Analyzing the simulation output

Inchman output files

All output files are stored in the current working directory (see Running Inchman). If Inchman is invoked from the Editor or using the wrapper script, the following files will be created in the working directory:

  • stdout.txt.<job-id> The standard log file for the given job. The first place to look for errors.
  • stderr.txt.<job-id> The standard error file for the given job.
  • job_<job-id>.h5 The HDF5 File.
  • The Open-CL code for the kernels used by the Gillespie solver (only present if the model contains reactions).
  • The Open-CL code for the inhomogeneous diffusion kernels (only present if the inhomogeneous solver is selected)
  • The Open-CL code for the homogeneous diffusion kernels (only present if the homogeneous solver is selected)
  • The Open-CL code for the kernels used by the deterministic solver (only present if the deterministic solver is selected)

The HDF5 File

The simulation output is stored in the corresponding HDF5 file (see Structure of the HDF5 File). The files can be read out by the standard HDF5 tools. Inchman also comes with a variety of Python helpers that can be used to extract all information from the Inchman output file and analyse it using Numpy.

Using Python for Analysis

Python in combination with Numpy is the recommended way to analyse Inchman output. All input-output functionality is provided by the model which can be loaded by


Reading in the state arrays

The state array can be read in using the function, deterministic=False):

>>> n, times, species, nruns ='job_0', deterministic=False)

If the deterministic solver was used, you have to set the deterministic keyword to True. In this case, the state array will be of type FLOAT instead of INT. The variable nruns now contains the number of runs. The array species gives the species that were defined in the model:

>>> species

The array times gives the time stamps of the different output dumps:

>>> times
array([ 0.,  1.,  2.,  3.,  4.,  5.])


Note that the output dumps are sorted lexically, i.e. the output at time 10 comes before the dump at time 2. That means that you might have to order the time stamps numerically first, for example through

>>> tind = numpy.argsort(times)

Finally, the five-dimensional state array n gives the number count for each run (first index), each output number (second index), each species (third index) at each subvolume (fourth and fifth indices):

>>> import numpy
>>> numpy.shape(n)
(10, 6, 1, 512, 512)

For example, to display species ‘A’ for run number ‘3’ at time ‘4’ you can use:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot
>>> matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(n[3,4,0,:,:])
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage object at 0x7fde0e424590>

Reading in the field arrays

If the model contains field parameters, the fields can be read using read_field(filename, fieldname):

>>> tracefield ='/home/matthias/xibalba/temp/results/job_0.h5', 'traceField')
>>> numpy.shape(tracefield)
(10, 6, 512, 512)

The first index denotes the run, the second index denotes the time stamp and the last two indices give the subvolume.

Simulations involving Individuals

If the simulations involves Individual species, the position and ID of every individual can be read out using the function, species):

>>> n ='/home/matthias/xibalba/temp/results/job_0', 'A')

The result is a dictionary, where the keys denote the output dump number:

>>> n.keys()
dict_keys(['Dump_1', 'Dump_0', 'Dump_3', 'Dump_2', 'Dump_5', 'Dump_4'])

The elements are 64 bit unsigned integers which contain the cell position in the lower 32 bits and the individual id in the higher 32 bits:

>>> n['Dump_1']
array([108512348822306, 245749438833965, 413115724425990, ...,
       346741299916537, 179899000336154, 231030586001694], dtype=uint64)

The module gpgmp.individuals provides a function to separate the position/id pairs:

>>> import gpgmp.individuals
>>> pos, ids = gpgmp.individuals.split_keys(n['Dump_1'])
>>> pos
array([ 88866,  91437,  92934, ..., 175865, 175898, 182558], dtype=uint64)


If the user is only interested in the number of individuals per subvolume, she can read in the state array just normally as described above.