CSE3313 - Computer Graphics

Computer Graphics




What is Glitch?

Glitch is an OpenGL program designed to assist you in learning and experimenting with OpenGL (the graphics API used in this course). Glitch allows you to interactively change and assemble OpenGL code fragments in real-time, and see "under the hood", showing you internal OpenGL state. You can step through each OpenGL statement one at a time to see how each command effects the graphics state. A number of glitch tutorial files have been developed in relation to topics covered in this course.

Here is a screen shot of glitch in action.

Glitch is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. Glitch was developed by a former student of this course in 2003 (Aidan Lane). It is available under a GPL license as open source, so you can look at the code and see how it works. You can also modify it and or add extra features. In addition, you can also download compiled binaries for popular operating systems.

How do I use Glitch?

Go to the glitch home page.

Tutorial Files

All Glitch distributions include a number of simple tutorial files.

Bug Reporting

The current version of Glitch is a 1.0 release and has not been heavily tested. If you find a bug please let the lecturer know. Please try to include as much information as possible, including your platform details and Glitch version.

How can I contribute to Glitch?

Glitch is open source which means you can look at the source code to the program and modify it. You can also add extra features and fix bugs. We are hoping to move Glitch to a CVS tree soon, which will allow you to contribute extensions and bug fixes, making the software better for everyone who uses it. In the mean time if you do create any modifications you would like to contribute to the glitch distribution, please email the lecturer.

Likewise if you create any useful tutorial files, please consider making these available as well.

This material is part of the CSE3313 Computer Graphics course.
Copyright © Jon McCormack, 2007.  All rights reserved.

Last Modified: July 23, 2007