/* $Id: goofey.c,v 1.3 1997/03/18 02:22:21 tym Exp $ */ /* * * $RCSfile: goofey.c,v $ * @(#)goofey.c 2.08 Pluto Client code. * This code maintainns connections with the central pluto server * and is used to inform it of the users activity. * * Written: Darren Platt , Tim MacKenzie. * Started: Sometime * * This was SCCS version: 2.02 * * History: * Daz v0.00: Goofey gasps its first breath of CPU time. * tym v1.11: Added check of tty owner to exit conditions... problem on decs * tym v1.12: Now checks time since last keypress as condition of death. * tym v1.15: Now uses statics for the ttyname rather than getting it everytime * tym v1.17: Uses grandparent pid for death (got it right finally). * daz v1.17: Better command line parsing. * daz v1.18: Once more for good luck so that -s works correctly. * tym v1.19: Changed tty code, dont call ttyslot when we're not on a tty. * tym 31 Oct 1991: Modified addr code. Clock can tell goofey to stay around * after a query. Now prompts for message of none given to -s. * daz v1.22: Changed so that exit codes are indicative of exit status. * tym 6 Apr 1992: Checks for tty, removed 'Arrived_message', * No more static limits! Removed a lot of dead code. * tym 7 Apr 1992: Added '.' on line as exit condition for '-s' * tym 8 Apr 1992: Fixed the problem with pluto restarts (can accept() while * waiting for pluto to come back to life). * tym 13 Apr 1992: Fixed problem with sgi's stuff getpw* * tym 14 Apr 1992: Another try at proper user identification. * tym 15 Apr 1992: Problem with idle time? * tym 15 Apr 1992: Now ignores SIGTTOU... stty tostop was killing it! * tym 10 Jun 1992: Restores tty modification times after writing if able. * tym 20 Jun 1992: Sends password if it is found. * tym 20 Jun 1992: Only allow connections from the server machine. * tym 12 Oct 1992: Added anthony's FIREWALL changes, protocol change. * tym 3 Dec 1992: Added GOOFEYUSER environment variable for rik. * tym 7 Dec 1992: Now bzero's sockaddr's before using them. * tym 8 Dec 1992: Ansi'ized ? * tym 7 Apr 1993: Checks result of read since linux is slightly broken. * tym 27 May 1993: Changed way that we declare funcs so it's neater :) * tym 7 Dec 1993: configure'ized. Added client options, width handling * tym 16 Dec 1993: added readline/getline support (M Battersby/A Cosgriff) * tym 23 Dec 1993: made non-blocking broken by default, fixed getenv proto * tym 26 Aug 1994: added GOOFEYLOC support * tym 29 Aug 1994: fixed problem with readline and eof. * tym 21 Jul 1995: fixed problem with long lines and readline/getline * tym 22 Sep 1995: Added editor patches from Karl, extended them somewhat * tym 23 Sep 1995: Allow ~r to read output from command * tym 2 Oct 1995: Fixed to keep non-ansi compilers happy. * tym 6 Oct 1995: Fixed ~c... stupid ?: precedence... * tym 3 Apr 1996: Added autosplit * tym 26 Sep 1996: Added "I don't know" idletime. * tym 29 Oct 1996: Added variable timeout and re-register code * tym 24 Feb 1997: Fixed small problem with GOOFEY_ARGS * tym 18 Mar 1997: Changed hostname and added session_pwd stuff */ #define VERSION "3.15" #define CLIENT_TYPE 'G' #define PWD_FILE ".goofeypw" static char *id_string = "$Id: goofey.c,v 1.3 1997/03/18 02:22:21 tym Exp $"; #ifndef MAX_WAIT #define MAX_WAIT 20 #endif int max_wait = MAX_WAIT; #define NEWSERVER "" #ifndef SERVER_HOSTNAME #define SERVER_HOSTNAME "pluto.cc.monash.edu.au" #endif #ifndef SERVER_PORT_NO #define SERVER_PORT_NO 3987 #endif #define LONELY_INTERVAL 60 #define MAX_RETRIES 10 #define SERVER_MAXREQ 999 /* Maximum size message server will handle */ #define I_DONT_KNOW 200000000 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_MALLOC_H #include #endif #include extern int errno; #ifdef READLINE #include #else #ifdef GETLINE #include #endif #endif #define TRUE 1 #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #include #endif /* Wierd macros for handling ansi/non-ansi prototypes */ #if ANSI || __GNUC__ || __STDC__ #define AND , #define DEFUN(a,b) ( b ) #define VOIDFUNC ( void ) #define _PROTO(a) a #else #define AND ; #define DEFUN(a,b) a b; #define _PROTO(a) () #define VOIDFUNC ( ) #endif /* For firewall use: * Define FIREWALL to be the minumum local port to use for outgoing connections * and FIREWALL_MAX to be the maximum port. LOCAL_PORT - LOCAL_PORT_MAX are * the port range over which we will accept connections for resident goofeys */ #ifdef FIREWALL # ifndef FIREWALL_MAX # define FIREWALL_MAX FIREWALL # endif # ifndef LOCAL_PORT # define LOCAL_PORT FIREWALL # endif # ifndef LOCAL_PORT_MAX # define LOCAL_PORT_MAX FIREWALL_MAX # endif #endif #ifndef LOCAL_PORT # define LOCAL_PORT 0 #endif #ifndef LOCAL_PORT_MAX # define LOCAL_PORT_MAX LOCAL_PORT #endif /* Portability stuff: if we don't have fd_set or FD_SET,etc macros * then make them up. */ #ifndef FD_SET # ifndef SUNOS3 typedef struct fd_set { int fds_bits[1]; } fd_set; # endif # define FD_ZERO(fd) ((fd)->fds_bits[0] = 0) # define FD_SET(b, fd) ((fd)->fds_bits[0] |= 1 << (b)) # define FD_ISSET(b, fd) ((fd)->fds_bits[0] & 1 << (b)) # define FD_SETSIZE 32 #endif /* Handle bsd/sysv differences with string handling */ #if STDC_HEADERS || HAVE_STRING_H #include /* An ANSI string.h and pre-ANSI memory.h might conflict. */ #if !STDC_HEADERS && HAVE_MEMORY_H #include #endif /* not STDC_HEADERS and HAVE_MEMORY_H */ #define index strchr #define rindex strrchr #define bcopy(s, d, n) memcpy ((d), (s), (n)) #define bcmp(s1, s2, n) memcmp ((s1), (s2), (n)) #define bzero(s, n) memset ((s), 0, (n)) #else /* not STDC_HEADERS and not HAVE_STRING_H */ #include /* memory.h and strings.h conflict on some systems. */ #endif /* not STDC_HEADERS and not HAVE_STRING_H */ #ifndef RETSIGTYPE #define RETSIGTYPE void #endif static struct sockaddr_in pluto_host; char * build_arrived_string _PROTO((int)); void check_alloc _PROTO((void *, int)); int connect_to_server _PROTO((void)); void do_resize _PROTO((char **,int *,int,char *)); void establish_signal_handlers _PROTO((void)); char * get_my_tty _PROTO(()); void go_find_a_port _PROTO((void)); void print_help _PROTO((void)); void process_flags _PROTO((char **)); void request_handler _PROTO((void)); void say_hi_to_server _PROTO((int)); long when_last_keypress _PROTO((void)); void write_str _PROTO((int, char *)); void check_size _PROTO((void)); void process_env _PROTO((void)); void generate_password _PROTO((void)); char * get_message _PROTO((char **)); int write_goof _PROTO((char *s , char *name)); extern char *getenv(); int local_sock; int ppid; /* Parent process id */ int port_no; /* Port number we have reserved for ourselves at this end */ int want_help; int reconnect_retries; /* Number of tries left to reconnect to the server */ int width; /* Width I think my terminal is */ int multipart; /* A kluge to handle multipart messages */ int lonely_timer; /* How long is it since we've spoken/heard from server? */ #define REREGISTER_TIME 600 /* How long to wait before re-registering */ #define RESIZE(m,l,x,s) do_resize(&m,&l,x,s) /* Where the server resides. Can be changed at command line. */ char machine_name[50] = SERVER_HOSTNAME; int port_number = SERVER_PORT_NO; char optstring[100] = "P"; int broke_shutdown; char session_pwd[20]; int main DEFUN((argc,argv), int argc AND char ** argv) { check_size(); process_env(); process_flags(argv); /* This may exit() if goofey is non-resident */ if (when_last_keypress() < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "\rgoofey: Parent process died, exiting\n"); exit(0); } go_find_a_port(); /* Assumed to work or die. */ generate_password(); say_hi_to_server(1); ppid = getppid(); if (fork()) { exit(0); /* In parent */ } else { fd_set mask; struct timeval tv; establish_signal_handlers(); while(1) { request_handler(); while (reconnect_retries) { int i; FD_ZERO(&mask); FD_SET(local_sock, &mask); tv.tv_sec = LONELY_INTERVAL; tv.tv_usec = 0; i=select(local_sock+1,&mask,0,0,&tv); if (i==1) request_handler(); if (i<0 && errno != EINTR) { fprintf(stderr,"\rSomething has happened to my socket!\n"); exit(1); } say_hi_to_server(0); } } } } void check_size VOIDFUNC { #ifdef TIOCGWINSZ struct winsize ws; #endif if (isatty(1)) { char *s; #ifdef TIOCGWINSZ if (ioctl(1,TIOCGWINSZ,&ws)) return; width = ws.ws_col; #endif s = getenv("COLUMNS"); if (s) width = atoi(s); } } int autoSplit VOIDFUNC { return strchr(optstring, 'A') != 0; } void say_hi_to_server DEFUN((disp), int disp) { int sock; char *mesg; char buf[100]; int i; sock = connect_to_server(); /* Works or dies. */ if (sock < 0) return; mesg = build_arrived_string(1); if (broke_shutdown) { sprintf(buf,"!%03x",strlen(mesg)); write_str(sock,buf); write_str(sock,mesg); /* Send the initial message */ write_str(sock,"!000"); /* Send "eof" */ } else { write_str(sock,mesg); /* Send the initial message */ shutdown(sock,1); /* Send Eof */ } while ((i = read(sock,buf,(sizeof buf)-1)) > 0) { buf[i] = 0; if (disp) printf("%s",buf); if (broke_shutdown && !buf[i-1]) break; } fflush(stdout); close(sock); } void generate_password VOIDFUNC { char *tmp = build_arrived_string(0); int i; unsigned long seed = time(0L); seed ^= (getpid() << 16) | (getppid()); for (i=0;tmp[i];i++) seed ^= (tmp[i] << ((i%4) * 8)); sprintf(session_pwd, "%08lx", seed); } void die VOIDFUNC { int sock; char buff[1024]; sock = connect_to_server(); /* Works or dies. */ sprintf(buff,"%s,%s",build_arrived_string(0),"-2"); write_str(sock,buff); close(sock);/* Say bye to server */ exit(0); } RETSIGTYPE sigdie DEFUN((sig), int sig) { fprintf(stderr,"\rgoofey: received signal %d, exiting\n",sig); die(); } void send_and_get_message DEFUN((str1,str2), char * str1 AND char * str2) { int sock; fd_set tm; struct timeval tout; int dont_exit = 0; char buff[1025]; char *b; int i; sock = connect_to_server(); /* Works or dies. */ if (sock < 0) return; b = malloc(i=(strlen(build_arrived_string(0)) + strlen(str1) +strlen(str2) + 4)); check_alloc(b,i); if (i > SERVER_MAXREQ) { fprintf(stderr,"goofey: server may truncate message. \ Saving to 'dead.goofey' just in case\n"); if (write_goof(str2,"dead.goofey")) { fprintf(stderr,"goofey: unable to write to file 'dead.goofey'\n"); } } sprintf(b,"%s,%s %s\n",build_arrived_string(0),str1,str2); if (broke_shutdown) { sprintf(buff,"!%03x",strlen(b)); write_str(sock,buff); write_str(sock,b); write_str(sock,"!000"); } else { write_str(sock,b); shutdown(sock,1); /* Send eof */ } free(b); i=1; FD_ZERO(&tm); FD_SET(sock,&tm); while (i>0) { tout.tv_usec= 0; tout.tv_sec = max_wait; if (select(sock +1,&tm,0,0,&tout)<=0) { printf("Pluto failed to reply within %d seconds\n",max_wait); break; } i = read(sock,buff,(sizeof buff)-1); if (i<0) break; buff[i]=0; if (i && buff[0] == 1) dont_exit = 1; printf("%s",buff); fflush(stdout); if (broke_shutdown && !buff[i-1]) break; } close(sock);/* Say bye to server */ if (dont_exit) return; if (multipart) return; exit(0); /* The normal exit point for non-resident goofeys */ } RETSIGTYPE lonely DEFUN((ignored), int ignored) { /* Am I lonely and forgotten ? */ int i; i = when_last_keypress(); if (i < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"\rgoofey: parent process died, exiting\n"); die(); } signal(SIGALRM,lonely); alarm(LONELY_INTERVAL); lonely_timer += LONELY_INTERVAL; if (lonely_timer > REREGISTER_TIME) { int tmp = reconnect_retries; reconnect_retries = 2; /* just in case this fails */ say_hi_to_server(0); reconnect_retries = tmp; } } int allspace DEFUN((s), char *s) { while (s && *s && isspace(*s)) s++; if (!s || !(*s)) return 1; return 0; } char * get_users_name VOIDFUNC {/* Find out the users name, do not modify this code unless absolutely * necessary (for your own protection) */ static char *name; if (name) return name; if (!name || allspace(name)) name = getenv("GOOFEYUSER"); if (!name || allspace(name)) name = getenv("USER"); if (!name || allspace(name)) name = getenv("LOGNAME"); if (!name || allspace(name)) name = "unknown"; return name; } char * build_arrived_string DEFUN((force), int force) { /* Construct an arrived message giving details of the assigned port * number and the username etc. */ static char data[300]; char buf[100]; char *loc,*s; struct stat st; static done,port,wid; if (done && port==port_no && wid == width && !force) return data; done =1; port = port_no; wid = width; sprintf(buf,"%s/%s",getenv("HOME"),PWD_FILE); if (stat(buf,&st)) buf[0]=0; else { FILE *f; if (st.st_mode & 077) { fprintf(stderr,"goofey: warning %s should have permission 0600!\n", buf); fprintf(stderr,"goofey: type 'chmod 600 %s' to fix this\n",buf); } f = fopen(buf,"r"); buf[0] = 0; if (f) { fread(buf,1,10,f); fclose(f); buf[10] = 0; } } if (strchr(optstring,'S')) broke_shutdown = 1; loc = getenv("GOOFEYLOC"); if (loc) for (s = strchr(loc, '&') ; s ; s = strchr(s+1, '&')) *s = '*'; sprintf(data,"#%c%s%s%s,|%d,%s%s%s#%s,%s,%s,%d,%s",CLIENT_TYPE,VERSION, *optstring?",@":"",optstring, width, loc?"&":"", loc?loc:"", loc?"&,":"", session_pwd, get_users_name(),buf,port_no,get_my_tty() ); return data; } void go_find_a_port VOIDFUNC { /* Allocate a port that the server can query this client through */ int length; int count; struct sockaddr_in local_server; local_sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); if (local_sock <0) { perror ("Opening stream socket :- couldn't get a socket"); exit(1); } bzero(&local_server,sizeof local_server); local_server.sin_family = AF_INET; local_server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; for (count = LOCAL_PORT; count <= LOCAL_PORT_MAX;count++) { local_server.sin_port = htons(count); if (bind(local_sock,(struct sockaddr *) &local_server, sizeof local_server) == 0) break; } if (count > LOCAL_PORT_MAX) { fprintf(stderr, "goofey: couldn't allocate local port\n"); exit(1); } length = sizeof local_server; if (getsockname(local_sock,(struct sockaddr *)&local_server,&length) <0) { perror("getsockname"); exit(1); } /* Have established a port which the clock local_server may use to * interrogate this process. */ port_no = ntohs(local_server.sin_port); #ifdef DIAGNOSTICS fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",inet_ntoa(local_server.sin_addr)); printf("Socket port #%d\n",ntohs(local_server.sin_port)); #endif } long when_last_keypress VOIDFUNC { struct stat my_stat; if (kill(ppid,0)) return -3; /* My daddy is dead :( */ if (stat(get_my_tty(),&my_stat)) return I_DONT_KNOW; if (time(0) < my_stat.st_mtime) return 0; return time(0) - my_stat.st_mtime; } char * get_my_tty VOIDFUNC { char *ttyname(); char *s; static set; static char buffer[30]; if (set) return buffer; s = ttyname(0); if (!s) strcpy(buffer,"/dev/notatty"); else strcpy(buffer,s); set =1; return buffer; } void request_handler VOIDFUNC { int msgsock; char buf[1024]; struct sockaddr_in addr; int len = sizeof addr; char *msg=0; int rval,size=0; long int last=0; msgsock = accept(local_sock,(struct sockaddr *)&addr,(int *)&len); if (msgsock == -1) return; lonely_timer = 0; do { if ((rval = read(msgsock,buf,1023)) < 0) { if (errno != EINTR) { perror("Handling clock request."); break; } } else { if (size == 0) { if (strchr("ZW",*buf)) { char tmp[100]; sprintf(tmp,"%ld\n",last=when_last_keypress()); write_str(msgsock,tmp); } } RESIZE(msg,size,rval,buf); } } while (rval != 0); if (last < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"\rGoofey: parent process has died, exiting\n"); exit(0); } if (msg) { if (*msg && strncmp(msg+1, session_pwd, strlen(session_pwd))) { fprintf(stderr,"\n\rGoofey: Message received from %s with invalid session password (intruder?)\n",inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr)); free(msg); close(msgsock); return; } msg[size] = 0; switch(msg[0]) { case 'S': /* Attempt to reconnect to clock at 1 minute intervals */ reconnect_retries=MAX_RETRIES; break; case 'W': /* Return time since last keypress */ break; case 'Z': /* Why not. */ { struct stat times; time_t timeout[2]; int doit; doit = stat(get_my_tty(),×); /* Store the access and mod times */ puts(msg+1+strlen(session_pwd)); /* Output a message */ /* Reset the access and modify time to value before blatting */ if (!doit) { timeout[0] = times.st_atime; timeout[1] = times.st_mtime; utime(get_my_tty(),timeout); } break; } case 'E': /* Exit */ close(local_sock); close(msgsock); sleep(1); fprintf(stderr, "\rgoofey: resident goofey killed by server at your request\n"); exit(0); default: write_str(msgsock,"Unknown command to goofey\n"); } free(msg); } close(msgsock); } void find_inet_addr DEFUN((ad), struct sockaddr_in * ad) {/* Find address by lookup __once__ */ struct hostent *hp, *gethostbyname(); static int done=0; /* Have I found it yet? */ ad->sin_family = AF_INET; if (done) { ad->sin_addr.s_addr = pluto_host.sin_addr.s_addr; return; } pluto_host.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(machine_name); /* Is it a 130.x.x.x ? */ if (pluto_host.sin_addr.s_addr != -1) { /* YES! */ pluto_host.sin_family = AF_INET; } else {/* Must be a hostname */ hp = gethostbyname(machine_name); if (hp) { pluto_host.sin_family = hp->h_addrtype; #if defined(h_addr) /* In 4.3, this is a #define */ bcopy(hp->h_addr_list[0],(caddr_t)&pluto_host.sin_addr, hp->h_length); #else /* defined(h_addr) */ bcopy(hp->h_addr,(caddr_t)&pluto_host.sin_addr, hp->h_length); #endif /* defined(h_addr) */ } else { fprintf(stderr,"%s: unknown host\n", machine_name); exit(2); } } ad->sin_addr.s_addr = pluto_host.sin_addr.s_addr; done =1; } int connect_to_server VOIDFUNC { /* Establish connection with the central server */ int sock; int res; struct sockaddr_in server; sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sock<0) { perror("opening stream socket"); exit(1); } bzero(&server,sizeof server); server.sin_family = AF_INET; #ifdef FIREWALL { int count; server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; for (count = FIREWALL; count <= FIREWALL_MAX;count++) { server.sin_port = htons(count); if (bind(sock,(struct sockaddr *) &server, sizeof server) == 0) break; } if (count > FIREWALL_MAX) { fprintf(stderr, "goofey: couldn't allocate local port for firewall\n"); exit(1); } } #endif find_inet_addr(&server); server.sin_port = htons(port_number); #define NONBLOCK_BROKE #ifndef NONBLOCK_BROKE # ifdef FNDELAY if (fcntl(sock,F_SETFL,FNDELAY)) # else if (fcntl(sock,F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK)) # endif { perror("Setting non blocking mode on connecting socket"); exit(1); } #endif res = connect(sock,(struct sockaddr *)&server,sizeof server); #ifndef NONBLOCK_BROKE /* These #if's are a bit ugly ... if nonblocking is broken for some * reason then don't fcntl and don't select. */ signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_IGN); if ( res < 0 && (errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EAGAIN)) { fd_set tm; struct timeval tout; tout.tv_usec= 0; tout.tv_sec = max_wait; FD_ZERO(&tm); FD_SET(sock,&tm); res = select(sock+1,0,&tm,0,&tout); if (res > 0) { res = connect(sock,(struct sockaddr *)&server,sizeof server); if (res < 0 && errno == EISCONN) res = 1; } } else #else /* If non blocking is broken then set res to 1 if the connect succeeded */ if ( ! res) #endif { res = 1; } if (res <= 0) { if (reconnect_retries > 1) { close(sock); sock = -1; reconnect_retries--; } else if (reconnect_retries == 1) { fprintf(stderr,"\rGoofey: lost connection to server\n"); exit(1); } else { if (res < 0) fprintf(stderr, "goofey: The server is currently unavailable.\n"); #ifndef NONBLOCK_BROKE else fprintf(stderr, "goofey: Timed out while connecting to server.\n"); #endif if (want_help) print_help(); exit(1); } } else { reconnect_retries=0; lonely_timer = 0; } #ifndef NONBLOCK_BROKE signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_DFL); fcntl(sock,F_SETFL,0); #endif return sock; } void write_str DEFUN((sock,mesg),int sock AND char *mesg) { if (write(sock,mesg,strlen(mesg)) <0) perror("writing on stream socket"); } #ifdef SIGWINCH RETSIGTYPE size_change DEFUN((ignored),int ignored) { int owidth; owidth = width; check_size(); say_hi_to_server(0); } #endif void establish_signal_handlers VOIDFUNC { signal(SIGINT,sigdie); signal(SIGQUIT,sigdie); signal(SIGHUP,sigdie); signal(SIGALRM,lonely); signal(SIGTTOU,SIG_IGN); #ifdef SIGWINCH signal(SIGWINCH,size_change); #endif alarm(LONELY_INTERVAL); listen(local_sock,5); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Command line processing * * -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int check_split_arg DEFUN((argv,i),char ** argv AND int * i) { /* Some people get stressed when asked to provide options immediately * after the command line flag, so we will give them the option of * supplying the option with a space !! * This routine advances the i variable if necessary etc. */ ++argv[*i]; /* Advance past the flag itself */ if (!strlen(argv[*i])) { /* No more string left for this arg, so try the next one. */ (*i)++; if (!argv[*i]) { /* No more args left, how tragic. */ return 0; } return 1; } /* Argument follows the flag */ return 1; } struct { char *name; char *opt; } longopts[] = { {"no-blat", "B"}, {"only-one", "1"}, {"return-response", "R"}, {"inform-replace", "I"}, {"forget-fail", "F"}, {"tag-success", "T"}, {"format-outgoing","f"}, {"shutdown-broke","S"}, {"ignore-alias","E"}, {"auto-split","A"}, {0,0} }; void process_env VOIDFUNC { char *tmpargv[40]; char *env = getenv("GOOFEY_ARGS"); int i = 1; if (!env) return; tmpargv[0] = "goofey"; while (*env) { while (*env && isspace(*env)) env++; if (!*env) break; if (*env != '+' && !(*env == '-' && env[1] == '-')) { fprintf(stderr, "goofey: GOOFEY_ARGS may only contain '+' or '--' args. Ignored\n"); return; } tmpargv[i++] = env; while (*env && !isspace(*env)) env++; if (*env) { *env = 0; env++; } if (i == 40 - 1) { fprintf(stderr,"goofey: GOOFEY_ARGS too long, truncated\n"); break; } } if (i <= 1) return; tmpargv[i] = 0; process_flags(tmpargv); } void process_flags DEFUN((argv),char **argv) { /* Process flags sequentially */ int i; int ignore_rest = 0; int send_message = 0; char *m=0; int len=0; int got_args=0; for(i=1;argv[i]!=NULL;i++) { if (i && argv[i-1] == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"goofey: missing argument to option\n"); exit(1); } if (ignore_rest) { /* we have found a piece of plain text */ RESIZE(m,len,strlen(argv[i]),argv[i]); RESIZE(m,len,1," "); got_args = 1; continue; } else if (*argv[i] == '+') { strcat(optstring,argv[i]+1); continue; } else if (*argv[i] != '-') { fprintf(stderr,"Expected an argument beginning with '-'\n"); exit(1); break; } else if (argv[i][1] == '-') { /* Handle --options */ char *s; int j; argv[i]+=2; s = argv[i]; if (!strncmp(s,"port",4) || (*s == 'p' && !isalpha(s[1]))) { if ((s = strchr(s,'='))) { port_number = atoi(s+1); } else { port_number = atoi(argv[++i]); } continue; } else if (!strncmp(s,"machine",7) || (*s == 'm' && !isalpha(s[1]))) { if ((s = strchr(s,'='))) { strcpy(machine_name,s+1); } else { if (argv[++i]) strcpy(machine_name,argv[i]); } continue; } else if (!strncmp(s,"width",5)) { if ((s = strchr(s,'='))) { width = atoi(s+1); } else { width = atoi(argv[++i]); } continue; } else if (!strncmp(s,"timeout",7)) { if ((s = strchr(s,'='))) { max_wait = atoi(s+1); } else { max_wait = atoi(argv[++i]); } continue; } else { for (j = 0;longopts[j].name;j++) if (!strcmp(s,longopts[j].name)) { strcat(optstring,longopts[j].opt); break; } if (longopts[j].name) continue; } } while (*(++argv[i])!= 0) { switch(*(argv[i])) { case 'v': printf("Goofey version %s\n",VERSION); break; case 's': /* Send message to user */ if (!check_split_arg(argv,&i)) { fputs("Expected user's name.\n",stderr); print_help(); exit(1); } RESIZE(m,len,2,"*s"); RESIZE(m,len,strlen(argv[i]),argv[i]); RESIZE(m,len,1," "); send_message = ignore_rest = 1; *(argv[i]+1)= 0; break; case 'h': want_help = 1; default: { /* Goofey doesn't understand the command, so send it to the * clock. */ RESIZE(m,len,1,"*"); RESIZE(m,len,strlen(argv[i]),argv[i]); RESIZE(m,len,1," "); *(argv[i]+1)= 0; ignore_rest = 1; } } } } if (m) { char *n; if (send_message && !got_args) { n = get_message(&m); if (!n) { fprintf(stderr,"goofey: Empty message: not sent!\n"); exit(0); } if (autoSplit()) { int otherlen = strlen(m) + strlen(build_arrived_string(0)) + 5; if (strlen(n) + otherlen > SERVER_MAXREQ) { char *tmp, *end, *orig, old; int part = 0; fprintf(stderr, "goofey: message exceeds maximum, autosplitting...\n"); tmp = n; multipart = 1; while (*tmp) { end = tmp + strlen(tmp); if (end - tmp > SERVER_MAXREQ - otherlen) { end = tmp + SERVER_MAXREQ - otherlen; } orig = end; while (end > tmp && *end && *end != '\n') end--; if (end == tmp) { end = orig; } else if (*end) { end++; } old = *end; *end = 0; part++; fprintf(stderr,"goofey: sending part %d\n", part); send_and_get_message(m,tmp); *end = old; tmp = end; } fprintf(stderr,"goofey: Message sent in %d parts\n",part); exit(0); } else { send_and_get_message(m,n?n:""); } } else { send_and_get_message(m,n?n:""); } if (n) free(n); } else { send_and_get_message(m,""); } free(m); } } char * editor VOIDFUNC { int l; static char *e; char *ed; if (e) return e; ed=getenv("VISUAL"); if (!ed) { ed=getenv("EDITOR"); if (!ed) ed="vi"; } l=strlen(ed); e=malloc(++l); check_alloc(e,l); strcpy(e, ed); return e; } int write_goof DEFUN((s, name), char *s AND char *name) { int fd; int len=0; fd = creat(name, 0600); if (fd < 0) { return 1; } if (s) { len = strlen(s); if (len != write(fd, s, len)) { unlink(name); close(fd); return 1; } } close(fd); return 0; } char * editmsg DEFUN((msg,len), char * msg AND int * len) { FILE *fp = 0; char tmpfile[32]; char buf[500]; int i; for (i = 'a';i<='z';i++) { sprintf(tmpfile, "/tmp/goof%05lu%c", (long)getpid(), i); if (!write_goof(msg, tmpfile)) { i = 0; break; } } if (i) { fprintf(stderr, "goofey: unable to create file '%s'\n", tmpfile); return msg; } sprintf(buf, "%s %s", editor(), tmpfile); fprintf(stderr,"goofey: invoking editor (%s)...\n",buf); system(buf); fp=fopen(tmpfile,"r"); if (!fp) { fprintf(stderr, "\rgoofey: temp file cannot be accessed\n"); return msg; } free(msg); /* We can discard existing msg now */ msg=0; *len=0; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, fp)!=NULL) { RESIZE(msg,(*len),strlen(buf),buf); } fclose(fp); unlink(tmpfile); return msg; } char * readln DEFUN((prompt,extra), char *prompt AND char **extra) { char *ln; static char buf[400]; *extra = 0; #ifdef READLINE if (prompt) { ln = readline(prompt); *extra = "\n"; } else #else #ifdef GETLINE if (prompt) { ln = getline(prompt); } else #else if (prompt) { printf(prompt); fflush(stdout); } #endif #endif /* This is called if we have no prompt for GETLINE and READLINE, * and always if neither of them are set */ { if (!fgets(buf,(sizeof buf)-1,stdin)) return 0; ln = buf; } return ln; } char * strip_ws DEFUN((s), char *s) { char *t; if (!s) return 0; while (*s && isspace(*s)) s++; for (t = s; *t && !isspace(*t); t++) { /* Nothing */ } if (*t) *t = 0; return s; } void save_goof DEFUN((s), char *s) { char *ln; char *junk; ln = readln("Enter filename to save to> ", &junk); ln = strip_ws(ln); if (!ln || !*ln) { fprintf(stderr,"goofey: Message not saved\n"); return; } if (write_goof(s, ln)) { fprintf(stderr,"goofey: Could not save to '%s'\n",ln); return; } fprintf(stderr,"goofey: Message saved to '%s'\n",ln); } void read_file DEFUN((str,len), char **str AND int *len) { int pipe = 0; char *ln; FILE *f; char buf[100]; char *junk; ln = readln("File to read from (or !command)> ",&junk); if (ln && *ln == '!') { f = popen(ln + 1, "r"); if (!f) { fprintf(stderr,"goofey: could not execute '%s'\n",ln+1); return; } pipe = 1; } else { ln = strip_ws(ln); if (!ln || !*ln) { return; } f = fopen(ln, "r"); if (!f) { fprintf(stderr,"goofey: Could not open file '%s'\n",ln); return; } } while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, f)!=NULL) { printf("%s",buf); RESIZE(*str,(*len),strlen(buf),buf); } if (pipe) { int status; status = pclose(f); if (status) fprintf(stderr,"goofey: command returned error code %d\n",status); } else { fclose(f); } return; } void get_recip DEFUN((recip), char **recip) { char *ln,*junk; int len = 0; printf("Currently to: %s\n",(*recip)+2); ln = readln("Enter (comma separated) list of recipients> ",&junk); ln = strip_ws(ln); if (!ln || !*ln) { fprintf(stderr,"goofey: recipients not changed\n"); return; } free(*recip); *recip = 0; RESIZE(*recip,len,2,"*s"); RESIZE(*recip,len,strlen(ln),ln); RESIZE(*recip,len,1," "); fprintf(stderr,"goofey: recipients changed to: %s\n",ln); } char * get_message DEFUN((recip), char **recip) { int prompt=isatty(0); /* Only prompt on tty's */ char *s; int len; char *ln,*extra=0; s = 0; len = 0; if (prompt) printf("Enter your message: (blank line or ^D to end, ~h for help)\n"); while (1) { int i; fflush(stdout); ln = readln(prompt?"> ":0, &extra); if (ln && (extra || *ln)) { int meta=0; int textlen; textlen = i = strlen(ln); if (ln[i-1] == '\n') textlen = i-1; if (prompt && textlen == 2 && *ln=='~') { meta=1; switch(ln[1]) { case 'v': case 'e': s = editmsg(s, &len); break; case 't': get_recip(recip); break; case 'p': printf("[ To: %s]\n",(*recip) + 2); if (s) { printf("%s",s); } break; case '.': textlen = 0; break; case 'q': if (write_goof(s,"dead.goofey")) { fprintf(stderr, "goofey: Could not write to file 'dead.goofey'\n"); break; } fprintf(stderr, "goofey: Message written to file 'dead.goofey'\n"); /* Fall through */ case 'x': fprintf(stderr,"goofey: Quitting: message not sent\n"); exit(0); case 'c': { int leng; leng = (s?strlen(s):0) + strlen(*recip) + strlen(build_arrived_string(0)) + 3; fprintf(stderr, "goofey: Total message length is %d which %s\n", leng, (leng>SERVER_MAXREQ)? (autoSplit()?"will result in split": "exceeds maximum"): "is OK!"); break; } case 'w': save_goof(s); break; case 'r': read_file(&s, &len); break; case '?': case 'h': printf( "~ commands for goofey message editing:\n\ ~e, ~v: Edit message using editor\n\ ~p: Print current message\n\ ~.: End message (don't use this if you're using rlogin!).\n\ ~w: Write message to a file (you will be prompted for a filename)\n\ ~r: Read from a file or command.\n\ ~q: Quit, save message in dead.goofey, don't send\n\ ~x: Quit, don't send, don't save\n\ ~t: Re-enter recipients (will prompt for recipients)\n\ ~c: Check message length\n\ ~h, ~?: Print help\n" ); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "goofey: Unknown ~ command. Use ~h for help\n"); break; } } if (prompt && (textlen==0 || (textlen==1 && *ln=='.'))) break; /* Exit if empty line or '.'is entered */ if (!meta) { RESIZE(s,len,i,ln); if (extra) RESIZE(s,len,strlen(extra),extra); } } else break; } return s; } void print_help VOIDFUNC { puts("\ Usage: goofey [-v] [options]* [command]\n\ -v : prints the version number\n\ -h : prints help.\n\ --width=Width : set terminal width for this client\n\ --port=PortNumber : Specify port number where server lives.\n\ --machine=MachineName : Specify machine where server lives.\n\ --no-blat : request server to send no blat message\n\ --only-one : server will only send 1 request per connection\n\ --return-response : server will redirect response for pages to caller\n\ --inform-replace : will generate GOOF IN messages on client replace\n\ --forget-fail : messages that don't get through are not buffered\n\ --tag-success : server will add an extra character for failed messages\n\ --format-outgoing : server will line wrap your message for you\n\ --shutdown-broke : do not use the 'shutdown' system call\n\ \n\ The server may have further help when it is available\n\ "); } void check_alloc DEFUN((v,i),void * v AND int i) { if (v==0) { fprintf(stderr,"\rGoofey: memory allocation (%d bytes) failed!\n",i); exit(1); } } void do_resize DEFUN((m,l,x,s), char **m AND int *l AND int x AND char *s) {/* Resize an block of memory */ if (*m) *m = realloc(*m,(*l)+x+2); else *m = malloc(x+2); check_alloc(*m,*l + x +2); bcopy(s,(*m)+(*l),x); *l+=x; (*m)[*l]=0; } #ifdef READLINE char * xmalloc (int bytes) { char *temp = (char *)malloc (bytes); check_alloc(temp,bytes); return (temp); } char * xrealloc (char *pointer, int bytes) { char *temp; if (!pointer) temp = (char *)xmalloc (bytes); else temp = (char *)realloc (pointer, bytes); check_alloc(temp,bytes); return (temp); } #endif