Ascii Art.

Ascii Art looks better on the Mosaic browser fonts, or on a line-printer, than on the Netscape fonts, at least this is the case on my m/c. The Netscape fonts seem to be too wide.
- L.A.

From: [3/'96]


If anyone would like to share what they have, I'd be happy to share as
well! I could post it to the list, but it's over 900 lines long, and
many might not appreciate it.

Just e-mail me and I'll send you a copy!

Dave (LR fanatic) Brown

 #=====#         #========#          -------,___          _________
 |___|__\___     |___|__|__\___      |--' |  |  \_|_     //__/__|__\___
 | _ |   |_ |}   | _ |  |   |_ |}    |  _ |--+--|_  |    \__/-\_|__/-\_|}
 "(_)""""(_)"    "(_)"""""""(_)"    ||_/_\___|__/_\_|}      (_)    (_)
                                       (_)      (_)

#=======#         _________           We make a living by what we get,
|__|__|__\___    //__/__|__\___        we make a life by what we give.
| _|  |   |_ |}  \__/-\_|__/-\_|}
"(_)""""""(_)"      (_)    (_)                       Winston Churchill

Brian Tiedemann ( :   [6/'95]

                                       / /  |  \___
                                       \_ ^ ___ ^ _:
                                         {*}   {*}

Date: Fri, 2 Dec 1994 12:31:05 -0800
From: (Granville Pool)
Subject: RE: Ascii Rovers
Uncle Roger thought he'd do something useful with my time, so I came up with a Land-Rover sketch comprised of keyboard characters; I have revised as follows:

        /        ___________________        \
      ,|________/  _______________  \________|,
       | .---. |  /               \  | .---. |
       | |   | | |                 |'%,|   | |
       | |   | | |                 | | |   | |
 ,---, | |   | | |                 | | |   | | ,---,
 `---'\| `---' | `-----------------' | `---' |/'---'
      ,'=======|  ___                |=======`,
      |(o)     | /__,|              '%,    (o)|
      |(o)     | `---'  _____        |     (o)|
      |.------.|       |  O  |       |       ||
      ||INDY 1||       | O O |       | (GB)  ||
      |`------'|       `-----'      '%,      ||
      \         ( )     | _ |                 /
       |\\~//|                         |\\~//|
       |_\_/_|                         |_\_/_|

[LA: must be 90 or 110 with the 3 door hinges.]

Date: Mon, 5 Dec 1994 19:23:36 -0800
From: Roger Sinasohn 
Subject: Ascii Rovers - Old & New (Long)
Here's what I have so far... If someone knows how to send this to the web, I'd appreciate it... There's a couple of new ones I worked up this weekend at the end.

 |      |       |
 |(@) [####] (@)|
 | o  [####]  o |
 {*}          {*}

|    |      ]

   |   |   |  |
"  "`O'""""`O'"

# # # # # # # # # # # # # >>  ================\
  "YOU MUsT REMEMBER THIS"    |----------||@  \\   ___
 *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*    |____|_____|||_/_\\_|___|_
  It ain't nezezzarily so!   <|  ___\    ||     | ____  | --->>Elysium
        ++++++++++           <| /    |___||_____|/    | |
= = = = = = = = = = = = = >> ||/  O  |__________/  O  |_||         \___/ LAND ROVER \___/

            /~~~~~~//~~~~~~~/              @
           /      //       /             _/~\/   67-RED 109"
        []]]]]]]]]]]------/               _|     ROADSTER PICKUP
        []]]]]]]]]]]=======|_____========((==|   WITH A GUMMY MAN
   ____=========_____------|    |            |   IN THE BACK
  |    |/|@) (@|     |     |    |            |
  | ** |/|  || | * * | ___ |    |      __    |
  |    |/|||||||     |{    \____|_____/   \  |
  |____|/|_____|_____|[    }\_________}   ]\_||
 |___________________|[    }         |[   ]
    \    /          \ \   /          \\   }
     ~~~~            ~ ~~~             ~~~

                   /       //        //      |
                  /_\.___ //__ \.___//_______|
        O       [%%%%%%%%%] O=====] |[_______]
       __\__ ===========___/_ --------}==========================
      |**   |/|(@ ## (@|   **|        |     []|                  |)
      |     |/| ###### |     | _____  |       |         ___      |
      |_____|/|_######_|____ |/_  _  \}_______|________/_  _\    |.
     |________________________|     \ \_______________//     \\ /
       |%{  @  }            |%{  @  }                |%{  @  }
        \%\   /              \%\   /                  \%\   /
          ~~~~                 ~~~~                     ~~~~

                   1966 Land Rover Series IIA 109"

 |----------||@  \\   ___
<|  ___\    ||     | ____  |
<| /    |___||_____|/    | |
||/  O  |__________/  O  |_||
   \___/ LAND ROVER \___/

*---   [|_/-\____/-\_|}
  *---    (O)    (O)

(For those who's Rover only runs half the time...)
___________        \
_________  \________|,
         \  | .---. |
          |'%,|   | |
          | | |   | |
          | | |   | | ,---,
----------' | `---' |/'---'
           '%,       |
            |   (o)  |
---.        |   (o)  |
O  |        |        |
 O |        |        |
---'       '%,       |
             | \~/ |

        /        ___________________        \
      ,|________/  _______________  \________|,
       | .---. |  /               \  | .---. |
       | |   | | |                 |'%,|   | |
       | |   | | |                 | | |   | |
 ,---, | |   | | |                 | | |   | | ,---,
 `---'\| `---' | `-----------------' | `---' |/'---'
      ,'-------|  ___                |-------`,
      |        | /__,|              '%,       |
      |  (o)   | `---'               |   (o)  |
      |  (o)   |       .-----.       |   (o)  |
      |.------.|       |  O  |       |        |
      ||INDY 1||       | O O |       |        |
      |`------'|       `-----'      '%,       |
       | \~/ |                         | \~/ |
       |_____|                         |_____|

        /        ___________________        \
      ,|________/  _______________  \________|,
       | .---. |  /               \  | .---. |
       | |   | | |                 |'%,|   | |
       | |   | | |                 | | |   | |
 ,---, | |   | | |                 | | |   | | ,---,
 `---'\| `---' | `-----------------' | `---' |/'---'
      ,'-------|  ___                |-------`,
      |        | /__,|              '%,       |
      |  (o)   | `---'               |   (o)  |
      |  (o)   |       .-----.       |   (o)  |
      |.------.|       |  O  |       |        |
      ||INDY 1||       | O O |       |        |
      |`------'|       `-----'      '%,       |
       | \~/ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~\_____/~~~~~| \~/ |
       | \~/ |                ~        | \~/ |
       | \~/ |                         | \~/ |
       \_____/                         \_____/

        /        ___________________        \
      ,|________/  _______________  \________|,
       | .---. |  /               \  | .---. |
       | |   | | |                 |'%,|   | |
       | |   | | |                 | | |   | |
 ,---, | |   | | |                 | | |   | | ,---,
 `---'\| `---' | `-----------------' | `---' |/'---'
      ,'=======|  ___                |=======`,
      |(o)     | /__,|              '%,    (o)|
      |(o)     | `---'  _____        |     (o)|
      |.------.|       |  O  |       |       ||
      ||INDY 1||       | O O |       | (GB)  ||
      |`------'|       `-----'      '%,      ||
      \         ( )     | _ |                 /
       |\\~//|                         |\\~//|
       |_\_/_|                         |_\_/_|

Some 109" side views...

  .----------------------------------......._____       |
  |______________________________________________`_,    |
  |  .--------------..--------------.  |.----------,\   |
  |  |              ||              |  ||           \\  |
  |  |              ||              |  ||            \\ |
  |  |              ||              |  ||             \\|_
  |  `--------------''--------------'  ||              \\/ .---------.
  | .---.                        .---. |                `%,------------~-.
  | |(O)|                        |(O)| |  __             |               |
 (| `---'                        `---' | (- \            |               |)
 (|                                    |  ~~             |               |
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 =|______//       \\___________________|_________________|__//       \\__|_]
         |   .-.   |                                        |   .-.   |
         |   `-'   |                                        |   `-'   |
          \_     _/                                          \_     _/
            `---'                                              `---'

  |___________|___________|___________|____________|    o
  |-----------|-----------|----------.|....._____  |    |
  |___________|___________|___________|__________`_|    |
  |  .--------------..--------------.  |.----------,\   |
  |  |              ||              |  ||           \\  |
  |  |              ||              |  ||            \\ |
  |  |              ||              |  ||             \\|_
  |  `--------------''--------------'  ||              \\/ .---------.
  | .---.                        .---. |                `%,------------~-.
  | |(O)|                        |(O)| |  __             |               |
 (| `---'                        `---' | (- \            |               |)
 (|                                    |  ~~             |               |
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  |       __,---,__                    |                `%,  __,---,__   |_
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         |   .-.   |                                        |   .-.   |
         |   `-'   |                                        |   `-'   |
          \_     _/                                          \_     _/
            `---'                                              `---'

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 (| `---'                        `---' | (- \            |               |)
 (|                                    |  ~~             |               |
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 =|______//       \\___________________|_________________|__//       \\__|_]
         |   .-.   |                                        |   .-.   |
         |   `-'   |                                        |   `-'   |
          \_     _/                                          \_     _/
            `---'                                              `---'


Uncle Roger                         "There is pleasure pure in being mad                                that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California

Date: Sun, 11 Dec 1994 13:19:19 +0100
From: (Ludovico)
Subject: Ascii Rovers (late)
I'm a little late on this, here's my contribution...

       |--------------------------|            1984
      /____________________________\        Series III
     ||             ||             ||           88
     ||             ||             ||       Land Rover
     ||             ||             ||     Station Wagon
     ||______ ______||______ ______||
     |______ /    ______    \ ______|
    |   __  | ___|______|___ |  __   |
    |O /  \ ||___|______|___|| /  \ O|
    |O \__/ ||___|______|___|| \__/ O|
    |       ||___|______|___||       |
    |       | \__|______|__/ |       |
    |    |                      |    |

(Filled with admiration - I just filed this stuff :-)
L. Allison / 1994-1996