For the last couple of days, this Games section of my website has de-facto been offline, due to a bug in my site generator. Until it is fixed, I'm serving a hand-made page instead. Apologies to my regular visitors, I'll try my best to get this up and running again to keep providing you with interesting news from science and games. 30/05/13
Gaming News and Links
Dirty game development tricks
-, tricks, and war stories about getting the game out the door.
Jump Point Search Explained
- shortest-path algorithm on a uniform-cost 2D grid.
Are modern games easier or simply designed better?
- discussion of difficulty vs. design in modern games.
Retro gaming with the Rasperry Pi
- to build an all-in-one box for old-school arcade games.
ScummVM ported to HTML5
-' virtual machine for Graphic Adventures ported to web browsers, playable demos available.
Sony to allow Indies on PS4
- will allow indie devs to publish their own games on the PlayStation 4
A.I. plays video games better than humans
- have created a game playing A.I. by combining Neural Networks and genetic algorithms.
Hexagonal Grids
- guide to hexagonal grids with an emphasis on elegant and simple code.
Massive Chalice
- new kickstarter project by Tim Schafer's Double Fine Productions.
Optimizing your JavaScript game for Firefox OS
- "best practices" article for developing JavaScript games with mobile devices and similar platforms in mind.
The serious side of playing games
- online newspaper article on serious games, with a small section on their role in education in Germany.
Best Emulators
- interesting blog post, listing and comparing various game console emulators, such as, NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, and more.
Open Source Game Reimplementations
- list of free / open source re-implementations of commercial games, as well as older games that have been open sourced by their developers.
Liberated Games
- catalogue of commercial games that have been open sourced by their original developers.
Next Generation
- opinion piece on the up and coming generation of game consoles: Wii U, Xbox One, and Sony PlayStation 4.