CSSE / Monash
Dr Andrew P. Paplinski
Dr Lennart Gustafsson

CSE2330 Introduction to Computational Neuroscience

Syllabus Details Assignments and reports due dates

Exam: Monday, 1st November 2004, 9 am, 2 hrs + 10 mins reading,
venue: 75-G55
Lytton's test and exam questions,
NEW: More sample exam questions
Tables of contents:

The unit covers selected topics from the above books.

Why learn Computational Neuroscience

A quote from Lytton's book gives a good answer:

"The genetic code was cracked in the mid-20th century. The neural code will be cracked in the mid-21st. Genetic science has given way to its applications in biotechnology and bioengineering. Neuroscience is still up-and-coming, the next big thing. Furthermore, as genetic manipulations and basic neuroscience add more raw facts to the broth, the need for meaning, structure, and theory becomes greater and greater. Enough information is coming together that the next generation of computational neuroscientists will make the leap into understanding. That means grant money, prizes, and fancy dinners! (If the movies are a guide, it also means evil robots, mind control, and dystopia, but let's not ruin the moment.)"


Please note that the attendance at practical classes is compulsory.
Demonstrate the results of your work to your tutor

24hwr/7dys access to MATLAB is available in the lab 19/G14a.
Apply for after hours access to these labs via the myFIT web site at the URL listed below:

  1. Prac1 -- Basic computational tools and concepts

  2. Prac2 -- Model of Limulus Vision
    Gray-scale apple

  3. Prac3 -- Learning and self-organization

  4. Prac4 -- Associative Memory Networks
    Scripts A : trnglDefB.m, pltSetB.m, Alzh.m
    Scripts B : AlzhGUI.m, AlzhGUI.fig, trnglDef.m, HopfConv.m, plotSet.m

    Note: Marked prac4 reports are available from the School office.

  5. Not compulsory. To be considered the next year

    Prac5 -- From Soap to Volts. Hodgkin-Huxley Simulator

Lecture Notes:

Andrew P. Paplinski, Lennart Gustafsson
18 October 2004