People at the Mutual Friendship Ceremony

Photos of the ceremony were taken by the official photographer Mr GLen Pringle and scanned with the assistance of Mr Kevin Lentin.

Linda McIver with chocolates looking somewhat purple. Background: Kevin, Tim Neame, Michelle & Andy.

Lots of people. From left to right: Tim MacKenzie, Toby, Sue, Tracey, Rob, Kevin, Tim Neame (mostly obscure), Andy & Michelle, Anthony (front).

More people! From left to right: Sally & Dave, Lisa & Simon, Mack & Karen.

Tim MacKenzie, Andrew & Linda, Brendan.

Ricky & Kate, Julia, Chatz & Kate.

Kona & Darren, Damian, Joel.

Danny, Kona. (And a very dark Matthew in the background).

Tim MacKenzie