An open source, cross-platform, OpenGL tutor.

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to the home of Glitch, an open source, cross-platform, OpenGL tutor.

Glitch was as developed to aid the students studying the CSE3313 Computer Graphics course at Monash University.

Glitch enables the you to insert, remove and manipulate OpenGL commands and variable instances dynamically at run-time.

A project oriented model has been implemented, which not only contains initialization and display commands and their variable instances, but also rich text documentation. Hence, this allows for tutorials to be created, where the author can write documentation for the user to follow.

Glitch also provides a step mode, which behaves similar to a debugger, enabling the you to step through commands and see how they affect both the scene output and also the model view & projection matrices.

Glitch provides two viewers, one for the screen space and another for the world space. The screen viewer displays the direct scene output, whereas the world viewer provides more insight. It enables you to visually observe the projection frustum and to interact with it, so that you can see the scene from a different angle.

Please see the user documentation for more details.

Glitch is currently supported on both Mac OS X and Linux x86, see the download page for more details.

Last Updated: March 4, 2004
