Arthur's Pass
With Greg, Sophie & Nat

What can I say? After a spot of bouldering at Castle Hill we arrived at the pass and had to ring around trying to find the door code. It rained and I got wet. The Keas got wet too.

We went to a slide show about Madagascar at the DoC office. Madagascar appeared to have much finer weather than Arthur's Pass.

It rained some more. We gave up any hope of climbing Mt. Rolleston. I read The Da Vinci Code. I started reading An Interview with a Vampire. It still rained. Sophie did the Arthur's Pass hut jigsaw of a balloon race. I seem to recall somebody doing that last year when I was at Arthur's Pass. We raced up Mt. Avalanche. I seem to recall somebody doing that last year when I was at Arthur's Pass too.

Better luck next time. I seem to recall saying that last year when I was at Arthur's Pass. Oh well.

Here are some photos from this year's rained-out stay.

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