a machine for testing dynamic ram based on the Zero Bit microsequencer

Reference 1  Digital Design iwth Standard MSI and LSI, Design Techniques for the microcomputer age 2nd edition  by Thomas R.Blakeslee   (Wiley) 1979

The generalised state machineunderstanding the operation of the D flip flop
The zero bit computer (with 16 possible states/steps)

The zero bit microsequencer concept should also be understood in a newer way of understanding the operation of combinatorial logic.  The classical view is that of the philosophical logician that models behaviour in terms of truth tables .  This view is correct, and is the ultimate source of wisdom when the particular behaviour of a logic map needs to be uniquely specified.  It is, however, difficult to turn the truth table into a humanely understandable or meaning form.  The logic elements should be understood in terms of signal flow. Real digital devices deal with dynamic situations and real physical conditions. They have an effect on to the signals presented to them. They should be thought of as small control elements that are presented with a generalized concept of signal, a signal flow and a control element  and maybe a transforming element. It is not usually helpfull to view them as logic  because real brains do not generally think logically.

thumb.logic-note005.jpegjust some notes I was writing before committing myself to  actually doing this article. Click on them to view the full resolution.

Ralph's Elements of Digital Logic  
warning. The author is neither a qualified academic or engineer so he is excused from the burden of orthodoxy ! 

Binary and Unary signals.
A unary signal is one that has meaning only when asserted. When it is not asserted it is meaningless.
It is not correct to say the logical  inversion of a unary signal means the opposite of the meaning!
A Binary signal is such a signal whoose meaning is "invertable"
A binary weighted signal is a group of signals  whoose place position has meaning.

The logical inverter or NOT gate.
Not the simplest digital logic element! Not by any means. It merely flips the polarity of a unary signal or inverts the meaning of a truly binary signal.  You will discover that very few digital signals are "binary" in meaning ( at least by my definition)  Inverters are very necessary glue logic because signals emitted by MSI logic is often the wrong polarity for immediate use.

The AND gate.
Put the truth table aside for now.  The AND gate is the simplest to understand as the first gate that has a control line.  A two input and gate passes a signal without tranformation if the control line is logically HI. (or true, or greater than 2.4 volts or whatever you define it to be!)
A multiple input AND gate is the simple concatination of two input AND gates.  It has the  property of being a detector of ALL ONES, or detecting if AT LEAST one input is LOW.
The AND gate is the most fundamental biulding block. Now you may look at its truth table.

The OR gate.
Put the truth table aside for now.  The OR gate is just an AND gate in disguise.  The logical operations of ORing and ANDing are complementary. This isnt news, every good digital design book  belabours this point.  A signal presented at one input will flow unimpeded if the CONTROL line is logically LO.  Just add inverters as glue logic to correct the signal polarities. NOW you may look at your truth table.
A multiple input OR gate can detect if any one of its inputs goes HI. Very usefull for monitoring alarms!  (or generating sums of minterms when you need a complex logic function, hello there  logicians! but dont this...real engineers use a MUX!)

The XOR gate.
Put the truth table aside for now.  This is a two input control element and is the first simple element that can transform data. The XOR gate is an equality detector (check the truth table)  and it is a programmable inverter.  It inverts the signal if the control line is LO, or just hands the signal along if control is HI.  Very usefull for programmatlicaly flipping meaning in a binary signal, very usefull for detecting when things ARE the SAME ! Multiple input XOR gates perform the parity checking/generation function.

The MUX or multiplexor.
The simplistic model of a MUX is presented as a programmable signal selector. It take multiple signal inputs and a binary weighted set of control signals and passes the selected signal unmolested. It does not transform the signal.   Immediate applications of this device come to mind, it implements a SELECTION function. Buts thats only one of its two purposes.  It is also a poor man's ROM. One mux can be used to replace a wharehouse full of random combinatorial logic to create arbitarily complex logic functions. A MUX is a programmable logical function generator.  It is programmed by wiring its data inputs to HIs and LOs as required.  The signal inputs now go to what we thought were selection lines!  A 3 of 8 mux can generate any function of 3 binary variables.  We also use the mux in the zero bit microsequencer to scan for condition codes.

The power of the MUX for constructing random combinatorial logic arises during the design phase. If we make a design error ( as we do ) we merely reassign the pattern of LOs and HIs to to the mux inputs. If we had used discrete gates we tear up the design (and the hardware) and start again. There is no performance penalty either.
Example MSI muxes are 74151 and 74154

The n to 2^n  DECODER
The DECODER turns a binary weighted parallel signal  into a UNARY signal. Thats all it does. This is probably the most important digital element. It is only through a vast tree of decoders that any unique bit in the RAM in this computer and all computers can be reached.  The decoder says "of all the things I can see on my inputs....I found THIS one...right here..see my unary output signal...  and Cower, mere mortal!"

The cross coupled unclocked  flip flop
This is a composite element made be cross connecting a pair of nand gates or nor gates. Use with care. The only application that there is
for this awful device is to bebounce mechanical switch contacts. For this application they are marvellous. Maybe you could use one for latching an alarm condition , but totherwise avoid it like the plague. All your flip flops should be clocked and only clocked by using an edge sensitive D flip flop.

The edge clocked D flip flop.
This is the only kind of flip flop that is to be tolerated in MSI digital design. JK flip flops all contain truth table gotchas and other logical hazards, that never would have thought about will plague your state machine once it starts running near its maximum speed.  A D flip flop is a one bit memory element, but from a signal flow perspective , consider it to be a "signal qualification system". This needs more explanation.  Consider what happens when an n-bit binary word is presented to a tree of logic that has one logical output. The n-bit binary word may have been presented with all the bit time transistions occuring at the same instant, but the output of the combinatorial logic tree will flutter up and down untill such time that all the un equal propagation delays through the combinatorial tree have expired. Even though there is but one input word, the output bit value will/may have transistioned as many times as there are logical elements in the tree. It means the logical output of ANY combinatorial tree CANNOT be used for any CLOCKING purpose....because you thought you were getting ONE state transistion, but in reality you get MANY.  Classical texts call them races or decoding spikes. By feeding the ouput of any arbitarily complex combinatorial logical tree (eg decoder, ROM/RAM array etc) into the D input of a type D flip flop and then clocking it, after an appropriate time delay, (after all the propagation delays of the tree have settled ) the Q output contains a beautiful output level that is absolutely stable, and even better, only ONE output transistion will occur per clock pulse. That means the Q output can be used by things to whom the absolute quantity of pulses matters....for example RAM write enable pulses, counter clock inputs. All signals that are to be used as clocks, such that the number of transistions is critical, such signals MUST be "cleaned" up with a D type flip flop.   That is what I mean by calling this device a "signal qualification system".   And it is a system, the edge triggered device has a very complex internal circuit and even superficially, does not even look like a cross coupled flip flop.   The state of the D input at the very instant of the clock transistion (neg or positve edge depending on type ) is tranfered and HELD on the Q output untill such time there is a state differance on the D input at the time of a clock transistion.  It is a kind of filter. It means that the D input can be noisy, unstable, contain transient combinatorial spikes, all that does not matter, only the state of the D input at the instant of the clock edge. Do note put too much note in the description of the D flip flop in classical electrical engineering texts. It is described as a "delay element" (hence "D" ) which is technically correct, off course, but it does not help you in understanding why the edge triggered D flip flop is so incredibly important or what it actually does.

 the binary counter.
When Medium Scale Integration TTL circuits were first created, the first function was the D flip flop, this closely followed by the 4 bit counter.  This device, depending on the model,  will present on its Q outputs all possible 4 bit values, incrementing or decrementing for every clock pulse, emitting a narrow wobbly pulse on its carry/borrow output every time the count passes 1111 or 0000. It may have optional inputs that performs a counter enable signal, or a reset, or more usefully a present, whereby an arbitary bit pattern may be set on its D inputs which are immeditely transfered to the Q outputs on the next clock transistion. The simplest use for  a counter might be to divide the frequency of the clock by some small integer to get a more usefull clock frequency.   The Q outputs of the counters internal D flip flops are the Q outputs of the counter, and that means these signal may be used directly as clocks and deteministic clock edges.

The binary counter finds its application where ever a controlled repeating binary sequence is required, as in for example, a counter! , address generator for a PROM, a counter feeding random combinatorial logic for genearting arbitarily complex pulse sequences, and as we shall see, forming the primary control element in the ZERO BIT COMPUTER core.

the Tristate Buffer
Now this is a way of creating and selecting arbitary bit patterns and putting many of them on the same bit of wire. Its just another mux, really.  The only care that is needed is to be sure never to assert a Tristate bus by more than one buffer at a time. The resulting Vcc sags will trigger TTL flip flops in a distressing and random way. It also mangles your precious data !  Just drive them from from the same decoder, dont trust your microcode to do the right thing...ALL the time.

the ROM.
Think of it as an exceedingly complex decoder, converting an abitary input binary word into an arbitary output word.  Funnily enough, this could also be usefull for program storage !  (this is not news!)  Any computable function or any computer at all can be generated or emulated by a sufficiently large ROM  placed in a feedback loop between  the D input and Qoutput of a suffiencietly large single register made from D type flip flops.  Only a generalised Turing machine is more abstracted ( or capable)  It would be hard work to write the microprogram to do anything usefull.. that is why real computers have instruction sequencers and an alu .  (I think the real reason is that ROM is expensive !)

the RAM.
Think of RAM as being nothing more than gazillions of "D flip flop registers". (only if properly buffered) Must be usefull for something!

to be continued

 Wed May 27 18:58:32 EST 2009; Fri Jul  9 18:33:21 EST 2010
(one day I will finish this article by getting around to the point that I am trying to make.....its harder than I thought!)
