SVG with constraints

This is the homepage of the SVG with constraints (CSVG) project. The aim of this project is to demonstrate the use of the Scalable Vector Graphics format if one-way constraints were allowed as attribute values.

Choose a page to visit from the menu on the left to learn more about the project.

This project is the work of Cameron McCormack, Kim Marriott and Bernd Meyer.


9th September, 2004
Added link to SVG Open 2004 slides on references page.
2nd August, 2004
Added link to SVG Open 2004 paper on references page.
26th February, 2004
Type information page added. Third release of CSVG browser.
2nd November 2003
Templates page added. Second release of CSVG browser.
17th July 2003
CSVG web page created.

Last updated: 9th September, 2004
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