The Research Manifesto


  1. Think before you leap

    1. The depth of the abyss should be evaluated to determine the consequences of a slip
    2. The width is a complex function - f(timeÅ courseÅ familyÅ sanityÅ …)
    3. But the risk is worth it when you are on to a good thing
  3. Have a good reason for starting a research project

    1. Try not to re-invent the wheel
    2. Do not be shy about being enthusiastic
  5. Do not bite off more than you can chew

    1. Project indigestion is a common ailment of researchers
    2. Project constipation is an inevitable consequence of dry, boring consumption

  7. Know your limits

    1. A good project does not have to be a complex project

  9. Believe in what you are doing

    1. Get your facts straight
    2. Accept the challenge

  11. Do not be shy about asking for expert help

    1. But be comfortable with the help you are getting
    2. Experts are "Experts" – tread carefully
  13. Understand the audience you are reporting to

    1. Teaching grandmothers to suck eggs creates credibility problems
    2. Blinding the audience with science is a cure for insomnia
    3. Getting it wrong is a disaster


© Dr.Selby Markham