Units currently taught
- FIT1047 Introduction to Computer Architecture, Networks and Security
Semester 1 2017
- FIT9135 Data Communications
Semester 1 2017
Units previously taught
- FIT1047 Introduction to Computer Architecture, Networks and Security
Semester 2 2016
- FIT4010 Advanced topics in algorithms and discrete structures
Semester 2 2016
- FIT9135 Data Communications
Semester 1 2016
- FIT1047 Introduction to Computer Architecture, Networks and Security
Semester 1 2016
- FIT9135 Data Communications
Semester 2 2015
- FIT4010 Advanced topics in algorithms and discrete structures
Semester 2 2015
- FIT9135 Data Communications
Semester 1 2015
- FIT5170 Programming for distributed, parallel and mobile systems
Semester 1 2015
- FIT4010 Advanced topics in algorithms and discrete structures
Semester 2 2014
Below is a list of my teaching activities at my previous workplace, the Programming Systems Lab at Saarland University in Germany.
Supervised students
Guido Tack